The Lone Star

CoDA Courier

December 2014 Volume 10 Issue 4

CoDA Texas Officers: Chair-Gary G., Vice Chair-Cindi S., Treasurer-Martina V., Secretary-Kellie I.

Texas Business

2014 Annual State Assembly—September 26-28, 2014

CoDA Houston hosted the annual State Assembly at the Baymont Inn in Houston area on September 26-28, 2014. The Assembly was well attended with 17 people attending the Business Meeting, 23 people attended all weekend with 18 attending just on Saturday. Tina P. and Denny H. gave a very interesting Delegate Report of their experiences at CSC which really opened our eyes about how things work at CSC. We are very proud of our delegates and the hard work they put in to represent CoDA Texas as we are equally proud of all the Officers who have dedicated their time to give service to CoDA. The new Texas State Officers are Gary G., Chair, Kellie I., Secretary, Linda B., Jr. Delegate, Denny H., 1st Alternate Delegate and Kellie I., 2nd Alternate Delegate.

CoDA Lone Star Courier

If you would like to contribute a recovery-related article or have any CoDA events you would like published, please email Marilyn at or call 281 782-8309. Also, if you would like to write a little something about your experience at Retreat, State Assembly or Campouts, feel free to email them to me.

Mark Your Calendar – District, State and International Business

CoDA Houston Birthday Party, Jan. 17, 2015 at The Parc (3043 Gessner) in Houston, Texas.

CoDA CSG Dallas Birthday Party, Feb. 28, 2015 (TBD) in Dallas, Texas.

CoDA Texas Spring Board Meeting, in March, 2015 (TBD), usually in Waco, Texas

CoDA Texas Spring Retreat, March 20-22, 2015 at Camp Lone Star in LaGrange, Texas. We are very excited this retreat to have a special international guest speaker, Salvador V. He is world renowned for sharing his Experience, Strength & Hope in the AA and Al Anon Community. (See Salvador V. on YouTube). For the first time ever, we are having a bi-lingual CoDA Retreat thanks to the DFW area Spanish groups. Let’s join the Spanish speaking CoDA community in welcoming Salvador to CoDA Texas! PASS THE WORD TO ANY OTHER SPANISH GROUPS. See Spanish and English flyers attached to this newsletter. We look forward to seeing everyone March 20!

CoDA Texas Website

The CoDA Texas website URL is E-mail to post information/events.

CoDA Texas E-Mail and Mailing Lists

Anyone who wants to be added to or opt out of the Texas e-mail list may write to . To correct or change an address for the postal mailings or opt out of the mailing, send an e-mail to or a letter to Dan W., 813 Rock Creek, Irving, TX 76039. Anyone who is interested in posting events should email the board at .

CoDA Texas Welcome

CoDA Texas welcomes two new meetings to the Houston Area; CoDA Support Group #TX521 meets at the Church of Christ in Lindale at 6202 Enid on Saturday at 2 P.M. and The Sunshine Group #TX522 meets at the Creative Life Spiritual Center on 5326 Spring Stuebner Rd. at 5 P.M. on Saturdays.

CoDA Texas Campouts

Campout Committee

If you like tent camping, please consider doing service work for CoDA Texas by joining the Campout Committee. The committee needs people who are willing to coordinate one campout as a healthy service work opportunity. If you are interested in organizing or attending a campout for next year, please

contact: Marilyn B., 281 782-8309, .

Scheduled Upcoming Events, Workshops, and Gatherings for CoDA Texas

Calendario de Eventos, Cursos, y CongreGaciones Para CoDA Texas

Month Event When Where Contact

Mes Evento Cuando Donde Contacto

Mar Campout March 6-8 Purtis Creek State Park Joe B. 903 677-3079

May Campout May 15-17 KOA/Onalaska Marilyn B.281 782-8309

June Campout June 12-14 Atlanta State Park TBD

Sept Campout Sept 18-20 Krause Springs TBD

Texas 7th Tradition Donations

According to the 12 Traditions, CoDA is self-supporting through its own contributions. Seventh Tradition donations help CoDA Texas send Delegates to CoDA Service Conference, provides seed money for the annual retreat, pays for the CoDA Texas web site, state PO Box, provides seed money for State Assembly, and pays for postage to mail these newsletters! Suggested donations above prudent reserves are 60% to the city community, 30% to CoDA Texas, and 10% to CoDA World. Send Texas donations to: CoDA Texas, P.O. Box 300511, Austin, TX 78703-0009. Please provide the meeting number with your donation.

THANK YOU to all CoDA Meetings and Individuals Gracias a todos las reunions CoDA y los

for the 7th Tradition contributions to CoDA Texas individuos por sus contribuciones de la 7ª tradución.

From the CoDA Texas Treasurer, Martina V. De la Tesorera CoDA, Martina V.

