9th September 2013

Present: Mr PAC Coote (Chairman)

Mr. D.P. Blackman Mr R. Blackmore Mr A. M. Brooks Mrs L. A. Field Dr I.P.Gibson Mr C T. Larkin

Mr A. Lucas Mr C. T. Phillips Mrs M. Stein Mr N. Walker

Mr D.M. Johnson (Clerk - minutes)

Public Speaking


18. APOLOGIES: Mrs E Anscomb, Mr E M Livesey, Mrs N. Raschia-Grau and Mr T W Thomas.


Cllr Phillips declared a personal interest in Item 21) Copthorne Pavilion, as he is Chairman of the Copthorne Sports & Community Association.


The meeting resolved to agree these.


The replacement of the external doors was completed on 30th August and they are to be sealed stained next week.

A Final Inspection by Tandridge DC has been continued to allow a number of clarifications to be made. In the meantime, two additional external lights are to be installed on 10th September.


The meeting considered the report from the Play Areas Sub-Committee meeting on 29th August 2013. That meeting had discussed 4 formal proposals for the improvement/refurbishment of the Crawley Down Play Area. This is to be funded from s106 funds of up to £60,000 and the bidders were informed of the total price beforehand.

Formal bids were received from:

• Monster Play Systems Ltd

• Play & Leisure Ltd

• Russell Play Ltd

• Wicksteed Leisure Ltd.

The Sub-Committee had looked at the bids for their design characteristics, robustness of the equipment and how the layout might engage children. In particular, the bids were considered for how they enabled creative play and for inclusive use by children with a disability.

It was felt that the proposals from Play & Leisure and from Monster Play, were significantly better and more considered than the other two. Also the Play & Leisure proposal had 2 options, one of which (Option 1) suggested a slight extension of the south boundary of the Play Area.

Their other Option 2, used the existing boundary and for the variety of equipment & layout design, this was the recommended proposal from the Sub-Committee.

It was felt that the Monster Play proposal was good, but should be held as the reserve bid.

Of the 4 bids, 3 of them quoted a price, net of VAT, of £60,000, albeit one of the bids was under by just £603. One bidder, Play & Leisure, was significantly below the £60,000 limit. Their Option 1 was costed at £47,749.67 and their Option 2 was costed at £51,255.68.

It was resolved to:

a)  Agree the Play & Leisure Ltd Option 2 bid for the refurbishment of the Crawley Down Play Area.

b)  That the Clerk be instructed to proceed to contract with Play & Leisure Ltd for the installation of the new equipment. Any minor variations to the proposal be negotiated by the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman if necessary.

c)  The Play Areas Sub Committee will consider the balance from the £60,000 and how other Play Areas might be improved and to bring its recommendations to the Amenities Committee on 14th October 2013.


a)  Lashmere Play Area the large oak tree has now been pruned.

b)  Repairs to the Skateparks – some of the intended repairs have occurred, however the contractor has yet to repair the wire mesh and discussions are on-going about the cost of this.

c)  Westway Play Area – part of the brick wall has collapsed and one cause may have been poor mortar mix from a repair a number of years ago. The area has been taped off for safety reasons. A site visit on 28th August suggests that the whole brick wall surrounding the play area has a number of cracks and weak points. It is recommended that the whole brick wall be removed and the foundations cleared, levelled and replaced with a wooden picket fence. The present wooden gates are sound and should be retained, albeit with new catches.

An indicative cost to do this by an external contractor would be approximately £2,500; however to do this using the Council handyman would just be the cost of the timber and ironwork, approximately £500.

It was agreed that the wall be removed and wooden fencing installed, up to a cost of £500.


The meeting started at 8.56pm

and finished at 9.16pm