CES-PTA Minutes

Calmar Elementary School PTA Meeting Minutes
May 27, 2015 / CES Staff Room
Meeting called by / Amber Volk, PTA President
Attendees / Present: Amber Volk (President), Patti Goudreau (Vice President/Tasty Tuesday), Kelly Goldsworthy (Treasurer), Sandy McIntosh (Secretary), Jacqueline Garlough (Teacher Rep, Luc Lavigne (CES Principle), Dawn Bauer (4-6 Rep), Jacquie Simeniuk (Tasty Tuesday), Rachel Froese (K-3 Rep), Jacqueline Garlough (CES Teacher Rep) , Lorie Froma (Fundraising), Tracey Gordon (K-3 Rep),
Regrets: Heidi Tenk (Tasty Tuesday))

-  Meeting called to order: 3:35pm

-  Dawn moved to accept Minutes from previous meeting.

Second by Jacquie

Treasurer’s Report

-  Casino Account $42.53

-  Regular Account $4,670.37 – nothing outstanding. Good total to pass forward to next year’s PTA

President’s Report

-  Projector is here. Just waiting for it to be installed

-  Donation from the Legion was received. $200.00 plus a book on Flanders Field.

o  The $200.00 is to be added to the projector fund.

-  Fun Day, June 25, 2015.

o  Purchase ice-cream from Happy Chappy in Leduc

o  4 tubs of ice-cream with cups and spoons for $314.84

§  Passed.

Fundraiser’s Report

-  Bulb Fundraiser - $1,323.50 profit

o  No shortages. Great fundraiser to organize and execute. Lead time provided was picking weeks and does not include delivery time. Shipped with Canada Post. We will have to note this for next year to allow three weeks for order arrive.

-  June 1st, Show Case - $1.00 per ticket

o  Letters have gone out and donations coming in are fantastic.

o  Should have 10 prize draws instead of only 1.

o  Donations so far are; KFC, Dairy Queen, Nut man, Gift Certificates, Oiler jersey, etc…

o  A letter will go out to all who donated as well as it will go out in the bulletin on Wednesday

-  Casino – set for November 27, 2015

o  In Camrose, AB. Do not have times yet.

o  Put a save the date on the website and newsletter

Grade K-3 Rep Report

-  Field trip to Leduc and the Children’s Festival in St. Albert

Grade 4 – 6 Rep Report

-  Swimming Lesson dates are to be determined, but the lessons will be in Leduc for the 2015 – 16 School year.

Tasty Tuesday Report

-  Watermelon was this week.

-  June 9th will be cookie dough cookies to use up the dough in the freezer.

Old Business

-  Bottle stations – no more information to update

-  Luc will get numbers for next year

New Business

-  Kitchen – needs to have a stock of items that can stay in the kitchen.

-  Jacquie bought trays and will buy knives, oven mitts, griddle, etc. with left over money

-  Can we have a locked cupboard to store our items and mark the cupboard PTA. Would we be able to work with Birch Bay to fund the items and share the kitchen.

o  Patti may take on the organizing beginning in the fall.

o  Budget of $200.00 is proposed

§  Jacquie motioned, Kelly second

-  Trees – the fire department is to water the trees at the school.

o  Dead ones need to be pulled and replaced

Next Meeting:

-  September 15, 2015

-  3:30pm

Meeting adjourned

-  4:28pm

Executive for 2015 – 2016 school year

Vote for PTA board members and executive.

Board Position Nominated by Second by

President – Amber Volk

Kelly Patti

Vice-President – Patti Goudreau

Kelly Amber

Treasurer – Kelly Goldsworthy

Amber Dawn

Secretary – Sandra McIntosh

Amber Kelly

Fundraising Coordinator – Jacquie Simeniuk

Lori Kelly

Casino Coordinator – Dawn Bauer

Amber Kelly

K – 3 Reps – Tracey Gordon / Rachel Froese

Amber Kelly

4 – 6 Reps – Dawn Bauer / Sandy McIntosh

Amber Kelly

Tasty Tuesday Coordinator – Jacquie Simeniuk /

Pattie Goudreau / Rachel Froese

Amber Kelly

Dawn motioned to change fundraiser co-chair to single coordinator. Amber second.

Fundraising Ideas for 2015 – 16 School year.

1. Cut back on number of fundraisers in one school year

Fall: October 2015

-  Jingle All the Way (Dealman’s – the one we used last year)


La Montagne (same products as Dealman – comes presorted)

o  Amber motioned to try La Montagne.

o  Kelly second

Winter: early December 2015

-  Work with the town of Calmar to schedule the Enchanted Christmas with Santa

o  Make it a movie night in the gymnasium

-  Christmas concert

o  50 / 50 tickets

o  Best Seat in the House tickets

-  Patti motioned to discuss in the fall 2015

-  Amber second

Spring: March 2016

-  Vesey’s Bulbs

o  Get bigger catalog

o  Kelly motioned to accept

o  Amber second

End of Year: May / June 2016

-  Showcase for June

o  Can be voted on in the fall 2015

-  L’il Caesars (the one we used last year)


Mom’s Pantry (spices, food, dough, pizza, etc. Arrives pre-sorted)

o  Kelly motioned to try Mom’s Pantry

o  Amber second