The Lone Star CoDA Courier (electronic & email) December, 2014 Page 1

TX074 – Tyler $12.50

TX454 – MH Professionals $24.00

TX207 – Richardson Group $100.00

TX051 – Kingwood Group $80.00

TX419 – Bryan Group $108.00

TX471 – Tyler (Closed) $10.00

Anonymous (Personal) $100.00

Anonymous (Personal) $50.00

CoDA Houston for St. Assembly $525.00

St. Assembly 7th Tradition $99.00

Total Contributions $1108.50

Since last Publication

The Lone Star CoDA Courier September 2013 Page 2

The Lone Star CoDA Courier September 2013 Page 2

Total 2013 Contributions as of 12/31/13 $1483.20

Total 2012 Contributions as of 11/20/12 $1229.95

Total 2011 Contributions as of 12/31/11 $1575.37

Total 2014 Contributions as of 12/10/14 $2363.50 J J J J



March 20-22, 2015


“Healthy and Loving Relationships”

Retreats are a time to get away from your normal life, relax, reflect, and work on your recovery while experiencing the fellowship of beautiful, loving, and accepting people in a relaxing environment. NEW! This retreat we have a special international guest speaker, Salvador V. He is world renowned for sharing his Experience, Strength & Hope in the AA and Al Anon Community. Let’s join the Spanish speaking CoDA community in welcoming him to Texas CoDA! PASS THE WORD TO ANY OTHER SPANISH GROUPS.

v Serene camp-like setting (scenic lake, canoes, gazebo, walking trails).

v Facilities reserved and limited to maximum of 60 people. To ensure space, please register early!

v Pillows, blankets, towels, and linens are provided.

v 4 to 6 people per room; each room has a private bath.

v Hot meals provided: 3 meals on Saturday and 2 meals on Sunday.

v NOTE: Ample food provided, however, any Special Dietary Needs will be the individual’s responsibility.

Refrigerated storage will be available in the camp’s kitchen for your use.

Registration and Cost:

Early Registration at “Discounted Price” (All Payments by Check or Money Order Only)


Additional donations will be used for Scholarships, please specify amount of donation on check.

Ø NOTE: A $70 non-refundable deposit will reserve a spot if postmarked by March 1, 2015.

with the $70 balance due at the Retreat. Early registration also gets you 2 free raffle tickets.

All Other Payments postmarked after March 1, 2015: $150 (Payments by Check or Money Order Only)

Cash or check accepted at the door – Please contact either Cindi S. or Yara R. for availability!

An information packet will be mailed or emailed to you after receipt of payment in full or deposit.

For more information: Cindi S. or para Espanol: Yara R. 214-493-6491 (via text or phone)


Make Check Payable To: “CoDA Texas” (Include this Registration Form - Please Print)

Mail To: CoDA Spring Retreat P. O. Box 300511 Austin, TX 78703-0009

____ $70 enclosed, plus $ ___.00 Additional for Scholarships

NAME: ______

ADDRESS: ______

CITY: ______STATE:______ZIP: ______

PHONE (H): ______Other Phone #: ______


2015 CoDA Retreat Schedule

“Healthy and Loving Relationships”


Friday night:

5:30 - 7:00 Registration, Name Tags, Picture Taking, All

---Raffle Auction Starts! Buy tickets!!

7:00 - 8:00 Welcome, Introduce Staff/Committee, Guidelines All

Get acquainted circle/Ice Breakers

Open with Prayer, Steps, Traditions & Promises

8:15 - ?? Create mailboxes, fellowship, karaoke (optional) & snacks All

8:15 – 9:15 Optional CoDA Meeting Need Facilitator

9:15 – 10:15 Optional CoDA Meeting Need Facilitator

Saturday: A.M

7:00 - 8:00 Nature walk Johnny R.

8:00 – 8:30 Breakfast in Dining Hall

8:30 – 9:00 Raffle


9:00 - 10:30 Workshop: Boundaries Tina P.

Workshop en Espanol: Boundaries Salvador V.

10:30 - 10:45 BREAK

10:45 - 12:00 Codependency and Your Body Ken S.

Workshop en Espanol: Breaking the Chains of CodependencySalvador V.

Saturday: P. M.

Noon - 1:00 Lunch & Free time (lunch served in Dining Hall 12:00-12:30 pm)

1:15 - 2:30 Workshop: GodBox Denny H.

Workshop en Espanol: Step 11 TBD

2:30 - 2:45 BREAK

2:45 – 4:15 Workshop: Forgiveness Johnny R.

Workshop en Espanol: Forgiveness Salvador V.

4:15 - 4:30 BREAK

4:30 – 5:00 Raffle

Retreat Schedule, Page 2

Saturday, continued

5:00 - 5:30 Free time

5:30 - 6:30 Dinner & free time (dinner served in Dining Hall 5:30-6:00 pm)

6:45 – 8:15 Speaker Meeting Salvador V.

8:15 Break

8:30 – 9:30 Option I: Camp Fire (roast marshmallows, music or sharing) Cara W.

Option II: Open Meeting Need Facilitator

Sunday: A.M.

7:30 Wake up Your Body! Grounding & Breathing Exercises (wear loose clothing) Ken S.

