Bill David (Chair), Robert Scarsbrook (Vice Chair), Christine Scarsbrook, Margie Stewart, Gillian White, Douglas Paxton (Treasurer), Linda Smith, Dawn Michael, Grace Weir (Secretary), Jackie Mackenzie, Sarah Killens, Ninuk Smith


Cllrs Tracey McGee, John Caldwell and Iain McMillan, Joe Graham, Agnes Crawford, Craig Crawford, Irene McTaggart, Ian McTaggart, Ian Weir, Gordon Weir, Jean Peddie, Rosee McDonald, Ken McDonald, Terry Higgins, Eileen Higgins


Norma David, Lorna Poole, Cllr John Hood


Bill reconfirmed that minutes of previous AGM were accepted as correct at normal CC meeting in December 2010. The minutes were proposed by Grace Weir and seconded by Linda Smith.


Delivered by Chair Bill David and copied below:

“Community Council membership was 11 at last year’s AGM and, in March this year we had the dissolution of the old Community Council and the election of Community Councillors under the new Constitution.The election of 14 Community Councillors is encouraging, and I am pleased to see that we have new members on board, however, we still have a number of vacancies to be filled and would welcome and encourage more new members to join us on Howwood Community Council. I am very happy that Linda & Christine are now back with us as functioning members of CC

We also welcome and encourage local residents to attend our monthly meetings either to raise issues of concern, or simply to hear what is going on and to contribute to village life through the Community Council.

This year in Howwood, your Community Council has been very busy as usual! The Act of Remembrance was again well attended (approx. 130+ people in November 2010) and I would hope that this year’s service on Sunday 11th November at 12:45 will be just as successful.

The switching on ceremony for our Christmas lights was also well supported with in excess of 150 people attending. (This of course included an impromptu visit from Santa!!) This year, switch on is on Friday 2nd December and it is hoped that this trend will continue and that the weather will be kind to us. It is at this point also that we must thank the Rev. David Stewart and Howwood Parish Church for providing teas, coffees and children’s entertainment after the switch on of our lights as this has also now become a popular and well attended event each year.

It is necessary to talk about the global economy and the effect on our Village, we are aware that Renfrewshire Council has increased the letting charges for its facilities, and this will affect the social side of HCC, ie events, such as Scottish Evening and the Fete . The Christmas Lights are put up, taken down, stored and maintained by Renfrewshire Council, but this service must now be paid for , this year it is costing HCC £1150.00 so we must look carefully at how we stage our events in the future

There has been another Scottish Evening for Pensioners, though this year, due to a combination of circumstances, we were forced to reschedule the event. at which around 60 senior citizens were present.

We have all been involved once again in our annual Fête and Summer Wind Band Concert. This year, after discussions on the format of the Fete, we again agreed not to have the show people and to get back to a Fete tailored specifically for the Village,.

This endeavour was helped by the fact that we managed to recruit more volunteers in the organisation and running of the Fete and I would like to thank all those who were involved in any way. The Fete was successful this year (perhaps partly to do with the good weather?) and, if we are able to generate the same level of interest in the organisation and running of the Fete next year, would aim to provide the same format and level of entertainment again.

We have completed another successful annual Howwood Spring Clean. Thanks to all who helped.

This year however, we did not do any bulb planting but have done an audit of those areas already planted for future reference and as an aid to providing a planting plan for the next few years to come.

Earlier his year Christine applied to The Woodland Trust, on behalf of HCC &HWW, for saplings to be planted in the Village as part of the Queens Diamond Jubilee Celebration. We were awarded 105 trees, comprising of Blackthorn, Birch, Hawthorn, Hazel, Rowan and of course Oak. The Planting is organised for Saturday 19th November and we hope for a lot of local support

The more routine business has also continued; with the usual number of complaints about Scottish Water Quality

road safety, road surfaces, Stagecoach X36 withdrawl and so forth; and it is to be hoped that our continued close working relationship with Renfrewshire Council Roads Department and Environmental Services will see the successful completion of some other outstanding issues.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone involved, including our Elected Councillors – Tracie McGee, Iain McMillan, John Hood and John Caldwell - for their continued commitment to the Community Council, and for the considerable work that everyone – Community Council member or not - has put in over the past year.”

Thank you.

No questions were asked of Chair.


Delivered by Secretary Grace Weir and copied below:

“I took over as Secretary in April from Bill, after the Community Council elections.

As Bill has mentioned, from that time, we have held the delayed Scottish Evening in May and the Village Fete in June.

We have two priorities on going at the moment. Firstly is getting Scottish Water to improve the water supply in the village which is supposed to have been helped with work undertaken at the end of September.

