Alderbury and Laverstock Neighbourhood Policing Team – Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin

October 2009

NPT Priorities

At the last meeting of our local Neighbourhood Tasking Group the following local Policing Priorities were identified for the forthcoming period –

-  Speeding in the village of Winterslow. Targeting the areas of Livery Road and Tytherley Road.

-  NHW revitalisation. This ongoing priority is overseeing the systematic revitalisation of the NHW schemes across the area.

-  Vehicle Issues in the area of Partridge Way and the Portway, Old Sarum.

Staff Changes

Sgt Kerry Lawes will be leaving us within the next few weeks for a new post within Salisbury. I’m sure you’ll join me in wishing her all the best in the future. A/Sgt Beck Lennane will take over from Kerry as supervisor of Alderbury and Wilton police stations.

Phone Scam Alert

A new telephone scam has recently been identified which the BBC has reported is taking place nationally and fooling many people.

People claiming to be British Telecom representatives are cold calling residential numbersand

informing occupants that they would be disconnected if anunpaid bill wasn't settled. In one example, a male requested a payment of £31.00 orit would be £118.00 to reconnect at a later date.When the occupant stated he was withVirgin Media, the male stated that Virgin have to pay BT a percentage forline rental.

When challenged by the occupant, the male, offered to demonstrate that he was from BT. Whenasked how, the male told the occupant to hang up and try phoningsomeone, as he would disconnect the phone to prevent this. When the occupant tried this, the phone was seemingly dead, with no engaged tone or anything until the male called back and requested a credit card payment.

The 'disconnection scam' is very simply. When the occupant hangs up, the male stays on the line with the mute button on, meaning the occupant cannot dial out but the male can hearthe occupant trying. This is because the person who initiates a call is the one who needs to terminate it. When the occupant stops trying, the male cuts off and immediately calls back.

This simple trick can appear very plausible and could easily convince the vulnerable into giving over bank details.

Local Crime Reports (by Parish) – the below list gives a summary of recent local crimes, organised by Parish.

It is not possible to list all crimes due to confidentiality issues (e.g. violent crime, domestic disputes etc).

This list covers the period 01/09/09 – 01/10/09. Among the 47 recorded incidents in this period were;

Alderbury –

11/09 – Criminal Damage to Motor vehicles – Wing mirror broken off unattended vehicle.

12/09 – Criminal Damage to Motor vehicle – Wing mirrors kicked from parked unattended vehicles.

Clarendon –

03/09 – Theft – Bicycle removed from secure rear garden. Enquiries ongoing.

03/09 – Theft – Mobile telephone removed from communal room in shared house.

15/09 – Non Dwelling Burglary – Padlock forced on shed – Tools and fishing equipment stolen.

21/09 – Criminal Damage – Damage caused to property in shared house. – Offender arrested.

Farley / Pitton –

08/09 – Non Dwelling Burglary – Shed forced. - Nothing stolen – Enquiries ongoing.

10/09 – Dwelling Burglary – Garage and house entered – Jewellery and money stolen – Enquiries ongoing.

19/09 – Robbery – Offender forcibly removed bicycle from owner – 2 x suspects arrested.

Firsdown –

No reported crime in this period.

Grimsteads –

No reported crime in this period.

Landford –

15/09 – Theft – Electronic gates stolen from front of house.

18/09 – Theft – Insecure Quad bike taken from property.

24/09 – Non Dwelling Burglary – Offenders have entry to building and stolen substantial amount of garden machinery from within – Enquiries ongoing.

Laverstock & Ford

04/09 – Theft – Mobile telephone stolen from communal changing rooms.

18/09 – Non Dwelling Burglary – Offenders have forced roller door and stolen power tools from within.

19/09 – Theft – Items delivered to address overnight stolen from doorstep.

21/09 – Criminal Damage to Motor Vehicle – Varnish poured over parked unattended vehicle.

01/10 – Theft – Insecure bicycle removed from property.

West Dean –

14/09 - Non Dwelling Burglary – Outhouse entered, lawn mower stolen. – Enquiries ongoing.

Whiteparish –

03/09 – Non Dwelling Burglary – Container entered and tools stolen from within. – Enquiries ongoing.

08/09 – Dwelling Burglary – Offender forced front window and door to house, untidy search, nothing stolen.

14/09 – Non Dwelling Burglary – Building site entered – Nothing stolen.

18/09 – Theft – Offender has entered site and stolen approx 10x bags of sand.

21/09 – Theft – Offender has entered building site and stolen bags of cement.

23/09 – Theft – Offenders have entered building site and stolen machinery – Enquiries ongoing.


19/09 – Non Dwelling Burglary – Offenders have forced open shed and stolen Quad bike from within.

This bulletin was prepared by Pc 1594 Henry Clissold – if you would like to be included on the distribution list please send an email to –