8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast (served in Dining Hall 8:00-8:30)

9:00 - 9:45 Letter Writing

9:45 BREAK

10:00 - 11:00 Affirmation Circle

Affirmation Circle (en Espanol)

11:00 - NOON Final Sharing Meeting

Sunday: P.M.

Noon - 1:00 Lunch & free time (lunch served in Dining Hall 12:00-12:30)

1:00 - 1:30 Closing Ceremony -- Candle Lighting Ceremony

1:30 - 2:00 Pack up/leave – don’t forget your Mailbox envelopes!!



20-22 de Marzo del 2015


“Relaciones Saludables Basadas en el Amor”

Este retiro nos contaremos con la presencia y participacion especial de Salvador V. que nos va compartir su experiencia, fortaleza y esperanza adquirida en el programa de Al Anon, les invitamos a unirse a la celebracion y demos la bienvenida a CoDA en Español. Por favor de compartir esta informacion con otro grupos de 12 pasos en español.

v Ambiente serento--estilo campamento (vista a un lago, canoas, gazebo y areas para caminar).

v El campamento tiene capacidad solo para maximo 60 personas

v Almohadas, cobijas, sabanas, y toallas son proporcionadas al llegar al Campamento Lone Star

v 4 a 6 personas por habitacion. Cada cuarto tiene su propio bano y regadera y camas individuales o literas.

v Comidas estilo cafeteria son servidas de esta manera: 3 comidas el sabado y el domingo 2.

v NOTA: Una amplia variedad de comida es servida, Sinembargo, si tiene necesidades especiales de Dieta o Alergias es su responsabilidad traer sus alimentos y hay un refrigadora disponible donde guardarnos.

Registro anticipado tiene Descuento Especial: (Pagos en Cheque O Money Order)

Ø $140 dolares o el deposito debera tener el sello postal con fecha de Marzo 1, del 2015.

Ø NOTA: $70 non-reembolsable Garantiza el reservar un lugar solo si el deposito es hecho y marcado con el sello postal con fecha de Marzo 1 del 2015.

El balance de $ 70 dolares debera ser cubierto antes del dia del Retiro El registrarse anticipadadamente le otorga 2 boletos gratis para la Riffa que se llleva a cabo el dia sabado durante el retiro.

Cualquier otro pago que se reciba despues de Marzo 1, 2015: sera $150 (Pagos por cheque o money order)

Efectivo o cheque se acepta en la puerta al momento del registro en el Campamento Lone Star – Por favor llame o envie un correo electronico avisando que asistira

Un paquete informativo le sera enviado despues de que se reciba su pago completo o su deposito

Para informacion Adicional Contacte Cindi S. (ingles) Yara R. (214)493-6491 (en espanol)


Escriba el cheque a nombre de : “CoDA Texas” (Incluya esta forma de registro – letra clara por favor)

Envie por correo a: CoDA Spring Retreat, P. O. Box 300511, Austin, TX 78703-0009

____ $70.00 deposito $ _____.00 Additional para becas.

Nombre: ______

Direccion: ______..______

Ciudad: ______Estado:______Codigo Postal: ______

Telefono(casa):______Cell ______E-mail______

Retiro CoDA 2015 Programa y Horarios

“Relaciones Sanas y Basadas en el Amor”

En este retiro contaremos un invitado especial SALVADOR V. el compartira su historia y nos hablara de su recuperacion y de la Fortaleza y esperanza que ha encontrad, los grupos de la comunidad Anglo asi como CoDA Texas le dan la bienvenida .Ven y participa de esta celebracion por la recuperacion: Decimo Aniversario del inicio de CoDA en español

Viernes por la tarde

5:30 - 7:00 Registro, Nombre Asignacion de habitaciones, fotografia, All

---Rifa ! Hay boletos de venta si los necesitan!!

7:00 - 8:00 Bienvenida, reglas del campamento / reglas de confidencialidad, All

Dinamica para conocerse y romper el hielo

Oracion de la serenidad lectura de pasos y tradiciones

8:15 - ?? Creacion de Buzones para cartas y notas,diversion, karaoke (opcional) All

8:15 – 9:15 Opcional CoDA Meeting Voluntario para conducir

9:15 – 10:15 Opcional CoDA Meeting Voluntario para conducir


Sabado: A.M

7:00 - 8:00 Caminata en la naturaleza Johnny R.

8:00 – 8:30 Desayuno en el comedor

8:30 – 9:00 Rifa


9:00 - 10:30 Workshop: Boundaries Tina P.

Taller en Español: Limite Salvador V.

10:30 - 10:45 Receso

10:45 - 12:00 Codependency and Your Body Ken S.

Taller en Español: Rompiendo las Cadenas de la Codependencia Salvador V.

Sabado: P. M.

12:00 - 1:00 Almuerzo y tiempo libre (almuerzo en el comedor de 12:00-12:30 pm)

1:15 - 2:30 Workshop: GodBox Denny H.

Taller en Español Paso 11 TBD

2:30 - 2:45 Receso

2:45 – 4:15 Workshop: Forgiveness Johnny R.