1. Chapter 1 (Inverse Trigonometric Functions) : Examples 3,4,5,6,7 and Exr. 2.2 & Mis Exr. With Mis. Examples.
  2. Chapter 2 (Continuity) : Q14 to 18 (page-160), 23 to 30(page-161)
  3. Chapter 3 (Derivatives) : Exr 5.2 Q1 to Q8, Exr 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.7 & Mis Exr. Chapter 5 (Excluding Q18-22)
  4. Chapter 4 (Applications of Derivatives) Exr 6.1 to 6.3, Exr. 6.5 Q13 to Q27, All solved Exps of Mis Exr.

i.e Exp. 42 to 50, Mis Exr. Ch6 Q8 to Q19. (page 242 & 243)

(From NCERT books)


Reading Section

  1. Reading Comprehension passages (five)
  2. Note Making practice exercises with text pasted in the exercise note book (five)

Writing Section

Practice work in Notices (5), Advertisements(10), Reports(5)

Literature Section

Revision work in all lessons taught

  1. All answer Questions fictions & peoms.
  2. Thematic Questions
  3. All character sketches.

Accountancy (XII)

Chapters 1 to 3 complete all illustration and Questions.


  1. Go through your NCERT books. Make as many as short questions from the chapters taught in the class. Also prepare yourself for the Quiz activity.
  2. You are the captain of your class. Your teacher has asked you to manage the sports event on the children day. Write down in your notebook how you will make arrangements for this, following the principles and functions of management. Also state the opportunities and contingencies you have faced during your management. What remedial actions you have taken to overcome these.
  3. Learn all the Q/Ans. From notes and prepare yourselves for 1st term


  1. Explain the relationship between micro and macro economics?
  2. Explain the concept of opportunity cost and MOC ?
  3. How is unemployment resources represented with the help of PP frontier use diagram?
  4. Distinguish b/w consumes equilibrium through utility approach and IC approach?
  5. Why IC is convex to origin and down ward sloping?
  6. Define market for a good?
  7. Distinguish b/w increase in demand and expansion of demand?
  8. Distinguish b/w normal good and inferior good?
  9. Explain the total expenditure method to measure elasticity of demand?
  10. Explain the 5 factors of affecting ED?
  11. Distinguish b/w stock & supply?
  12. Explain 5 causes of right ward shift in supply curve. Explain the law of supply diagram?
  13. Distinguish b/w decrese in supply & contraction of supply?
  14. If a Consumer has monotonic preferences can she indifferent b/w the bundles (10,8) ad (8,6)
  15. Suppose a consumer’s preferences are monotonic what can you say about his preferences ranking over the bundles (10,10), (10,9) and (9,9)
  16. The price elasticity of demand for a commodity is 2. A house hold demands 20 units of the commodity when its prices is rs 5 per unit. How many units of the commodity will be the household demand when its price falls to rs 4 per unit?
  17. On the basis of following schedule calculate

price per unit Rs.Total Expen.Rs.



18. Explain geometry method of measuring elasticity of demand?

20. Explain diagrammatically the effect of fall in price of complementary (related) goods on demand of the commodity?


  1. Complete My SQL
  2. Work on project
  3. Revise Java Programme