Calculator Loan Contract

2015 - 2016

Every student at Marvin Ridge High School must have daily access to a graphing calculator while enrolled in a mathematics course. Since a graphing calculator will be needed in math courses from 9th grade into college, students are strongly encouraged to purchase their own. The Math Department recommends a TI-84 Plus. If a student chooses not to purchase his own calculator, then he/she may borrow a calculator from MRHS. Before such a loan can be granted, the student and parent/guardian must agree to the terms of this agreement as described below.

A calculator is loaned to a Marvin Ridge High School math student under the following terms:

·  The student is enrolled in an MRHS math class for the semester in which the calculator is issued.

·  The original calculator issued must be returned in the same condition as it was issued. If it is lost, stolen, or damaged, the student must pay $120.00, the full replacement cost for the purchase of a new calculator. (If specific parts can be ordered, such as a battery cover, the student will be charged for the cost of the part plus any additional fees, not to exceed the cost of full replacement.)

·  The calculator will be issued with working batteries. The student is responsible for replacement batteries during the loan semester and for returning the calculator with working batteries.

·  The calculator is to be used for academic purposes. Programming (unless allowed by the current math teacher) and the downloading of unauthorized programs and any games will result in forfeiting the use of the calculator for the remainder of the semester.

·  If the student drops the course or withdraws from MRHS, the calculator must be returned at the time the course is dropped or the student withdraws.

·  Calculators will be needed for state and county testing and for final exams each semester. Calculators must be returned before these assessments but will be available for use during the assessments. The date for returning the calculator at the end of the semester will be given to the student by the current math teacher and on school wide announcements.


The signatures below indicate that both the student and parent/guardian understand, support, and will abide by the loan terms stated above.


Student Signature Parent Signature

For school use only:

Student name (printed) ______, Date issued ______

Current Math Course ______

Current Math Teacher ______