Present: Maria Millan (MM), Rachel Wright (RW), Sarah Venn (SV), Tamsyn Wood (TW), Vicky Winfield (VW).

Apologies sent by: Tracey Smith (TS), John Ronane (JR), Wayne Pedder (WP)

Previous minutes

Rejuvenation of front playground – MM agreed to speak to JR for an update on final quotes and estimated time for installation. JR


It was reported that the bank balance stood at £2470.73. This excludes Quiz night profits of £800 and spending for the Library annual fee (July), together with the classroom allowances. The resulting balance should be in excess of £2,500 prior to the May fair. It was therefore agreed that up to £2,000 could be contributed towards the playground equipment.

May Day (18 May 2013)

·  Final theme not yet decided but between English Tea Party and Mad Hatters Tea Party. VW and MM agreed to speak to JR and confirm theme and if fancy dress. VW MM JR

·  No competition or programs

·  Class stalls x 5 to operate on normal rota basis – details of stalls needed asap. VW

·  Stocks – assistant needed JR

·  Penalty shoot out – Mr Clark to be asked SV

·  Steam engine confirmed now able to give rides

·  Fire engine requested MM

·  Bouncy Castle – smaller bouncy castle to be investigated from Oakley (confirm cost) MM

·  Cake stall – Catherine K to be asked if she will run RW

·  Ice cream man to be arranged MM

·  Pig roast prices to be sourced (to replace BBQ) or it was agreed that hot dogs would be sold from pre-school building with Tea and cakes. Pig roast costs to be obtained by SV and MM and circulated SV MM

·  Tea, cakes and drinks – in pre-school building. To be run by VW and MM. MM to confirm with Helen and ask if pre-school want a stall.

·  Decision made to use borrowed gazebo’s rather than marque

·  Outside stalls to be contacted (cost £20 each):

o  Jewellery MM

o  Photographer MM

o  Osborne Books HH

o  Phoenix Cards MM

o  Face painting (Nexus) SV

o  Bath Bombs MM

·  Health and safety assessments – MM to ask Mr Reading MM

·  Other stalls to be considered by PTA when class stalls known : Bottle tombola, Splat the Rat, Door lock game, Book stall

·  Sheet for helpers to sign up for class stalls when decided RW

Any other business

TS had spoken to MM asking if she could resign her position as Treasurer due to other commitments. The committee accepted her resignation and would like to thank her for all her hard work over many years.

SV confirmed her willingness to take on the position of Treasurer.

TW confirmed her willingness to take over the position of Secretary from SV.

Both appointments were proposed by RW and accepted by VW and MM.

Date of next meeting

Tuesday 7 May 2013 7p.m. at Ickford School.