Webberville Community Schools Board of Education

Board Work Session Meeting Minutes

July 19, 2017

This work session meeting of the Webberville Board of Education was held in the Webberville Spartan Center on Wednesday, July 19, 2017, at 6:05 PM.

Present: Jennifer Lycos, Heather Stiffler, Chris Hondzinski, Daneille Rhodes

Administration Present: Brian Friddle

Approval of Agenda

Ms. Stiffler moved, Mr. Hondzinski seconded a motion to approve the agenda of the Board of Education Work Session being held on today’s date, Wednesday, July 19, 2017, as presented. Motion passed 4-0.

Communications and Petitions


Finance Update

The board read through the various financial reports, including the list of payments, P card activity, status report, and the budget to actual report. There was no unusual activity in the month of June. The year end processing is not completed at this time but the business office is anticipating that the district will be at approximately a 5% fund balance at the close of the year. Auditors are scheduled to do their work beginning the week of August 7. The annual loan/repayment activity application will be on the board agenda tonight for action. This is paperwork done on an annual basis to ensure funds are available until the state aid arrives in the fall.

Buildings and Grounds

Updates for the bell tower siding and weathervane were discussed. There is about $14,000 in concrete projects around the elementary school that need to be addressed soon. Reconstruction of the wall at the elementary school is a high priority in order to keep kids off the roof of the building. The potential purchase of used ticket booths from MSU was discussed. The pricing of these units will be researched. The district has a desire to look for an alternative location to store fuel tanks. The district currently pays lot rent to store tanks off site and a new location could save the district money. The batting cages needed gears replaced; athletics will pay for the cost. Andy Smith secured funds from Champion Chevrolet. A new gator will be purchased for approximately $3,500 to replace the gator that broke down.


Two candidates for teaching positions will be presented at the special meeting tonight.


Homecoming falls on the same weekend as the ox roast. A welcome back picnic is being scheduled on Wednesday, August 16. The second reading of the board policies will be presented tonight. The board was reminded there will be a vacancy this year and is being asked to forward suggestions of person(s) interested in filling the position. The NHS will be sponsoring a summer blood drive on Thursday, July 20 and encourages everyone to spread the word. High school registration is Tuesday, August 8. August 9 and 14 are the meetings next month.

Comments from the Audience


Comments from the Board of Education


Ms. Rhodes moved, Mr. Hondzinski seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 6:58 PM