Council of State University Libraries, Florida

OPAC Subcommittee of the Public Services Planning Committee

Teleconference Meeting, Thursday, September 8, 2011 - Noon to 1:30

Number: 888-808-6959, Conference Code: 2970349

Note: The meeting will be held by phone conference. There is also an Elluminate session at the following link:


In attendance

Jeannette Cox FAMU

Jeneice Smith FAMU

Bruce Barron FAU

Danielle Rosenthal FGCU

George Pearson FIU

Min Tong UCF

Beth Auten UF Health Science Center

Alison Piper NCF

Colleen Seale UF

Barbara Tuck UNF

Megan Sheffield USF

Randy Polo USF Shimberg

Douglas Low UWF

TSPC Liaison

FCLA – Josh Greben, Mary Ann O’Daniel, Pam Mydock, Jean Philips, Jean Moises, Ned Stewart

*** = permanent agenda items

1.  Roll Call ***

2.  Approval of minutes from the last meeting ***

3.  Approval of agenda with additions *** - Single bib update

4.  FCLA Update

a.  Josh reported that FCLA’s top priority now is the single bib project. They will not be able to spend much time on Mango enhancements. He said if a project is fairly easy and they have some time, they will continue to work on a project voted on by the committee – just as they finalized the EndNote enhancement this week. Committee members expressed their appreciation for this upgrade.

b.  EndNote Export – This is finalized and working well.

c.  Location Map Granularity – Josh explained that the way the location maps work now, the program only looks at the main call number, not the cutter or dates or copy numbers. He is working on improving that granularity. If a library wants this, it will need to supply more detailed maps and then they could be linked in using the more granular call numbers, cutters and copies.

d.  Pam Mydock encouraged people to advertise UBorrow – on webpages and in LibGuides.

5.  Discussion

a.  “Books in the library” limiter – There was little discussion about this. Most people are satisfied with it. If someone encounters problems or wants a change, it can be brought up again.

b.  MANGO Discovery experiences – Danielle talked about their experiences at FGCU. She said she had a feedback link on the main search page, but had only gotten four responses. She had thought she would get more. She said one said it was awful and one said he “was loving it”. She said it was hard to tell, but she was getting more favorable feedback than bad from library personnel and student workers. She indicated that she was finding it useful at the reference desk when students just want a couple of articles and don’t need to do in-depth research. She also indicated that sometimes SFX didn’t find a journal and e-journal locator did. She is worried that there will be more interlibrary loan requests for journals that they do have. Jean said they will be working more on these kinds of problems.

6.  TSPC Update – Annie could not be at this meeting. The committee delayed the discussion about electronic books and the 655 field until next month so Annie could explain the details and answer questions.

7.  PSPC Update – Bruce reported that the Marcive e-resources issue was discussed. There is an ad hoc government documents group that did meet. There will be a more complete report after next month’s meeting. The URL maintenance and authority control issues are still being discussed.

Jean Phillips noted that some people thought that FCLA had been asked to talk with Serials Solutions about UBorrow in the Summon interface. They have not been asked and there have been no conversations with Serials Solutions. Jean said they were certainly willing to do so. This would be a huge project, but FCLA is open to it.

*** are permanent agenda items

Next Meeting – October 13, 2011

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Tuck

The OPAC Development Priority List - Google Docs spreadsheet

SUL OPAC Subcommittee Members Page

Endeca/MANGO Resources: