Our Reference: LC/2094

FAO: Kate Walker

30 November 2011

Dear Kate

Re: Freedom of Information Request

With reference to your Freedom of Information request relating to diabetes education programmes, please find below a response on behalf of NHS Tees (NHS Hartlepool, NHS Middlesbrough, NHS Redcar and Cleveland and NHS Stockton on Tees).


I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am outlining my query as specifically as possible.
I would like to understand the Trust’s provision of Type II Diabetes Education Programmes, specifically those commissioned through your GP practices and consortia. Where possible, I would be interested to know the number of current and previous patients supported, the name of the chosen education programme(s), and the number of surgeries involved.


Stockton on Tees and Hartlepool

Both Hartlepool and Stockton have commissioned the nationally recognised DESMOND education programme. This is currently provided by the North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust. This is open to all surgeries (26 practices in Stockton and 15 in Hartlepool) - they complete a referral form for a patient who they think would be appropriate to attend the course upon diagnosis. I enclose the referral form.

The number of patients who attended a DESMOND course in 2010 in North Tees was 211. The total number for 2011 so far is 97 although that will change in the coming months as we still have appointments pending and patients waiting.

The number of patients who attended a DESMOND course in 2010 in Hartlepool was 94. The total number for 2011 so far is 55 and again that will change as above.

Middlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland

South of Tees (Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland) also commission the nationally recognised DESMOND programme for type 2 diabetes population. This is currently delivered by the Tier 2 Diabetes Community Service. This programme is also open to all surgeries in South of Tees after completion of the DESMOND referral form, a copy of which is attached.

Community Services have been providing the DESMOND diabetes education programme to Type 2 patients in the Middlesbrough, Redcar & Cleveland area since 2006.

All newly diagnosed Type 2 patients are offered the opportunity to attend the DESMOND programme. Referrals are received from 25 GP practices in Middlesbrough and 24 practices across Redcar & Cleveland (including Eston corridor). The number of patients attended the DESMOND programme as follows:

2006 = 35

2007 = 222

2008 = 225

2009 = 338

2010 = 353

2011 up to 23 November = 356

Total number of patients attended DESMOND so far = 1529.

I hope that the information provided is adequate, however please let me know if you require more details or further clarification.

If you are unhappy with the Trust’s response you can appeal to the Trust by writing to:-

Assistant Director of Corporate Affairs

Teesdale House

West Point Road



TS17 6BL

If you then remain dissatisfied, you have the right under Section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to apply to the Information Commissioner to seek resolution to the matter. Further details can be found on their website:- www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk.

I trust this is satisfactory, however if you have any queries with regards to the above or I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Liane Cotterill


Please note: Any information we provide following your request under the Freedom of Information Act will not confer an automatic right for you to re-use that information, for example to publish it. If you wish to re-use the information that we provide and you do not specify this in your initial application for information then you must make a further request for its re-use as per the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 www.opsi.gov.uk . This will not affect your initial information request.