November 10, 2014

Present: Sittig, Osburn, Mitchell, Gordon

Absent: Cummings

Motion by Mitchell supported by Gordon to approve Oct. meeting minutes. Motion carried.5-0

Treasurer’s report stands

Motion by Sittig supported by Gordon to pay bills estimated at $82,414.41

Motion carried.4-0

Correspondence was read

Old Business

Department reports:

Ambulance: 25 calls

Assessor sales/splits 3/4 to date

Bldg/Mechanical/Elect: 5/1/1

Bldg Insp. To send letter to Mr. Kruger to see if violations will be corrected

Cemetery: 2 cremations

Enterprise Park: Village Manager will attend future Twp mtg


Motion by Mitchell supported by Osburn to hire Stephanie German as a “Rehab Officer” at firefighters rate. Roll call.

Ayes: Gordon, Mitchell, Osburn, Sittig

Nays: None

Motion by Sittig supported by Gordon to purchase a 6,7 and 9 unit rack, 22 personal property boxes, 1300’ hose rack, washing machine and installation at approximate cost of $11,000.00. Roll call.

Ayes: Gordon, Mitchell, Osburn, Sittig

Nays: None

Parks & Rec: DEQ authorized the Observation Platform at Conservation Area.

Motion Sittig support Mitchell to engage Brooks Architecture on Observation Platform

Motion carried.4-0

Planning: Nothing to report

Police: Complaints/Citations 88/14

Recycle: No report available

Twp. Library: Minutes from Oct 21, 2014 Mtg

Truck Ordinance was reviewed by BCRC with concerns for restricted use, turn around area and

BCRC trucks.

Spring Creek sign will cost $585.00. Prospective donor for paying for sign will be contacted.

Pokagon grant check of $1000.00 received.

New Business

Profit & Loss Budget vs Actual was received

BCRC wants to change Elm Valley Road stop sign at Flynn and Avery to have stop signs on Flynn and Avery with Elm Valley being a through road. There will be a 4 way stop at each intersection for 6 months.

Motion by Mitchell supported by Gordon to adjourn. Motion carried. 4-0

Next meeting December 8, 2014

Minutes submitted by Charles Sittig

Three Oaks Twp Supervisor