AUGUST 13, 2010

QUESTION:“In Section D 5 the RFP discusses DBE subcontracting requirements as related to EPA grant funded projects. Do companies submitting bids as a Prime Contractor for this project have any requirements to set aside a portion of the total work to DBE firms? Will subcontracting with DBE firms be looked at as one of the proposal evaluation criteria?”

ANSWER: It is SIRB’s understanding that vendor’s must follow the Six Good Faith Efforts (Docket ID NO. EPA-HQ-OA-2002-001;FRL-8545-9) when utilizing subcontractors on grant funded projects. EPA does not specify if there is a requirement to set aside a portion of the total work to DBE firms but does state that, recipients of EPA financial assistance agreements are required to seek and encouraged to utilize small, minority and women-owned businesses under the financial assistance agreement. Subcontracting with DBE firms will not be used a proposal evaluation criteria.

QUESTION:“I am in receipt of the subject DNREC RFP and would like to inquire whether prior contracts associated with the requested services are available for review? If so, can the prior contracts be emailed to me or do they require a person viewing at your offices?”

ANSWER:Please submit a FOIA request to request to review any contracts. FOIA requests can be submitted electronically through the DNREC website.

QUESTION:“We have identified a few questions that we would like to have answered, but section IV.b.14.a of both proposals, RFP Question and Answer Process, does not indicate where to send/e-mail our questions. Nor does it appear that the RFP-cited State’s website contains the location to which send questions.”

ANSWER:Per Section IV.A. 4 RFP Designated Contact “All requests, questions or other communications about this RFP shall be made in writing to the State of Delaware, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Site Investigation and Restoration Branch.” Contact information, including the RFP designated contact information is provided within this section.

QUESTION:“Is the Claymont RFP (contract #NAT-10374 Env Consult) open to any and all bidders or is the case that only HSCA approved contractors can bid? Is there an incumbent consultant already working on the site?”

ANSWER:The advertised RFP for Environmental Consulting Contract #NAT-10374: Environmental Investigation and Remediation Services is for work on existing Hazardous Substance Release Sites and additional projects. A specific project or Site is not referenced on the RFP. Currently, DNREC-SIRB does not have an RFP out for advertisement regarding a specific site.

QUESTION:“Section I. Overview, 2nd Paragraph, Page 2, Question related to submitting labor rates, equipment rates, etc: Paragraph 2, 2nd sentence states “Once selected, the vendor will be asked to submit a list of prices which will become part of the contract and apply during the contract period.”In Section IV.Professional Services RFP Administrative Information, B. RFP Submissions, 5. Proposal Expiration date, Page 9, 1st sentence states” Prices quoted in the proposal shall remain fixed and binding on the bidder at least through September 30, 2015”. There are also subsequent statements in the RFP which refer to pricing. Based on the two quoted statements etc , are unit prices to be submitted by 1 September 2010 as part of Contract Proposal or at a later date once vendor is selected?”

ANSWER:Vendor prices are to be submitted as part of the contract negotiations once the vendor(s) are selected.

QUESTION:“Section IV, 6th Paragraph, 6. Contact with State Employees, Page 6 General Question: In relation to Contract RFP requirement in providing three (3) references, will bidder be allowed to contact Delaware State Employee to request that Delaware State Employee be a reference?”

ANSWER:DNREC is not comfortable with an employee of SIRB being used as a reference due to potential issues with not complying with the Public Integrity Commission guidance and providing a potential unfair advantage. Projects with DNREC-SIRB can be highlighted within the submitted proposal as examples.

QUESTION:“Section IV. Professional Services RFP Administrative Information, B. RFP Submissions, 12.Multi-Vendor Solutions (Joint Ventures), b. Sub-contracting, Page 12., General Question related to sub-contractors. Major Contractors must be listed by name in project-specific proposals as stated in last paragraph on page 12 and not in Contract Proposal due on 1 September 2010, correct?”

