/ Name ______
Period ____
Score ______/______
  1. “Look after the ______and the ______will take care of itself.”

- Ray Kroc, McDonald’s Founder

  1. How many Americans are either overweight or obese?
  1. Since 1998, the number of obese people has
  1. Doubled
  2. Tripled
  3. Decreased
  1. Name the fattest state in America.
  1. Explain how Americans are paying for the “wallet and waste line.”
  1. ___ and 4 Americans visit a fast food restaurant daily.

30 Day Challenge: Morgan Spurlock will ONLY eat McDonald’s food for 30 consecutive days.

  1. Before embarking on his 30 day McDonald’s challenge, what does Morgan say the worst possible outcome for his health is?
  1. Morgan’s beginning statistics.:

_____ height _____ weight ______BMI _____% body fat

  1. The nutritionist recommended Morgan eat calories and grams of fat.
  1. More than _____% of Americans get NO exercise.
  1. How many steps does the average person walk a day?
  1. Day 1

Rule #1 –______

Rule #2 –______

Rule #3 –______

Rule #4 –______

  1. Americans eat ____ of their meals out.
  1. 20%
  2. 10%
  3. 40%
  1. Name 3 ways McDonald’s “lures or appeals to young children.”
  1. How many ounces is a sensible portion of meat?

What could you compare it to to see if it is the right portion size?

  1. How many servings of bread are in 1 bagel?
  1. Original French fry size = ______calories

Supersize fry =______calories

  1. How long did it take Morgan to eat his supersized McDonald’s?
  1. T or F. A toxic food environment almost guarantees we become sick.
  1. If current trends continue, how many children will develop type II diabetes?
  1. By Day 5, how many pounds did Morgan gain?
  1. Name two changes Morgan noted: On Day 7 and the other on Day 9.
  1. What was Morgan’s weight for his second weigh in?

How much weight has he gained?

  1. Out of the course of an entire month, how many meals are actually cooked vs. reheated at the middle school?
  1. The manufactures of “Natural ovens” considers what to be healthy food?
  1. Why is their resistant to remove vending machines and highly processed foods from schools?
  1. T or F. Most all people supersize their value meals?
  1. Name the fattest city in America.
  1. What is the solution to kids eating healthier?
  1. A calorie is the ______of energy content of ______.

One ______is the amount of ______needed to raise the temperature of a ______of water by ______degree.

  1. How many items on the McDonald’s menu DO NOT contain sugar?
  1. Morgan’s cholesterol went from ______to ______.
  1. What happens to Morgan’s mood when he starts to eat McDonalds?


  1. How often should people eat fast food according to one hundred nutritionist?
  1. T. or F. 30 million dollars a year is spent on diet and weight loss programs.
  1. What happened on day 21?
  1. Does Morgan stop eating McDonalds after day 21?
  1. What is Morgan’s final weight?

How much weight did he gain overall?

  1. Over the course of Morgan’s McDiet, how many pounds of sugar did he consume?

What is his final advice?

  1. Did you like the movie Supersize Me? Why or Why not?