LRHS Physical Project Proposal

(To be filled out by the student, not the mentor)


Student: ______

Date: ______Student’s e-mail (required): ______

Detailed description of physical project: This description should be at least 150 words and include a topic sentence that states your project and mentor. Make sure to tell major tasks, what your project will accomplish, and how you will provide evidence of completion.

Estimated Dates and Costs of Project:

  • Summer? Yes/No
  • Estimated start date: ______
  • Estimated date of completion: ______* by the end of first semester, senior year!
  • Estimated hours to complete: ______

Itemization of cost:

Part / productestimated cost

  • Estimated overall cost: ______

Challenge: Be specific about how this project will pose a challenge for you. How will the project challenge you and your current abilities? (minimum 75 words)

Career Learning Areas (Check one):

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources / Arts, Information, and Communications
Business and Management / Health Sciences
Human Resources / Industrial and Engineering Systems

World of Work/Service: Write a statement that describes how your project focuses on a possible career/job option or community service opportunity. (75 words minimum)

LRHS Task Analysis

The student must complete this form with the potential mentor giving input.

1. Goal Setting: List two to four goals the student should plan to achieve while completing this project.

The goals include both project skills and personal life skills the student will develop. You should write these goals like learning targets.

Sentence Frames: By completing this project, I will be able to…

During this project, I will learn…

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

2. Briefly list what you already know about the project. (75 words maximum)

3. Which tasks related to the project have you already finished?

4. Project tasks and timeline: This is a list of all tasks you should complete in order to finish the project. This includes all the steps involved, the time needed for each task, and approximate due dates the mentor would like you to follow. THIS IS YOUR BEST ESTIMATE OF TASKS, TIMES, AND DATES. (Attach additional sheets if needed.)

Task / Approximate time to complete / Date to be completed
Example: Sand car / 4 hours / 1/15

5. Literature review: This is a list of the titles and authors of books, articles, videos, manuals and/or pamphlets which may be useful as resources for the project. (They might also be used for the research paper.)

6. Other resources: This is a list of the names and phone numbers of people other than the mentor who the student could talk to for guidance and/or instruction regarding the project.

Mentor Information: (Please have your mentor provide the following.) PLEASE PRINT

Mentor’s Name / Field of Expertise
Contact Address / Contact Phone #
City-State-Zip / Best time to call

Student: How long have you known your mentor? ______In what capacity?


  • List briefly the background/experience/career of your mentor that will enable him/her to help youwith your project:

Mentor Interview

Interview Guidelines:

  • Students will ask questions and write answers.
  • The interview may be conducted via phone but not email.
  • Students must attain multiple sentence responses from their mentors.
  • On the final typed draft, the answers should be written in complete sentences like this: She indicated that she became a nurse because she likes to help people and make a difference in their lives.

Why did you decide to go into this field of study/work?
What education/training were you required to have before your first job and during your career in this field?
Where did you go to receive your education and/or training?
What are 5+ activities/responsibilities you do on a regular basis in your job?
What in your job is the most enjoyable? What is the least enjoyable? Why?
How do you see your job being affected by technology?
Does this job have perks/benefits, such as health insurance, travel allowance, car allowance, etc? If so, what? If not, what would you like to see for benefits?
What do you see as the projected outlook in the near future?
Student: Write your own question in the space below:


I have worked with my student on this task analysis for his/her extended application project in order that the project will run smoothly and the senior will understand how to successfully complete the project. I know that this project will take at least 25 hours to complete and be an appropriate challenge for the student.I have completed this interview with my student and the information givenabove has been accurately noted. As mentor, I agree that the student can complete the project as described in his/her Physical Project Proposal. I have read the list of mentor duties and qualifications and I agree that I meet the qualifications and will perform those duties. I will only advise and aid the student in completing the project; I will not complete the project for the student. I will accurately assess the student’s completion of the project when filling out and signing the Time Logs, Income/Expense forms, and Final Evaluation forms.

Mentor Signature / Date


As Parent/Guardian, Iunderstand and support my student's choice of anextended application project as described in his/her Physical Project Proposal. I fully understand that any and allcosts, liability, contractual requirements, permits, licenses and or insurance requirements that may be incurredduring my student's completion of the project are entirely my responsibility.I am aware that KlamathCountySchool Districtwill not beproviding insurance coverage for me or my student, relative to this project, including but not limited to any public liability or worker's compensationinsurance coverage.

Parent/Guardian Signature / Date


As a senior, I agree to complete all of the work on my extended application project as described/assigned. I have worked through this task analysis form with my mentor, providing input when appropriate, and agreeing to all that my mentor has recommended/suggested. I will do so in a respectful manner that brings pride to Lost River High School by following the rules and behavioral expectations of the school. I realize that if I do not, my physical project will receive an automatic failing grade, which will prevent me from passing the extended application and can impact my graduation from Lost River.

Student Signature / Date

Extended Application Approval Committee:

ApprovedIn ProgressNot Approved

Reasons for above conclusion:

Project is not clearly career or service related.

Mentor does not meet qualifications.

Project will not take at least 25 hours.

If the project is associated with a classroom project, it must be at a higher level of difficulty than required by the teacher for that class.

Project must be challenging for that student and stretch the student beyond

his/her comfort level.

Project is not appropriate for an extended application project.

Specific project not given.

Detailed description (size, materials, etc.) not given/complete.

Steps in completing project not given/complete.

Final Product/Physical demonstration/closure needed to show task completion.

Challenge factor explanation (including previous experience) not given/complete.

No mentor/parent/student signature given.

Not typed.

Goals incomplete or not acceptable.

Required Changes:

Suggestions for Improvement/Comments:

Proposal Committee Representative’s Signature / Date

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