ANSWER:The listing of major contractors must be provided within the project specific proposals and do not have to be submitted within the proposal due September 1, 2010. A clarification will be posted on the DNREC website next week.

QUESTION:“Appendix A Forms, Page 49, General Question: Prime Contractor Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Compliance Statement is only required to be submitted with project specific RFPs as applicable, correct?”

ANSWER:A Prime Contractor Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Compliance Statement is only required on project specific RFPs that receive funding through a specific grant.

QUESTION:“Are these new contracts? If these are not new contracts, who are the incumbents? What level of funding has been authorized under the prior contracts or is anticipated under these contracts?”

ANSWER:Contract #NAT-10374 and Contract #NAT-10375 are the new contracts. Potential projects utilizing the vendors under the RFP are dependent on funding and the interest of the State of Delaware. A FOIA request must be submitted for any additional information on funding. FOIA requests can be completed through the DNREC website.

QUESTION:“The text suggests that there isan “outline” or “order” and “format” that our proposal must follow. However, there does not appear to be an outline/order/format that is clearly discussed in the proposal other than:

  1. Some guidance in the last paragraph of both RFP’s section IV.B.2, on pg 8 of both proposals, that requires a cover letter, followed by a Table of Contents, followed by completed copies of the appropriate forms at the end of the RFP, followed by “…a detailed description of how the vendor(s) will provide each of the services outlined in the RFP”. To which “services outlined in the RFP” are you referring? – The services in the Criteria Weight section table headings of both RFPs (section IV.C.2.a), or – the items listed in the RFP’s section II.A (II.A.a.-o in RFP 10375, and II.A. 1-5. In RFP 10374)?
  2. Some guidance in both RFPs’ section III.A., which lists 6 “Minimum Requirements” that include: 1) Our Delaware business license; 2) Professional liability insurance evidence; 3) HSCA certification (if available); 4) Vendor experience; 5) Subcontractor references; and 6) a Brief history of our organization. Could you clarify which outline/order/format we must follow in preparing our proposal?”

ANSWER:DNREC-SIRB does not provide a template for the vendor to submit proposals. However, the information provided within the RFP should provide guidelines for the vendor. The services referred to in Section III.A and Section IV.B.2 include the Scope of Services, Criteria Weight, Minimum Requirements and any other applicable portions of the RFP that details proposal submission requirements. The vendor must ensure that all portions of the RFP are properly addressed to highlight how their firm could meet the State of Delaware’s needs and professional capabilities.

QUESTION:“Section IV, Paragraph No.: C.2.a, Page Number: 17, Text of Passage being questions: In table, Demonstrate up to two projects….” and “Demonstrate up to two human health…” Question: Please clarify intent of wording, i.e., are you stating no more than two projects?”

ANSWER:Potential vendors may submit at a minimum of two projects within the proposal.

QUESTION:“Section: IV, Paragraph No.: B.10, Page Number: 10, Text of Passage being questioned: Entire paragraph entitled “Realistic Proposals” pertaining to cost. Questions: This paragraph(s) mentions Cost. Please clarify if cost/pricing is or is not required with submission of proposal. Other paragraphs in the RFP also mentions costs, however, a formal request for cost/pricing does not appear to be indicated in the RFP.”

ANSWER:Vendor prices are to be submitted as part of the contract negotiations once the vendor(s) are selected.

QUESTION:“General Question: Is there a particular order/format in which the State of Delaware requires submitted proposals to be organized?”

ANSWER: DNREC-SIRB does not provide a template for the vendor to submit proposals. However, the information provided within the RFP should provide guidelines for the vendor. The services referred to in Section III.A and Section IV.B.2 include the Scope of Services, Criteria Weight, Minimum Requirements and any other applicable portions of the RFP that details proposal submission requirements. The vendor must ensure that all portions of the RFP are properly addressed to highlight how their firm could meet the State of Delaware’s needs and professional capabilities.