Stewards Training – Health and Safety

Below are some basic points concerning Health and Safety that you should all be aware of:

  • In the event of an Emergency Evacuation all stewards must follow the procedures they have been shown for each venue. You must read your Evacuation Cards in every briefing to ensure that you understand the procedures relating to the venue you are working on that day.
  • You must make sure at the start of every shift you know where all the Emergency Exits are located for your venue, and that they are clear and unobstructed.
  • Should you discover a fire in the Arts Centre, do not attempt to put it out yourself, even if it is small. Signal the alarm by breaking the nearest Break Glass point (situated around the building – small red/green boxes on the wall) and then begin evacuating the area you are in. Fire extinguishers are available throughout the Arts Centre but they must only be used to aid evacuation, and not to put out a fire. They mustonly be used by those who have been trained to do so.
  • If anyone requires first aid within the Arts Centre please contact the Operations Assistant or Duty manager who can arrange for a trained First Aider to attend. Sarah Chandler, Emily Smith, Emma O’Brien, Barry Croxford and Jammie Williams are all trained First Aiders. First Aid boxes are located throughout the building but these must only be used by trained First Aiders.
  • Electrical safety: you must not carry out any maintenance involving electricity within the building – always report any problems to a Duty manager who can arrange for a qualified electrician to attend, i.e. do not change a light bulb, stick your fingers in a plug sockets etc.
  • Please note that substances hazardous to health are kept in the cleaning cupboards on the first floor by the ladies toilets, and on the ground floor under the bridge. These doors must be kept closed and locked at all times when cleaners are not in them. If you should notice that this is not the case please report it so we can lock the doors to prevent customers and staff without the necessary training coming into contact with potentially dangerous substances. In general, you should not come into contact with any hazardous substances within your role.
  • Should you notice any building or equipment faults or any maintenance issues, these must be reported to the Duty manager or Operations Assistant as soon as possible so we can assess the current safety level, and report any work that needs doing to the Maintenance department.
  • You must also report all accidents and near misses to the Duty manager so we can keep an eye as to whether there are any particular problem areas in the building that we need to address. An accident or near miss could be anything such as tripping down the stairs etc.