The Stanford Forum. Meeting held at the Sure Start Centre

11th June 2014, 7.30PM

1Apologies received from Terry Piccolo & Andrew Brown

Attending were Trevor & Jackie Robe, Sharon King, Vicki Girling, Danny Bach, Jon Fuller from Thurrock Council, Alan Farenden, Oladole Badego from Family Mosaic, Kathy Ottley, Shirley & Peter Watson, Tracey Edwards, and Dave & Cherie Sargeant.

2Minutes of the last meeting. With the correction of "proposed by Shirley Watson" for proposed by Peter Watson" (who sent apologies!) the minutes were accepted. Master copy corrected after the meeting. Minutes signed by Trevor Robe.

3Police Report, not available.

Neighbourhood watch, Jackie Robe. Training day at Blackshotts; local traders, crime prevention, 6-7 speakers. Crime in Stanford seems low, but people leaving windows open in the hot weather.

4 Travel Thurrock, Jon Fuller,

About 4 years ago TBC scheme applied for encouraging people to walk and cycle more, and use public transport more. There has been a reduction of car use by 5-7%; this may not seem a lot but millions of car journeys are made in Thurrock every year so saving is substantial. Talking to people every day about travel, some have no knowledge of trains and busses, always something comes out where we can help. To many people the only way to get about is to use a car; we are coming round to knock on doors and talk, people don't have to participate. Can make a big difference to a small number of people, many do not know of attractions in Thurrock, Chafford Gorges, Riverside etc; and concessionary bus passes. Changes, encourage over 60's to walk and cycle; many children are overweight. Beat the Street card swipe scheme encourages children to walk and cycle; 48 out of 52 schools have signed up for this. Readers' locations on map, automatically updates mileage between points, prizes to good causes. More readers near to tourist attractions, but many gaps in the network.

Public Interest: Up in town, trains do not run late enough, nor do busses. Cannot use bus pass on a train; some areas (London) cover both, why not here?

Complaint, some bus drivers have refused wheel chair users when children's' buggies are aboard. Companies want helpful drivers with a good attitude.

Footpath 38 overgrown, who to report to? Give me details, will send to the correct department. Any problems, please send feedback to


Sent by CF2, manorway update. Programme for completion of works; footway and cycleway to gateway.

Fence in front of houses fronting new roundabout! Earth bank and double height fence on top of it, very high. Stephen Metcalf to be contacted to look into this.

6Public Forum Oladole Badego, Family Mosaic.

Have been with Family Mosaic for 5 years; social housing at Metcalf House and Lloyd House; and live at Chafford Hundred. People have various degrees of support, and am keen to support my client group. Keen to take them out, have staff mornings, afternoon and night. Keep people at home as long as possible; social activities, befriending, shopping, play bingo etc. I need help, cannot do it all alone. Things available on a voluntary basis? Things around Stanford? Keen to access local recourses; we expect clients to be with us for about 2 years, but won't throw anyone out. No leaflets to handout, but am concerned with what happens over the weekend when by themselves. Need people to spend time, better than therapy or medication; age group 30 to 70 years.

Gateway People Centre is in Stanford High Street.

Sharon, Salvation Army is open every day; once a month (Sunday) can pick up/return


Thames Nature Park; a good walk.

Free weekend at Tilbury Cruise Terminal; 14-15 June. Heritage talk, Jonathon Catton

PLA, 100th Anniversary of the Great War, 99 bus from station.

Wat Tyler, 1 stop from Stanford station, easy walk from Pitsea station.

7Music Festival; posters.

8Councillors Reports; none.

9Treasurers Report; Jackie Robe.

Bank Account, £11508.72; of which £2937.85 War memorial fund; press release in next 2 weeks.

Spent some money, programmes, printer ink. Lot of expenditure next month for Music Festival.

10Future Projects, Initiatives; none

11Any Other Business

Kathy Ottley, would like to put in another bench, near to tennis court and existing.

The Cricket Club would also like another bench; Trevor to contact club & get details.

CF2 Monday mention of Hub again

Meeting closed 9PM.

Date of next meeting Wednesday 9th July.