
Pleasenotethisstatementisfor informationonlyanddoesnot form partofacontract.Thislistisnot exhaustiveandyouwill beexpectedtoundertakesuchdutiesasmaybeassignedtoyouby ActionAidfrom timetotime. Staff areexpected tobeflexiblein their workinorder todeliverthe objectivesoftheorganisation.

Jobtitle / Executive Head of Individual Giving
Contract type / Permanent
Grade/startingsalary / 6B (ActionAidUK)
Reportingto / Director of Fundraising
Direct reports / Line Manage 3posts, Team of 40


Areyoupassionateabout makingareal difference?

Aspartof theglobal ActionAidfamily,wearehelping tobuildafair andjustworldwhereeveryone canclaim their rights. Toachieve thisweworkwithlocal peopleinmorethan45countriestofight hungeranddisease, seekjusticeandeducationforwomen, holdcompaniesandgovernmentsto accountandhelpcommunitiescopewithemergencies.

IntheUKour roleistoraisefundstocarryout programmeworkinternationally,tomotivateand engageour supportersand thegeneral publicand tocampaignfor change.Weareavaluedriven, forward thinkingorganisation, focusedonachievinglong-term changethroughsupportingour partnerstomakeasustainabledifference.

To deliver our ambitious strategy Action for Change we have developed a new Individual Giving function. This function brings together all teams that deliver the income and supporter care for our mass base of support. This structure reflects our commitment to expand our supporter base and increase income in this competitive area.

Purposeof the Role

  • Set the strategic vision and lead the delivery of an integrated, multi-channel individual giving programme to achieve sustainable growth in income and supporter numbers that support ActionAid’s fundraising ambitions
  • To lead the development and ongoing management and coordination of an integrated supporter journey for all ActionAid’s supporters that increases value, engagement, supporter satisfaction, retention and lifetime value – and champion a high level of supporter service across the organisation
  • To champion ActionAid’s child sponsorship, manage ActionAid’s broader fundraising product portfolio and drive cross-selling and integration between fundraising and other teams
  • To work closely with the Director of Fundraising, Head of PhilanthropyPartnerships and Head of Strategy, Performance & Innovation to determine and deliver the broader fundraising strategy
  • To understand and articulate ActionAid’sapproach to development through our fundraising and coordinate fundraising messages across individual giving


Strategy Development – 20% – To provide strategic leadership for the Individual Giving function (Income £40m+) and determine ActionAid’s individual giving strategy for growth, ensuring marketing efficiencies are maximised and short and long-term fundraising targets are met

  • Provide strategic leadership to ActionAid’s largest and most flexible income source that balances a portfolio of revenue generating activities and delivers short and long-term sustainable growth
  • Work closely with the Head of Strategy, Performance & Innovation and the Director of Fundraising and Heads within Communications to deliver an integrated individual giving strategy, containing the core elements of donor recruitment, retention and cultivation – both on and offline – in order to raise long-term flexible income
  • Lead the ongoing evolution and planning of an integrated supporter journey for all ActionAid’s supporters that increases value and engagement by maximising cross-selling and delivers a coherent supporter experience
  • Work with the Head of Digital on the digital marketing strategy to ensure it fulfils the potential of the individual giving programme and drives digital transformation across individuals giving
  • Play a critical role in the delivery growth in ActionAid’s emergency fundraising activities
  • Work closely with the Head of Supporter Acquisition and Marketing in the ongoing development of ActionAid’s acquisition programme to ensure a strong core programme is in placeto grow our supporter base
  • To liaise with other Heads of functions in Communications and PAC to drive the broader strategy for engaging the UK public in ActionAid’s work through public engagement, campaigns and lead generation activities
  • Contribute to the strategy for development and implementation of our CRM database

Individual Giving Management –25% - Lead the development and ongoing management of a the individual giving function

