Rosa Parks Community School
Belfort #7
1)Take your child on a neighborhood walk. Look for the different type of light you and your child see in your neighborhood examples (traffic lights, moon, stars, street light, Christmas light, Candle, and Lights on the cars…)
Younger children, have them draw a picture of the lights they see, encourage them to dictate what they see. Write down what they say.
Older children 4-5
Have them draw a picture of the lights they see. Encourage them to phonetically (Sn for sun) label their drawing, beginner learners write the first sound (example S for sun)
More advance children can write the sound they hear in the word (sun) it could be (SN)
Belfort # 7
Rosa Parks Community School
12, 2016
1) Have your child cut out pictures of objects that starts with the letter (L)
2) Count 10 small objects that can fit in a small box with your child bring in the small objects to school.
Use materials such as wood, paper, plastic or carton box to create a three Dimensional light source with your child.
2)Bring in a small square to school
December 22nd, 2016
3Dimentional light Sources project:
As part of our investigation on light, I would like for you to work with your child during the holiday vacations to create a 3 dimensional light sources. It could be natural or artificial light sources examples: Natural (sun, star, rainbow, moon, and fire) Artificial are; (flashlight, candles, light bulb, traffic light, Christmas light, light house, lamp.
This project is due when the children come back from brake 1/3/2017
Homework 4 year olds
Use the rhyming picture puzzle, work with your child help him/her match the pictures that rhyme, and glue the puzzle on the construction paper provided.
Return on the assignment on January 3rd, 2017.
Diciembre 22, 2016
Proyecto de fuentes luminosas 3Dimencionales:
Como parte de nuestra investigación sobre la luz, me gustaría que trabajara con su hijo durante las vacaciones para crear fuentes de luz tridimensionales. Podría ser una fuente de luz natural o artificial. Ejemplos: Natural (sol, estrella, arco iris, luna y fuego). (Linterna, velas, bombilla, semáforo, luz de Navidad, casa ligera, lámpara.
Este proyecto se debe cuando los niños vuelven de forma de freno 1/3/2017
Tareas de 4 años
Utilice el rompecabezas de la rima, trabaje con su niño / a ayudándole a emparejar los cuadros que riman, y pegue el rompecabezas en el papel de construcción proporcionado.
Regreso a la misión el 3 de enero de 2017.
December 22nd, 2016
3Dimentional light Sources project:
As part of our investigation on light, I would like for you to work with your child during the holiday vacations to create a 3 dimensional light sources. It could be a natural or man-made light sources examples: natural (sun, star, rainbow, moon, and fire) Man-made are; (flashlight, candles, light bulb, traffic light, Christmas light, light house, lamp.
This project is due when the children come back from brake 1/3/2017
Homework for 3 year olds
1) Find pictures of objects that start with the letters in your child’s name. Have your child identify and name each letters in his name.
2) Find something blue and yellow glue on the provided construction paper.
Bring the assignment back to school on January 3rd, 2017
Diciembre 22, 2016
Proyecto de fuentes luminosas 3Dimencionales:
Como parte de nuestra investigación sobre la luz, me gustaría que trabajara con su hijo durante las vacaciones para crear fuentes de luz tridimensionales. Podría ser una fuente de luz natural o artificial. Ejemplos: natural (sol, estrella, arco iris, luna y fuego). (Linterna, velas, bombilla, semáforo, luz de Navidad, casa ligera, lámpara.
Este proyecto se debe cuando los niños vuelven de forma de freno 1/3/2017
Tareas para niños de 3 años
1) Encuentre imágenes de objetos que comiencen con las letras en el nombre de su hijo. Pídale a su niño que identifique y nombre cada letra en su nombre.
2) Encontrar algo de pegamento azul y amarillo en el papel de construcción proporcionado.
Traiga la asignación a la escuela el 3 de enero de 2017