Food and Nutritional Science Society, SS, HKUSU

Session 2014-2015

Minutes of the 10th Annual General Meeting

Date: 12 November 2015

Time: 19:00- 22:56

Venue: CYM101, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre

Chairman: Miss Chou Hau Yan

Honorary Secretary: Mr. Li Kam Ue

Returning Officer: Mr. Lee Kam Tin

The quorum was formed with the following Members:

Arcenal Eric Nico Pi / Kam Wai Lun / Ling Yuen Yee
Balay Mae Anne / Kwong Tsz Ching / Ng Shuk Yee
Chan Chi Him Jeffery / Lam Chun Chung / Pang Pak Shing Brian
Chan Hoi Tung / Lam Pak Him / Poon sing Yeung Julian
Chan Ming Yeung / Lam Pui Yee Esther / Shin Wai Ki
Chan Pui Tung / Lam Sai Ho / Siu Tsz Pan
Chan Si Lok / Lau Kin Tak / Siu Wing Ue
Chan Yui Ting Evelyn / Lee Ho Yu / Tong Oi Yan
Cheng Kai Man / Lee Lai Fong / Wong Hiu Yee
Cheung Hiu Ying / Lee Sze Wing / Wong Man Ki
Chow Hau Yan / Leung Man Ni / Wong Tak Hin
Chu Ka Hei / Leung Nga Ting / Wu Ching Yu
Ho An Lam / Leung On Ki / Yeung Ho Yi Jasmine
Ho Man Fung Felix / Li Kam Ue / Yuen Chi Lok


The Agenda of the Annual General Meeting is as follow:

I. To appoint the Honorary Secretary;

II. To receive and adopt the agenda;

III. To receive and adopt the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and minutes of all Extraordinary General Meetings which may have occurred since the previous Annual General Meeting;

IV. To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the present Session of the Executive Committee;

V. To receive and adopt the audited Financial Report of the present Session;

VI. To receive the results of Annual Election of the Executive Committee of the succeeding Session;

VII. To receive and adopt the Annual Plan of the succeeding Session;

VIII. To receive and adopt the Annual Society Budget of the succeeding Session;

IX. To appoint the Honorary Auditor of the succeeding Session;

X. Any other business.

Agendum I: To appoint the Honorary Secretary

Motion 1
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To appoint Mr. Li Kam Ue (UID: 3035274143) as the Honorary Secretary
Chan Yui Ting Evelyn
Chan Si Lok
Motion carried.

Agendum II: To receive and adopt the agenda

Motion 2 Proposer:
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To receive and adopt the agenda
Chan Si Lok
Wong Man Ki
Motion carried.

Agendum III: To receive and adopt the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and minutes of all Extraordinary General Meetings which may have occurred since the previous Annual General Meeting

Motion 3
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To receive and adopt the minutes of the 9th Annual General Meeting
Chan Si Lok
Wong Man Ki
Motion carried.

Agendum IV: To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the present Session of the Executive Committee

