1.1Overview of Service Agreement PARAMETERS

This section lists the parameters that need to be included in a multi-level Service Agreement. The parameters are those defined in the Space Communication Cross Support—Service Management—Service Specification (reference [2]) as being necessary for CCSDS space communication cross support service management, as well as additional parameters, derived from existing Agency service agreements.

The Service Agreement parameters are grouped into the following logical blocks:

  • Mission Registration
  • User and provider agency contact details
  • Service Agreement timescale
  • Services to be provided
  • Reference documents
  • Testing required
  • Pricing
  • Service Options and Constraints
  • Spacecraft Communication Interfaces
  • Forward space link parameters
  • Return space link parameters
  • Service Management Operational Constraints
  • Configuration Profile parameters
  • Trajectory Prediction parameters
  • Service Package parameters
  • Service Agreement parameters
  • Service Monitoring and Reporting

1.2MISSION Registration

1.2.1Parameters required for CCSDS Service Management

Parameter / Service Catalog ID / Definition / Service Management Name, Type and Value
Service Agreement Reference / N/A / Specifies a reference for the Service Agreement / Cluster 1: 183
Cluster 2: 185
Cluster 3: 194
Cluster 4: 196
Note: The above indicated strings for naming the service agreement have been chosen for consistency with the SII constraints / conventions.
Supporting Agency / 01 / Name of the provider agency. / NASA/JPL DSN
Supporting Agency Contacts / 02 / List of human contacts and other entity names in the provider organization permitted to participate in the service / Susan Kurtik
Stefan Waldherr
Mission Set D
[list of string256]
The formal specification in SM is geared towards the message protocol, but is not what is needed in practice as to identify human contacts.
Provider Complex / 03 / Name of the Complex that will provide the service to the user / CDSCC (Canberra)
User Agency / N/A / Name of the user agency. / ESA
Supported Agency Contacts / N/A / List of human contacts and other entity names in the user organization permitted to participate in the service / Juergen Volpp, Cluster Spacecraft Operations Manager, ,
+49 6151 90 2568
Silvia Sangiorgi, Cluster Spacecraft Operations Manager

+49 6151 90 2413
Wolfgang Hell, Cross-Support Service Manager

+49 6151 90 2923
Maite Arza, Cluster Ground Operations Engineer

+49 6151 90 3271
[list of string256]
The formal specification in SM is geared towards the message protocol, but is not what is needed in practice as to identify human contacts.
Spacecraft Name / N/A / Name of the supported spacecraft. / CLU1
Taking the Cluster case, formally speaking four SAs would be needed, right?
Service Agreement Period / N/A / The period covered by the Service Agreement. / 01 September 2010[wh2]
20 March 2012
The formal specification requires also the time to be specified.
Services Provided / 04 / List of services that the provider will support. / N/A
[Set of enumerated values]
This parameter as defined in SM captures the SM interactions that are supported, but not which cross-support services shall be provided.
Important References / N/A / References to contractually binding documents / CLU-ESOC-GSEG-IA-1001-OPS-ONX
[list of String256]
The above quoted document does not meet at all the requirements postulated by SM. Since SM won’t be used those considerations do not matter.
It is unclear to me why the GMSK filter selection is pushed into this. This is determined by the mission category and shall be specified as part of the Return RF Carrier Modulation Options.
Number of Forward Space Link parameter datasets / Specifies the number of Forward Space Link parameter datasets that are included in this Service Agreement. / 1
Positive integer (0 to N)
This parameter is not specified in SM.
Number of Return Space Link parameter datasets / Specifies the number of Return Space Link parameter datasets that are included in this Service Agreement. / 3
Positive integer (0 to N)
This parameter is not specified in SM.
Private Annotation / N/A / This field holds any information that is unique to the Service Agreement e.g. background documents such as a mission scenario / NULL
[string or NULL]
This may be confused with the optional presence of the private annotation in the return transfer services.
RF compatibility test / N/A / Interface test between the mission spacecraft and the ground station / In flight at least covering TDA2 and TDA4; high rate equivalent to TDA9 high is known to work from the WBD dumps. Each spacecraft and each antenna will be tested at least once.
The parameter ‘testSupport1’ is not defined in SM.
Ground communications test / N/A / Connectivity test between user and provider ground systems / N/A. The ground communications infrastructure is shared with other missions and known to work. However, Cluster specific routes have to be enabled for access from the Cluster prime and backup NCTRS (the SLE users) to the UPAs at DTF-21 and DSS-34 and DSS-45 as well as from the Cluster prime and backup NCTRS (the SLE users) to the SLE service providers sle 1 to sle4 and opsana17 at DSOT.
The parameter ‘testSupport2’ is not defined in SM.
Dataflow test / N/A / Functional test between user and provider ground systems / N/A. This aspect is part of the SLE Test and the End-to-end System Test.
The parameter ‘testSupport3’ is not defined in SM.
SLE test / N/A / Interface test between the service user and the service provider / SLE data flow will be tested between DTF-21 and the Cluster MCS at ESOC. ESA to provide sim files with test telemetry for each telemetry mode to be supported by the DSN and for each spacecraft.
Tests scheduled as follows:
08 September 2010, 15:00z – 19:00z
15 September 2010, 15:00z – 19:00z
The parameter ‘testSupport4’ is not defined in SM.
End-to-end system test / N/A / End-to-end system test, using spacecraft simulator / N/A
The parameter ‘testSupport5’ is not defined in SM.
Operations readiness test / N/A / Operations readiness test, for operator training / N/A – no specific training regarded necessary
The parameter ‘testSupport6’ is not defined in SM.
Rehearsal / N/A / Full rehearsal of mission operations / Combined with RFCT. All operationally relevant interfaces (including scheduling and trajectory predicts) shall be exercised.
For pre-eclipse (SSR dumps), TDA mode changes will be preplanned and the times will be known in advance.
For post-eclipse passes, TDA mode changes will be coordinated via voice loop with the restriction that no TDA mode change shall be commanded sooner than 5 minutes after uplink acquisition.
The parameter ‘testSupport6’ is not defined in SM.
Antenna price / N/A / Price charged by the Supporting Agency for use of a single antenna / US$ 1057 (FY 2009)
The parameter pricePerHour is not defined in SM.
Labor price / N/A / Price charged by the Supporting Agency for any extra work that is negotiated / N/A
The parameter pricePerLaborHour is not defined in SM.

