Here's the scoop on MoGo7000:
- Each writer is challenged to write 7000 new words each month on a new or current BOOK project. Of course, you're encouraged to continue your blogs, devotions, and articles as well, but only those words written on your fiction or non-fiction book will count toward the 7000-word goal. The hope is that we'll each have at least a first draft of a new book completed in 12 months.
- The first Tuesday of each month, I'll ask those who met the previous month's goal to post your total word count for that month. Please don't email them to me--they must be posted as a comment on the blog in order to be counted in the drawing.
- The deadline for the word count is midnight on the last night of each month, even though I won’t be able to request the totals until the next Tuesday.
- In order for your word count to be entered, please don’t post your total until the week I ask for them on the blog. Your total must be posted within a week of the first blog post of the month, before the next week's entry is posted.
- You do NOT have to post that you didn't meet the goal, unless you just want to. We had many people who were unable to meet the monthly goal, but were still thrilled they had made headway on their project, whether they met the goal or not.
- Although rewriting is critical to good writing, the 7000 words of this challenge must be new words, not rewritten ones.
- Each month that you meet the 7000-word goal, you receive one entry into the end-of-the-year drawing for $100 cash. Meet the goal one month and you have one entry. Meet it every month and you'll have 12 entries!
- You can join the challenge any time during the year.
- There is no shame in not meeting the goal. You simply start over with a new goal each month!
- You can keep up with the total any way you want to, but I mark the end of each month within the manuscript so it's easy to know where each month starts and ends. When it's time to check the word count, just highlight what you wrote for the new month and let Word Count (usually under Tools in the toolbar of Word) take care of the math.
- It's a Win-Win situation for all of us!
I've had quite a few writers say it helps so much to have a monthly goal rather than a daily or weekly goal. Since I travel so much, I don't have any kind of regular writing schedule, but I can usually find the time to hunker down and peck out a bunch of words in a short amount of time.
So what are you waiting for? Get your BIC and start writing!
Thanks for joining us!