Motion 4
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To vacate Miss Chow Hau Yan (UID: 3035177292) from holding the meeting and appoint Mr. Ho Man Fung Felix as the Acting Chairman
Chan Si Lok
Wong Man Ki
Motion carried.
Motion 5
Time received:
Time resolved:
Resolution: / To grant the speaking right to the floor
Chan Chi Him Jeffery
Lee Ho Yu Hody
Motion carried.
Question / Mr. Leung (2012 Graduate) asked the Executive Committee to comment on Information Day.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan (BSc II) said it is related to the society as the Society is the representative of Food and Nutritional Science and the visitors are probably interested in Food and Nutritional Science. The booth can help the University to promote and introduce the major which correspond with one of the aims in the Society’s constitution so the Executive Committee think they should help in Information Day. She admitted the preparation schedule maybe a bit tight, but the Executive Committee will try to balance their time to help.
Follow-up question / Mr. Leung asked what have the Executive Committee contributed to the Information Day.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan said the Executive Committee helped in 2 laboratory demonstrations and booth. She said the Executive Committee also prepared the leaflet, including proofreading, teaching the succeeding cabinet to design and designing posters.
Follow-up question / Mr. Leung asked if the Executive Committee to comment on the preparation work for the Information Day.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan apologized for the insufficient preparation work and the Executive Committee did not participate much. Also she admitted that the Executive Committee did not identify the problem of the posters prepared before the Information Day, and therefore bothered Dr. Jetty Li and others to help prepare.
Comment / Mr. Leung said the Executive Committee need to apologize to the Dr. Jetty Li and other helpers. Also, he said the Information Day is a good chance to relate Food and Nutritional Science to daily life, but the Executive Committee wasted the chance.
Question / Mr. Leung asked for the explanation for the Executive Committee missing in the pre-laboratory session and the miscommunication with the school.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan said the Executive Committee tried to use the modified recipe to make pizza at home, so they did not ask for the second pre-laboratory session. She also apologized for not replying to email and message quickly.
Comment / Mr. Leung think that the chairperson should not reply message with long delay. The communication difficulty of the chairperson made other student helpers worried about the preparation process and they have spent much time in the preparation process. He also recommends the succeeding to assign a person in charge to communicate with the School when the chairperson is too busy. He also said that the Society should make the Information day become more attractive for promoting Food and Nutritional Science. The Executive Committee should make up for the error made and maintain the relationship with the School.
Question / Miss Siu Wing Ue (BSc III) asked the Executive Committee to introduce the main difference between the annual plan and the report.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan said the name of Easter Party is changed to Joint-Society Party. Also some details of the event are changed. Date of Firm Visit changed from June to October and the firm chose is changed. Dessert Making Class changed from cupcake to macaroon. The name of Annual Dinner changed to Anniversary Dinner. The venue of the Anniversary Dinner was changed. The campsite of the O-Camp is changed. Mentorship Program changed from 5 mentors to 10 mentors. The number of speakers in Career Talk adjusted from 3 to 6.
Follow-up question / Miss Siu Wing Ue asked the Executive Committee to explain difference of participants in different events.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan said the Joint-Society Party was expected to have 80 participants but only 30 participants to join the party. Class Photo Taking was expected to have 71 participants but in fact only 51 participants was involved in the event.
Comment / Miss Siu Wing Ue said she understood the difference between the Annual Plan and Financial Report.
Question / Miss Siu Wing Ue asked what action the Executive Committee would take to resolve the relationship with the School.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan said the Executive Committee had apologized personally and sent an apologize letter to Dr. Jetty Li. Also, the Executive Committee has promised to make new posters to promote Food and Nutritional Science with the succeeding cabinet. The Executive Committee will send an e-mail to Dr. Jetty li to explain how the succeeding cabinet would have a better preparation for the next Information Day.
Follow-up question / Miss Siu Wing Ue asked what the reaction of Dr. Jetty Li is toward the apology
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan said Dr. Jetty Li accepted the apology and expressed her disappointment to the Executive Committee. But Dr. Jetty Li wished the succeeding cabinet will do a better job in the upcoming year.
question / Miss Siu Wing Ue asked if the two measures are enough to fix the relationship with the School and what would the Executive Committee do after their session.
Answer / Miss Chou Hau Yan said the Executive Committee will be the student helpers in next year’s Information Day voluntarily. Also, the Executive Committee will teach the succeeding cabinet about the arrangement of the Information Day
Comment / Miss Siu Wing Ue said she hope the Executive Committee would understand the seriousness of the incident, and they should try to think of other ways to fix the relationship as the Society is a official representative of Food and Nutritional Science in HKU.
Miss Lam Pui Yee Esther (BSc IV) said she is surprised that the Executive Committee would bothered a teaching staff. She wished the succeeding cabinet will maintain a good relationship with the School as the University is taking info day more seriously than before. The University will try to communicate with the Society in many different ways. She wished the succeeding cabinet will show that they value the major and the students.
Question / Mr. Kam Wai Lun (BSc III) asked about the relationship within the Executive Committee.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan said the Executive Committee had monthly birthday party and they had dinner together after every events. Also, they would spend time to evaluate the event in a nice manner after the end of every event. She added that the Executive committee had gathering every 2 to 3 months.
Follow-up question / Mr. Kam Wai Lun asked the Executive Committee about the balance of workload and the relationship within the Executive Committee.
Answer / Miss Chan Si Lok (BSc II) said the Executive Committee had hosted several gatherings and birthday parties. Also, the Executive Committee solved disagreement in a friendly and respective way every time. In balancing workload, PIC and VPIC would distributed the work to the Executive Committee. Also, the Executive Committee had shared the publication work for Publication and Publicity Secretary.
Miss Wong Man Ki (BSc II) said work balance is handled well within the Executive Committee. Also, the Executive Committee actively assisted others to relive their heavy workload.
Mr. Lam Pak Him (BSc II) said PIC and VPIC did well in distributing the work and the relationship within the Executive Committee is peaceful. And he had learnt time management and work distribution from it.
Follow-up question / Mr. Kam Wai Lun asked about the biggest disagreement in the whole session.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan said the Executive Committee had strong disagreement about work distribution in O-Camp preparation. As everyone wanted to have more time to prepare, but PIC and VPIC may had concerns about the rundown of the event.
Follow-up question / Mr. Kam Wai Lun asked how the Executive Committee solved the disagreement.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan said the Executive Committee tried to fix the problem by making a concession. Also, the Internal Vice-Chairperson had tried to think of a way to solve the disagreement.
Comment / Mr. Kam Wai Lun said it is good to know that the Executive Committee can solve the problem peacefully as a team. And it is also happy to hear that they have detailed work distribution. He wished the friendship within the Executive Committee can be everlasting.
Question / Miss Leung On Ki (BSc III) asked the External Vice-Chairperson to comment on the relationship between the Society and other societies.
Answer / Miss Wong Man Ki said the Society had maintained a good relationship with other societies by having meeting with other societies. The Society had lent things to other societies. The Society had hosted a Joint-Society Party and had participated in different sports event held by other societies.
Follow-up question / Miss Leung On Ki asked if the society had disagreement with other societies, and how to solve the disagreement.
Answer / Miss Wong Man Ki said the Society had strong disagreement with other societies about the location of the booth in Registration Day and the date of Orientation Series. The Executive Committee had hosted some meetings with other societies to discuss and solve the disagreement.
Comment / Miss Leung On Ki said it is happy to know that the Society can keep a good relationship with other societies. She also said that it is hard to have agreement with other societies about the Orientation Series. She hoped the succeeding cabinet will try to communicate more with other societies and make the best decision for the Society.
Question / Miss Wong Hiu Yee (BSc III) asked the Executive Committee to evaluate the social platform management.
Answer / Miss Chow Hau Yan said the Executive Committee had keep tracking on number of people who liked the posts on the Facebook Page, and the Executive Committee had used the Facebook Page to publicize the events and news related to Food and Nutritional Science and news about the School. The Society website is managed by Publication and Publicity Secretary. The Executive Committee had uploaded the financial budget and annual plan on the society website.
Follow-up question / Miss Wong Hiu Yee asked how the Executive Committee managed the Facebook Page.
Answer / Miss Leung Nga Ting (BSc II) said they have a roster for each person in the Executive Committee to manage the Facebook Page. She mainly responsible for the design work and PIC and VPIC may responsible for the introductory work.