«PhotoOptic - filters» Ltd

3rd floor, 6B Aksenov St., Obninsk, Kaluga region, 249039, Russia
phone: +7(08439) 9-73-26; fax: (08439) 5-64-80

Dear Sirs!

Optical filter is a sophisticated article. Please answer the column II questions from the table below to speed up your order execution. The sample answers are provided in the column III. We are waiting for the most detailed answer you are able to give.

№ /

Physical parameter

/ Actual value (the sample answer)
I / II / III
1 / Please indicate the limits 1 2 of Ω spectral interval to control the filter transmission Т().
In other words, you are not interested in Т() value in the regions of 1 and 2 .
Instead of Ω spectral interval you may give us the types of your lighting source and photo detector, the filter is to be placed between. / The filter spectral transmission Т() is to be controlled at the wavelength of 400 – 800 nm. Beyond the above range Т() is out of interest.
2 / Please indicate approximate filter pass band, for band filter – the interval between 10,5и20,5 / The filter pass band is to locate approximately at 580–620 nm. It is a band filter intended to select the definite band in the red part of the spectrum.
3 / Please indicate your special requirements to 50% transmission point 0,5 (tolerance, etc.) or the filter half-width (FWHM) / On average, 0,5 points locate at 580 and 620 нм. The filter half-width is to be in the limits of 45-35 nm. 0,5 tolerance is  5 nm.
4 / Please indicate your special requirements to the pass band, if any. / In the pass band Т should be more than 70%. In a few points Т 65% is possible (fine ripple allowed).
5 / Please indicate approximate filter stop band. / Stop band is located in two intervals:
400 – 560 nm и 640 – 800 nm.
6 / Please indicate your special requirements to the stop band, if any.
If necessary, please indicate 1,20,1, 1,20,01 points, etc. / Т 1% in 400 – 500 nm region;
Т 10% in 500 – 560 nm;
Т 2% in 640 – 800 nm.
7 / Please indicate the number of filters, their dimensions and thickness / Round filter with the diameter of 400,5 mm. Thickness is not more than 6 mm. Total quantity - 15 pcs.
8 / Please describe heat effect to the filter and environmental conditions / Filter operates with low power lamp (20 W) at the room temperature, precipitation excluded.
9 / Is the filter intended for illuminator or camera device? If latter, the filter is a part of the camera lens system. / Illuminating filter is intended to filtrate light diode radiation
10 / Whatisthefilterapplication? (No commercial details required) / The filter is intended for photography (lab illumination with non-actinic light)
11 / Pleaseaddanyotherimportantrequirements, ifany. / Moisture resistance and tolerance to multiple sponging with spirit are required.

Thank you for your order!