The second priority is the petition we have undertaken at the moment on the withdrawal on the X34/36 Stagecoach bus. To date we have over 780 signatures. This takes in people from Howwood, Corseford and Spateston. I would like to thank the assistance we got from Mr B Oates from Corseford for his help with getting signatures in Corseford and Spateston. Anyone who has not signed the petition, we have a sheet available for you to sign tonight.”

No questions were asked of Secretary.


Treasurer Douglas Paxton advised that there was a small deficit of £111.22 for our last financial year ending 26 July 2011. He also confirmed that we currently held £5418.95 in bank account. Accounts were prepared by Douglas and independently audited by accountants at Reid Kerr College.

No questions were asked of Treasurer.


It was agreed that this would be undertaken at next normal HCC meeting on 13 December 2011.


·  Christmas lights, Bill suggested sponsorship and agreed to prepare list to distribute among councillors to contact their local business contacts. Linda raised point that Johnstone / Paisley do not have to pay for lights and asked why Howwood has to pay? Terry Higgins pointed out that possibly historic as in past years only main towns had lights and it is still only relatively recent years that villages have had lights. Tracey McGee advised that she would check tender agreement. Other fund raising possibilities were discussed.

·  Christine advised that Bowfield would offer free scone to anyone having tea or coffee after Remembrance Sunday event.

·  Bill asked Councillor’s advice on what next after petition regarding bus service withdrawal. Iain suggested contacting Scrutiny Board and Carol Puthucheary.

·  Joe Graham has prepared a resilience plan for Howwood Village. It was agreed a sub group would be formed to review further. Bill, Christine, Joe, Ninuk, Margi and Grace all indicated they would participate in sub group.

·  Everyone was reminded about the tree planting over weekends of 19 / 20 November and 26 / 27 November.


·  Subject of Howwood Park was raised. Cllr Iain McMillan advised that a public meeting had been arranged for Tuesday 22 November to allow villagers to hear about proposals for football team lease.

·  Cllr Tracey McGee confirmed that she would pick up community safety packs for Howwood.


Notice of Citizens Advice Meeting 24/11/11, Provost Community Awards, Fete School let response from council.

Full details of correspondence received available from Secretary Grace Weir


·  13th December 2011 @ 7.30pm in Howwood Village Hall.

·  Thereafter: 2nd Tuesday every month @ 7.30pm in Howwood Village Hall as follows:

10/01/12, 14/02/12, 13/03/12, 10/04/12, 08/05/12, 12/06/12, 10/07/12, 14/08/11, 11/09/11, 09/10/11

Contact Details / Renfrewshire Council Contacts
Aircraft Noise Telephone line / 0141 848 4644
(answer machine) / The standard business hours are Monday – Thursday 8.45am – 4.45pm, and Friday 8.45am – 3.55pm. Please note times may vary within specific services; therefore please check with the service you require before travelling avoiding disappointment.
The Switchboard telephone number is 0141 842 5000
Same address for all below with different postcode:
Renfrewshire House
Cotton Street
Antisocial Behaviour
Help Line / 0800 169 1283
Warden Services
(Dog Fouling, Graffiti etc) / 0141 889 3499
Glasgow Wind Band,
R & C Scarsbrook / 01505 704083

Fly Tipping / 0845 230 4090
Minicoach Tours /
Police / 01505 404000
Renfrewshire Council / 0141 842 5000 / Chief Executive
Chief Executive – David Martin
Postcode: PA1 1WB

Phone: 0141 840 3601
fax: 0141 840 3349 / Education and Leisure Services
Director of Education and Leisure Services – Robert Naylor
Postcode: PA1 1LE

Phone: 0141 842 5663
fax: 0141 842 5655
R.C. Roads email address /
Roads & Lighting Faults / 0141 842 4466 (M-F)
0141 889 2314
Scottish Water Contact / 0141 355 5187
Secretary, Grace Weir (Howwood Community Council) / / Finance and Corporate Services
Director of Finance and Corporate Services – Sandra Black
Postcode: PA1 1JB

Phone: 0141 842 5051
fax: 0141 842 5055 / Environmental Services
Director of Environmental Services
– Shona I MacDougall
Postcode: PA1 1UG

Phone: 0141 840 3106
fax: 0141 842 1179
Village Web Site /
Youth Nuisance Help Line / 01505 325030
Housing and Property Services
Director of Housing and Property Services – Mary Crearie
Postcode: PA1 1JD

Phone: 0141 842 5616
fax: 0141 842 5552 / Planning and Transport
Director of Planning and Transport – Bob Darracott
Postcode: PA1 1LL

Phone: 0141 842 5811 / 5822
fax: 0141 842 5040
Social Work
Director of Social Work – Peter MacLeod
Postcode: PA1 1TZ

Phone: 0141 842 5957
fax: 0141 842 5144

Howwood Community Council Minutes 11/10/11 Page 1 of 3