Chapter 10 Mitosis and Chapter 11.4 Meiosis Test review Name______

Vocabulary Terms:

Define each of the following terms.


Cell Division:

Cell Cycle:


Sister Chromatid:






Sex Cell:


Crossing Over:

Homologous Chromosome:

Cell Plate:



Fill in the blank

  1. As a cell becomes larger, its ______increases faster than its surface area. This places demands on the cells ______, and makes it difficult to take in adequate nutrients and expel wastes.
  2. Chromosomes become visible during ______and specifically in prophase.
  3. The cell cycle includes ______, ______, ______, and M phase.
  4. The cell cycle is the series of events that cells go through as they ______and ______.
  5. When cells come in contact with other cells they ______growing.
  6. Controls on cell growth and division can be turned _____ and ____.
  7. ______is a disorder in which some cells have lost their ability to control their growth rate.
  8. Cancer cells form masses of cells called ______.
  9. An organisms diploid number is 14, its haploid number is ______.
  10. ______(sex cells) have one allele for each gene.
  11. Gametes are produced by the process of ______.
  12. Chromosomes form tetrads during ______of meiosis.
  13. Unlike mitosis, meiosis results in the formation of ______(#) genetically different cells.
  14. A cell that has 5 chromosomes in the G1 phase will have _____ (#) chromatids in the G2 phase.
  15. The number of sister chromatids in a human body cell entering cell division is ______(#).

Short Answer

  1. Name factors that help to regulate the timing of the cell cycle?

17. During which two phase of mitosis are chromosomes visible?

  1. Draw and Label a chromosome with centromere and sister chromatids?
  1. Describe cytokinesis and explain the differences between plant and animal cytokinesis?
  1. Briefly describe G1, S, G2, and M phases of cell division?
  1. Explain the differences in the number of cells produced in meiosis for females vs. males?
  1. Explain why the daughter cells produced by meiosis are genetically different from each other, whereas cells produced by mitosis are not?

23. Explain why only mutations occurring in gametes (sex cells) can be passed on to offspring?

24. List two problems that growth causes for cells?

25 Describe what events occur during Interphase?

26. What are some factors that can stop cells from growing?.

27. Explain what homologous chromosomes are?

28. Contrast the cells produced by mitosis with those produced by meiosis?

29. What can happen when cancer cells are left untreated?

30. How can cancer be treated? Prevented?