  • Responsible for the development and delivery of the annual plan and budget for individual giving to deliver £40m+ income and supporter base growaligned to agreed objectives
  • Continuously develop ActionAid’s supporter experience to improve our ability to recruit, retain and develop all supporters regardless of channel preference and support mechanism
  • Lead individual giving to deliver all communication aligned to our brand and messaging frameworks seeking coherence in relation to ActionAid’s development strategy and programme
  • Help set and monitor overall progress against key performance indicators
  • Work with colleagues to ensure appropriate digital and campaign integration
  • Ensure development and management ActionAid’s product portfolio for individual givers
  • Ensure appropriate communications cycles for various products are implemented
  • Ensure supporter service standards are adhered to and retention and satisfaction rates are maximised
  • Oversight for the delivery of an effective supporter administration programme for fundraising, campaigning, events, youth and schools programmes including data management and fulfilment.
  • Drive the digital first and improvement programme across supporter administration to reduce manual processing and improve supporter care
  • Manage reputational risk and ensure the complaints process and all relevant fundraising legislation is understood and followed by individual giving staff
  • Ensuring market and cost efficiencies are maximised across the programme

Lead on key areas for the future growth of individual giving including Child Sponsorship, Digital & Emergencies fundraising – 20%

  • Revitalise and champion ActionAid’s child sponsorship leading the plans to revamp ActionAid’s child sponsorship and grow the UK CS market
  • Contribute to international strategy and programme to develop child sponsorship
  • Work with Heads of Communications and within IG to determine and implement child sponsorship positioning and promotion strategy
  • Managementoversightfordelivery on theindividual giving digitalmarketing strategy
  • Working closely with the Head of Digital support thedevelopmentofdigitalknowledgeandskillsacrossindividual giving function
  • Workwithcommunicationstoensuretheirplatformandotherdigital activitiesarecoordinated withfundraisingplansandneeds
  • Develop strategies and plans to maximise income and recruitment from emergencies.

Plan, Measure, Report & Evolve – 10% -Responsible for planning, reporting and performance management of the Individual Giving function to support the achievement of exceptional results

Working closely with Strategy Performance and Innovation:

•Monitor and adapt as necessary toenableimplementation ofstrategy incorporatingworkwithother teamsanddepartmentsasappropriate

•Provide monthly reports and budget forecasts ontheresultsofplanstokey internal stakeholdersasagree

•Takeresponsibilityfor careful analysisoftheresultsofmajor individual givingactivityand testing to informthe evolutionof theactivitiesandstrategy

•Provideclearandconciseinterpretationof management informationfor the DirectorofFundraisingandDirector ofFinance

•Ensuresenior staff provideaccurate, timelyand regularnarrativeonamonthlybasisfor management accounts including rollingforecasts

•Monitorresultsand incomeagainstplanandprovidestrategicthinkingtoproactivelyrespondtoany changes inperformance

Staff & Agency Management – 15% -Lead, manage and motivate the individual giving staff and suppliers to continually seek to improve performance

•Proactively manage performance, build on successes and turn around under performance

•Lead theIndividual Givingfunctiontoensureall staffworktogether withinandbeyond theteam tomaximiseROILTVof the fundraising programme

•Recruitandretainkeyteam membersandensureall staff aremanagedtoActionAidpoliciesand fullyunderstandandarecommittedto ActionAid’smission, valuesandfundraisingstrategy

•Developworkplanswithteam membersandmanagethroughonetoonesandindividual performancedevelopmentprogrammes, addressingperformanceissuespromptly

•Proactivelyensureall staff arekeptfullybriefedonkeymanagement, communicationsand campaigningissues

•Ensurethat staff communicate and work effectively and respectfully with other teams

•Guidethe managementof suppliers ensuring themost effectiveandefficient combinationof outsourcing toin–houseexpertiseis achieved

•Promote a positive approach to innovation and grasp both strategic and operational opportunities and support teams to succeed by proactively removing barriers so opportunities are maximised

•Ensure communications betweenChardandLondon-basedstaffareexcellentandeffective, taking responsibility to ensure ActionAid’s Somerset office has its support needs met and organisational processes take the needs of Chard based system into account

General Responsibilities – 5%

•Keepabreastofsocial, marketingandfundraisingtrendsandnetworkwithappropriateexternal organisations toinform thinking

•Support and deputise for the DirectorofFundraisingasrequired

•Actasambassador toensurerelationsbetweenfundraisingandother departmentsremain productiveanddeliverin linewithstrategicobjectives

•RepresentfundraisingneedstootherpartsofActionAid toenablefundraisingprogrammesto meet their objectivesandmaximiseopportunities

