World History
Ms. Avar
Point Value:
/5 / / Greek Philosopher:
Play by Play / KEY

Part I: Use Ms. Avar’s notes to complete the information below. If absent, visit the class webpage and/or make an appointment to see the sample binder.

638 BC–558 BC
  • Ended slavery based on debt to others & cancelled farmers’ debts.
  • Helped Athens avoid revolution or civil war.
  • Created four classes of citizenship based on wealth instead of hereditary.
  • BUT! Only citizens of the three higher classes able to hold public office. (poorest couldn’t)
  • not all citizens equal
  • Created council of 400
  • Any citizen can bring charges vs. wrongdoers.

  • “Founder of Democracy”
  • Balance power between the rich & poor
  • All citizens, rich or poor, could submit laws for debate & passage.
  • Created Council of 500
  • All citizens could participate, and were chosen randomly. Therefore, all citizens equal
  • (But! Even though all citizens had the opportunity to participate in government, only the rich could afford the time to do it! Poor couldn’t “quit their day job”)
  • Equal opportunity but unequal participation

495 – 429 BC
  • To get ALL levels of citizens involved (rich and poor), wanted to make public positions paid so poor could afford to participate, too!
  • Increased # of paid officials
  • Pay jurors
  • Athens becomes a direct democracy as a result
  • All can vote, not just representatives.

Part II: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle laid some of the strongest foundations for Western & democratic education. Use the information on p. 8 in your book to complete the information below about these men.

1) What are the two assumptions upon which the Greek thinkers based their philosophy?

1 –

2 –

2) The Greeks’ respect for human intelligence and the power of reason had allowed the ideas of democracy to flourish. In your opinion, why do you think that is?

470 BC – 399 BC
/ 3) What did Socrates encourage his students to examine?
4) What type of approach did he use with his students, and what was it called? /
428/427 BC – 348/347BC
/ 5) Who was Plato’s teacher?
6) What was Plato’s famous writing called?
7) What did Plato want for society?
8) Read the “Primary Source” box on p. 8. What does Plato believe needs to happen to bring peace and harmony to cities and to the human race? /
384 BC – 322 BC
/ 9) Who was Aristotle’s teacher?
10) What is Aristotle’s quote from Politics? /