OIO Service Oriented Infrastructure

NemHandel Referenceklient2.0.0 for .NET




2Overview of Lessons


3.1Sample Documents

4Lesson: Configuration


The purpose of this document is to demonstrate how to use the NemHandelReferenceclient. A high-level view of the main functionalities is given here.

More documentation is found

  • As comments in the code
  • As stand-alone test applications
  • As NUnit tests
  • By seeing them used as parts of other components

2Overview of Lessons

This tutorial shows where you can find the sample XML messages, and how to access and modify the client configuration.


3.1Sample Documents

There are several sample XML messages included in the installation. They are placed in the following folder:

“C:\Program Files\NemHandel\Resources\Documents\Examples”

The following files have been included:

You can try to send these documents from the client and see the response. When trying to send a message, a UDDI lookup is performed. Most of these documents include an EAN number that match an UDDI registration, and they will be routed to one of several test HTTP endpoints at running with the full RASP stack.


There exist two configuration files. The first file is RaspConfiguration.xml, and consist of configuration for the RASP library. The other file is ClientConfiguration.xml, and consist of configuration for the client.

This section briefly describes how to access the configuration files and change loaded library versions from live to test versions.

The location of the configuration files, is depending on the operation system version and language.

For English version for Windows XP, the file can be found here:

“<rootDrive>:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\NemHandel\Configuration\..”

For English version for Windows Vista and Windos 7, the file can be found here:


Note that you cannot change the settings while the application is running.


You can choose to use offline test stub versions of the LDAP, OCSP and UDDI libraries. This is suitable for testing in offline environments or to fix some parameters of the test.

You can set this in the factory configuration sections of the config.

To do use test stubs do the following:

  • LdapLookupFactoryConfig– change the implementation namespace class from “Oiosi.Rasp.Utilities.Ldap.LdapCertificateLookup” to“Oiosi.Rasp.Utilities.Ldap.LdapCertificateLookupTest”.
  • RevocationLookupFactoryConfig–change the implementation namespace class from “Oiosi.Rasp.Utilities.Ocsp.OcspLookup” to “Oiosi.Rasp.Utilities.Ocsp.OcspLookupTest”.

When you use the test stubs, you can configure the behaviour of each of them. You can do this in the following sections:

  • LdapSettings: Here you can configure a certificate that the LDAP client should always return.
  • OcspConfig: Here you can set the response that the OCSP client always will return in response to a question of certificate validity (true/false).
  • UddiConfig: Here you can statically configure an UDDI response, regardless of lookup parameters. Parameters include the endpoint address and certificate subject.