Leigh Parish Council

Action Plan


Leigh Parish Council Action Plan 2005/2006

1. Introduction

Parishes are the smallest areas of civil administration in England and provide the statutory tier of local government closest to the people.Parish Councils are an essential part of the structure of local democracy and have a vital role in acting on behalf of the communities they represent. They:

·  give views, on behalf of the parish, on planning applications and other proposals that affect the parish

·  undertake projects and schemes that benefit local residents

·  work in partnership with other bodies to achieve benefits for the parish

·  alert relevant authorities to problems that arise or work that needs to be undertaken

·  help the other tiers of local government keep in touch with their local communities

Parish Councils have a wide range of powers which essentially relate to local matters, such as looking after community buildings, open space, allotments, play areas, street lighting, bus shelters, car parks etc. They also have the power to raise money through taxation, the precept, which is the parish council’s share of the council tax.

In order to help us plan for the year ahead, we have put together an Action Plan which details the key objectives and actions that we hope to achieve during 2005/2006, in addition to our overall responsibilities. This Action Plan will feed in to the overall Leigh Parish Action Plan, which will reflect actions of all the organisations within the village. This will enable parishioners to be kept fully informed of what is being planned and what has been achieved in the village.

2. Objectives and actions

Key Issue: Young People in Leigh
Objective / Responsibility / Actions Recommended / Timescale / Action By
1. To involve youngsters and take forward ideas for activities for young people, such as a youth club or formal meeting place, with support from Mole Valley. / Leigh Parish Council / ·  Identify and involve young people
·  Obtain views of young people
·  Assess options
·  Involve Mole Valley / March 2006 / Harriet Hall
2. To investigate opportunities presented by community transport grants to introduce affordable transport for young people, in conjunction with other villages. / Leigh Parish Council / ·  Link to Objective 1
·  Identify and get details of schemes operating elsewhere
·  Assess possibilities of joint working
·  Discuss issues with neighbouring villages
·  Assess Leigh’s needs, perhaps by doing further research on transport priorities in the village
·  Identify how scheme(s) may be taken forward
·  Place on meeting of Clerks’ agenda / March2006 / Harriet Hall
& Paul Wilkinson
Actions Achieved
Key Issue: Education
Objective / Responsibility / Actions Recommended / Timescale / Action By
3. To assist anyone who wishes to introduce adult education classes by facilitating contact with Surrey Education Authority / Leigh Parish Council / ·  Invite potential individuals to contact the Parish Council
·  Find out appropriate contact within Surrey LEA / March 2006 / Claire Potier
Actions Achieved
Key Issue: Environment - Roads
Objective / Responsibility / Actions Recommended / Timescale / Action By
4. To undertake traffic monitoring in the village using monitoring equipment provided by the Police to slow down motorists and assess the speeding problem in Leigh. / Leigh Parish Council / ·  Carry out Risk Assessments
·  Commence traffic monitoring
·  Assess success / April 2005
May 2005
March 2006 / Paul Wilkinson
5. To bring pressure to bear on the Highway Authority to address the speeding and through traffic problems experienced in this area. / Leigh Parish Council with other parishes in the ‘Dorking box’ / ·  Take advantage of every opportunity to raise speeding with authorities
·  Continue to explore potential traffic calming measures
·  Promote awareness in village
·  Invite Highways to attend a Parish Council meeting / Ongoing / Paul Wilkinson
Actions Achieved
Key Issue: Environment - Pavements
Objective / Responsibility / Actions Recommended / Timescale / Action By
6. To approach the Highways Authority regarding the state of the pavements. / Leigh Parish Council / ·  Write to the Highways Authority listing areas of concern
·  Regularly review pavements
·  Timely follow up for response to correspondence
·  Invite Highways to attend a Parish Council meeting / Ongoing / Jean Parker
Actions Achieved
Key Issue: Houses and Planning
Objective / Responsibility / Actions Recommended / Timescale / Action By
7. To note the need for smaller affordable housing & houses for young people when considering planning applications. / Leigh Parish Council / ·  Object to planning applications exceeding 50% of existing property to try and retain the number of small properties / Ongoing / Jean Parker
8. To actively pursue new schemes and initiatives for smaller affordable housing and houses for young people. / Leigh Parish Council / ·  Investigate new schemes
·  Assess relevance and feasibility in Leigh
·  Liaise with MVDC / Ongoing / Jean Parker
Actions Achieved
Key Issue: Information and Communication
Objective / Responsibility / Actions Recommended / Timescale / Action By
9. To establish a welcome pack to be distributed to new people in the village / Leigh Parish Council / ·  Identify information to be included
·  Collate and produce data in a clear and friendly format
·  Develop processes for identifying new people and distributing information / March 2006 / Claire Potier
Actions Achieved