•Contributetobuildingacultureofambition, opennessandinnovationwithintheFundraisingDepartment andActionAid

•Providevaluableinputintodevelopment oftheoverallfundraisingstrategyandotherfundraising andorganisationalteamplans

•WorkwithActionAidInternationalandother countriesfundraisingtoproactivelyshare learningand developbestpractice– representingActionAidUK ininternationalmeetings

Person Specification

Essential / Desirable
Extensiveseniorexperience managing and growing a sophisticated individual’s givingprogramme inthenon-profitsectorthat including the recruitment ofcommittedgivingandone-offdonors, retention and development activities and community fundraising across anumber oforganisations/causes / Experienceofmarketing ChildSponsorship
Currentknowledgeof the mediaenvironmentonline andoffline, andexperienceof building anintegrated individual giving programmesacross arangeofoffline(including TV) andonline marketingchannels. / Agency direct marketingexperienceand experienceusingsocial media and mobile aspartofan effectivefundraisingprogramme
Anexceptional and very experienced direct marketerwith theexperience ofbalancing theuseofdirect marketingandbrand marketingandknowledgeofhowtheycanbeused tocomplementeachother / Experienceofproductdevelopmentin the non-profitsector. Knowledgeandideally experienceacross arangeofbusiness developmentareas including merchandise; retail;andemployeeproductdevelopment.
Solid provenexperienceindigital marketingwithcurrent knowledgeof trends,opportunitiesandchallenges / Knowledgeofintegratingcampaigningand fundraising messagingacross thedigital andoff-lineenvironment
Experienceofanalysisofdirectmarketing techniquesacross amultimediafundraising environment todrive results–includinguseofLTV, ROI andother KPIs. Understandingof methodsofattribution todelivereffective resultsmonitoringandanalyse / Provenexperienceofrecentsuccessfulmarketing productevolutionanddevelopmentandmarket expansion throughthedevelopmentofnewoffers, attractionof newtarget audiencesandchannel development
Experience evaluating creative propositions and campaigns and selecting approaches that are successful / Knowledge and experience of events and community fundraising and how they can effectively to build supporter engagement, expand audiences and increase value.
Extensiveexperienceofagency andsupplier managementinamarketingenvironmentand,in particular,first-handexperienceofthecreative process including thebriefingofagenciesandother supplierstodeliverhighqualityresponsedriven communication / Experienceofdevelopingcampaignsfor usein themajor fundraisingchannels, DRTV;face2face
Experienceof fundraisingdatabasesand statistical analysis / Experience of managing supporter administration and care programmes
Brand marketing experience and the ability to interpreting brand guidance to deliver fundraising objectives and create cohesive fundraising messaging / Knowledge and experience of international development and an interest and commitment to the cause.
Essential / Desirable
Agraduateor other professional qualification ina relevantdisciplineincluding– fundraising; direct/ marketing; business management;communications; non-profit management / Apostgraduatequalificationinarelevant discipline,e.g. MBA,MastersofMarketing etc.
Leadership: Leadershipabilityandapositiveambitious attitude to change, challenges andopportunities. Ability to both inspire and manage staff, collaborate with colleagues and build and maintain networks. / Exceptional influencingandpersuasion ability
Managing Resources: Manage and develop staff to excel. Manage projects well. Motivate and negotiate well with colleagues and suppliers. Control a significant budget, improving efficiencies and returns. / Operational management experience of overseeing the delivery of key administrative services
Communication: Excellentcommunicator at a senior level across all media. Ability to effectively share information, ideas and experience with staff, colleagues and when appropriate supporters; listen carefully and present structured cohesive arguments verbally and in writing.
Self-Management: Work calmly under pressure to solve problems. Demonstrate a can do attitude. Meet deadlines and demonstrate resilience, resourcefulness, flexibility and perseverance.
Acreative thinkerwithcapabilitytoconveycreative
conceptstoothersandworkwithstaff andsuppliers todelivereffectiveinnovation
Exceptional analytical skillsand theabilitytouse resultsanalysistodrivefuturefundraising
CommitmenttopromoteandpracticeActionAid’s mission, visionandvalues / Adeepunderstandingof povertyand developingcountriesthroughexposure