Implementation and Innovation Guide

Step 1

Care Partners: Bridging Families, Clinics, and Communities to Advance Late-Life Depression Care

This guide was developed to provide a framework for you to document both the implementation of Collaborative Care at your organizations and the innovative intervention developed through the sharing of Collaborative Care tasks between primary care and community partners (CBO, family, or both).

Over time, this guide will tell the story of your unique implementation of Collaborative Care and innovation in late-life depression care. Content within the guide may then be useful for several audiences to:

1)Aid in the development of your quarterly and annual progress reports for the Archstone Foundation

2)Serve as training manuals for new staff, and

3)Potentiallybe used by other organizations wishing to replicate your model of care in the future.

As you plan and perform each of the activities in the guide, please insert documents and provide narrative responses where indicated.

Table of Contents

Note: The sections in gray are available as separate documents that can be combined into one document later when the sections are complete.

  • Objectives
  • Action Items
  • Quarterly Progress Reports
  • Resources for New Staff
  • Replicating your model of care
  • Objectives
  • Action Items
  • Quarterly Progress Reports
  • Resources for New Staff
  • Replicating your model of care
  • Objectives
  • Action Items
  • Quarterly Progress Reports
  • Resources for New Staff
  • Replicating your model of care
  • Objectives
  • Action Items
  • Quarterly Progress Reports
  • Resources for New Staff
  • Replicating your model of care
  • Objectives
  • Action Items
  • Quarterly Progress Reports
  • Resources for New Staff
  • Replicating your model of care

A crucial first step in implementing Collaborative Care is understanding how it will fundamentally change your practice. It is a new way of doing medicine and requires an openness to creating a new vision.


□Develop an understanding of the Collaborative Care approach, including its history, guiding principles, and evidence base

□Develop strong advocacy for Collaborative Care within organizational leadership and among the clinical team

□Create a unified vision for Collaborative Care with respect to your overall mission and quality improvement efforts

□Assess the difference between your organization's current care model compared to a Collaborative Care model

□Develop a description of your innovation for sharing Collaborative Care tasks

Action Items

□Watch the Introduction to Collaborative Care module in the Learning Community Site (LCS) before the July 15th Workflow Development Orientation Webinar

□Add your completedvision statement here:

□Add your completed Current Practice Task Matrixand narrative describing your organizations’ current care model here:

□Add your completed Collaborative Care Task Matrix for Care Partners here:

□Insert a short description of your proposed Collaborative Care innovation involving family, a CBO, or both here. (This can be taken directly from your grant proposal, if you like):

Quarterly Progress Reports

For more information about Quarterly Progress Reports to the Archstone Foundation, click here. Below is the basic information Archstone Foundation requests for progress reports. Use the objectives and action items above, as well as the Pre-Launch checklist to gather information for your progress report.

For each objective, discuss accomplishments, any problems encountered, and their solutions

□Insert information here

*Please think about objectives, accomplishments, problems, and solutions unique to your CBO and/or family partnership. If yours is a CBO partnership, it would be helpful to haveinput from both the CBO and PCC in this section.

□Insert information here

Lessons Learned

□Insert information here


□Insert information here

Conclusions & Next Steps

□Insert information here

CMTS Caseload Statistics report

  • Please copy and paste your Caseload Statistics report into an Excel spreadsheet and submit the spreadsheet to the Archstone Foundation as part of your Quarterly Progress Reports. Instructions for copying and pasting will be available this fall.

Resources for New Staff

This section will be used to help bring new members of the Care Partners team up to speed on the goals and progress of your implementation and innovation. Include (copy and paste) information from previous sections, plus any other information you think a newly appointed staff member would find useful. It might be useful to turn these into Action Items for new staff members. For example, action items from Step 1 might be:

□Watch the Introduction to Collaborative Care module in the Learning Community Site (LCS)

□Read our Care Partners vision statement (copy and paste here)

□Review our Collaborative Care Task Matrix for Care Partners (copy and paste or add as an appendix)

□Read the description of our proposed Collaborative Care innovation (copy and paste)

Replicating your model of care

Include additional insights in the space below that you have gleaned along the way during this stage. Other organizations will find them useful if they try to replicate your implementation and innovation in the future.

Some suggested topics:

  • How was your partnership formed?
  • What sort of conversations did you have before the application was submitted?
  • How did the partners come together to develop a vision and who was involved in that discussion?