Peaceful Lakes POA


June 16, 2009
7:00 pm
Common Area Gazebo
Meeting called by / Les Shanahan, Melissa Reynolds
Type of meeting / Emergency
Facilitator / Melissa Reynolds
Note taker / Peggy Lee Devine
Attendees / Richard, MaryAnn Dugan, Bob, Karen Leffel, Les, Sue Shanahan, Charles, Jean Hurst, Alma, Ray Verik, Don Steadman, Tom, Milli Waller, Melissa Reynolds, Rick Bowmaster, Greg Jones, Kathy, Charles Stellingwerf, Dennis, Sue Telfer, Lance, Pam Williams, Carol Lee, Peggy Lee Devine, Ed, Sheryl Steward, Ed, Catherine Kehrig, Dave Carlin

Agenda topics

Agenda Topic
Incorporation of Peaceful Ponds II
Les Shanahan
Discussion / Covenants state “when 75% of the lots have been conveyed” that a board of directors shall be elected consisting of one member per association and that such board will manage the Common Properties in concert. This action has been long overdue and will be addressed immediately. All associations have incorporated with the exception of Peaceful Ponds II, which consists of Ponds II, Peaceful Pines and Peaceful Acres. Les Shanahan informed all that he has duly submitted necessary paperwork with the State Corporation Commission (SCC) and expects to be legally incorporated within the month. So, in light of both the management position previously taken on by Ed Kehrig and the president of Peaceful Lakes previously held by Carol Lee being suddenly vacated; for the benefit of our associations and our Common Properties an election should be made immediately. No objections were made and the members present proceeded with such election.
Conclusions / Board member Peaceful Lakes: Melissa Reynolds
Board member Peaceful Meadows: Greg Jones
Board member Peaceful Meadows II: Dennis Telfer
Board member Peaceful Ponds I: Lance Williams
Board member Peaceful Ponds II (Acres, Pines): Les Shanahan
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
agenda topic
vacated position: president, peaceful lakes
Melissa reynolds
Discussion / On June 1, Carol Lee sent out a letter informing local members that the president, vice president and secretary/treasurer positions within Peaceful Lakes would be vacated. In lieu of such changes it was agreed that an emergency election should be made. Proxy ballots were mailed out by Melissa Reynolds and the election was held.
Conclusions / Results:
President: Melissa Reynolds
Vice President: Don Steadman
Secretary/Treasurer: Melissa Reynolds
All banking issues will be signed by Melissa Reynolds and Don Steadman. Purchases outside of general monthly bills must be voted and agreed upon by board members.
All POA members will have full access to records at all times, with reasonable notice provided.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Agenda topic
ongoing pool problems (solutions)
Melissa reynolds
Discussion / There have been problems with the pool for some time and they don’t seem to be addressed by the present pool company. It costs us $45.00 each time they come to restart the pump but they haven’t pinpointed or fixed the problem. Melissa called Jay Wilson (formerly Poolside Pool company) for a second opinion. He disagreed with most everything that Sandra (Bilinski) of Harbor Pools had told her. Jay offered to help us out by taking on the responsibility once again but with hesitation. Melissa also called Prism Pools of Onancock for another opinion and to possibly contract for services. They came on Monday (yesterday) and also disagreed with Harbor Pool’s “diagnosis” of an air leak somewhere that is causing the pump to lose prime. Harbor said that because of such leak the pump should have shut itself down but didn’t and is now malfunctioning. She said that we paid her (through Carol Lee) $1,000.00 for the Hayward pump two years ago. She had asked for the paperwork from Carol Lee. Carol said that she bought the pump through Harbor Pools and that they had the paperwork and warranty. The warranty was expired (it was for one year only) After several futile phone calls and unreturned messages Melissa told Harbor Pools that their services would no longer be needed. A final bill will be mailed.
Conclusions / Prism Pools informed that we need a new pump; that the sand needs to be changed – it hasn’t been changed in four years - (13 bags @ $11.00 a bag with $70.00 labor); and that we must comply with VA law which states that covers need to be installed over the main drains to avoid catastrophe and for liability issues.
We will contract them for twice a week @ $150.00 per visit. Chemicals will be billed separately. Once we have some organization we will purchase the chemicals ourselves, alleviating paying the generally high (standard) markup.
A timer will be installed on the new pump to shut it down in the evenings.
*Note: after this meeting and before these minutes were compiled: Prism informed Melissa that they preferred a Pentair 2 hp pump and they priced it at $745.00. Melissa found it online for $395.00 with no shipping and handling and ordered it.
The pump has been installed, the sand changed in filter, covers have been installed over main drains. Pool is functioning well. Prism scheduled us for Tuesdays and Fridays.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
agenda topic
miscellaneous information/ideas
group discussion
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Jamie Ward will continue to mow and trim grass and surrounding areas of Common Area / Jamie Ward/Melissa / Ongoing
Kit Leffel will continue daily maintenance items: cleaning bathrooms, emptying skimmer baskets, changing foot bath water, sweeping pool area of debris. Compensation will continue at $7.00 per hour. / Kit Leffel/Melissa / Ongoing
No board members or officers will receive compensation for work/time any longer. Any work or time will be on a volunteer basis from this point forward. / Melissa Reynolds / Immediate
An email for correspondence has been set up as:

It will be checked daily. / Melissa Reynolds / Immediate
A website will be created for easier correspondence considering many property owners live out of town or state. Hopefully, a student at the college can put one together for us at a reasonable cost. A letter will be sent out informing all POA members of such website with an option to continue receiving notices or proxy ballots via USPS mail for people that have no computer access. With postage going up constantly, this should drastically reduce our administrative costs. / Melissa Reynolds / ?
A company must be obtained to conduct a Reserve Study on the property. VA law states that this study must be done every 5 years. As far as we know, it has never been done. Hopefully, we can find a company in Virginia to obtain this. / Les Shanahan/Melissa Reynolds / 3 months
Mention was made of a speed limit sign in our neighborhood. A call was made to VDOT but to no avail. There was no resolve made at the meeting. If anyone would like to follow through with this, please do so. / Tabled
We have two Master Gardeners to give us ideas as to plantings around the Common Area that require very little water or care. It surely needs sprucing up! / Sue Telfer/Carol Bee
Board Members / LAKES - MELISSA REYNOLDS 757-442-2692
PONDS II - LES SHANAHAN 757-414-0525
MEADOWS I – GREG JONES 757-442-4644
Special notes / BOARD MEMBERS (and anyone else that would like to attend): Next meeting July 7, 2009
Location TBD


We still have SEVERAL lot owners that have not paid their 2009 dues, and a couple that haven’t paid 2008 or 2009! Notices have been sent.

PLEASE remit asap to avoid further action.