1.3SERVICE OPTIONS and constraints

Parameter / Definition / Service Management Name, Type and Value
Share Antenna? / Indicates whether a user is willing and able to share an antenna with other missions, to assist provider ground station scheduling and/or reduce costs / False
Note: the orbital characteristics do not allow antenna sharing.
The parameter shareAntenna is not defined in SM.
Confirmation Timeout / Maximum time interval for a confirmation message to be received following transmission of a notification message by either the user or the provider / N/A
[Unsigned Integer], seconds
Enforce Ownership? / Yes/No parameter which constrains the provider to allow only the ‘owner’ of a particular piece of SM information to modify it (‘Yes’) or to allow any one of the User Contacts to modify it (‘No’). / ‘false’
Note: The user mission does not have direct access to configuration parameters.
Time allowed between space link events / Minimum time allowed between space link events / N/A
[Unsigned Integer], seconds
Support Space Link Event Profiles? / Yes/No parameter which indicates whether Space Link Event Profiles are supported by the Service Agreement. / N/A
Event Time Window / If Space Link Event Profiles are supported, these parameters define the maximum values that are allowed to be set in the associated Event dataset. / NULL
[Unsigned Integer] or NULL, seconds
[Unsigned Integer] or NULL, seconds
Permit Handovers? / Yes/No parameter which indicates whether Service Requests may be supported by handovers between multiple ground stations or not. / No
This parameter appears to be inconsistently named in SM:
Handover Overlap / If handovers are supported, this parameter defines the minimum time for the overlap. / NULL
[Unsigned Integer] or NULL, seconds
Handover Procedure / If handovers are supported, this parameter provides a reference to a document describing the handover procedure / N/A
The parameter handoverProcedureReference is not defined in SM.
Maximum Number of Service Instances / Specifies the maximum number of service instances for any given type of Transfer Service that can be supported by all Service Packages at any single time. / 7
[Positive Integer]
I suppose this limit applies to the Service Packages associated with the given SA. Otherwise I do not see how a mission could agree on something that depends on what other missions do at the same time.
Maximum data rate on return service / Specifies the upper bound for any transfer service instance, where applicable. / NULL
[Positive Integer] or NULL
Note: The purpose of this parameter is unclear since no SLE or CSTS service supports metering. If the rate generated by the sending end cannot be handled by the receiving end, the latter shall apply backpressure at TCP level by setting the advertised buffer size accordingly. This is standard TCP behavior.
Minimum value on Reporting Period / Specifies the minimum value on the reporting period for any transfer service instance. / 10 seconds
[Positive Integer], seconds
Maximum value on Reporting Period / Specifies the maximum value on the reporting period for any transfer service instance. / 600 seconds
[Positive Integer], seconds
Size of return online buffer / Specifies the size of the return online buffer / ???
[Positive Integer], frames
While real world implementations will have an upper bound in terms of the online frame buffer they can support, I have not come across any case where this was actually specified / documented in a cross-support agreement nor did I ever see a case where because of this limit frames got lost.
Number of return frames to discard? / Specifies the number of frames to be discarded if the return online buffer becomes full. / ???
Same consideration as for the previous parameter.
Allowed THROW EVENT Identifiers / Specifies the set of identifiers that are valid for THROW-EVENT operations. / N/A
[List of Positive Integer]
Is an empty list the desired mechanism to express that the THROW-EVENT mechanism won’t be used?
THROW EVENT Procedures / If THROW-EVENTS are supported, this parameter provides a reference to a document describing the THROW-EVENT procedures / NULL
The parameter throwEventProcedureReference is not defined in SM. Setting to NULL must be supported.
Service Management Operations / List of service management operations that the provider will support. / N/A
ASCSP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent three phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
ASTSP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
ARTSP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
DSCSP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
DTSP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
QSCSP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
QTSP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
ASLEP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
DSLEP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
QSLEP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
ATP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
DTP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
ETP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
QTP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
CSP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent three phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
DSP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
CTSP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent three phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
SAS Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
ANT Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent three phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
ANSLEP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent three phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
QSP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
RSP Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent three phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)
QSA Timeouts / Maximum time intervals for routine and urgent two phase message timeouts / N/A
Unsigned integer (seconds)

1.4Spacecraft Communication Interfaces

1.4.1Forward Space link parameters

Parameter / Service Catalog ID / Definition / Service Management Name, Type and Value
Forward RF Carrier Identifiers / N/A / Specifies the forward carrier ID / f401SpaceLinkCarrierAgreementID
CLU1 Uplink
CLU2 Uplink
CLU3 Uplink
CLU4 Uplink
On which operationally used interface would such name occur?
The parameter f401SpaceLinkCarrierAgreementID is only referenced in SM, but not specified.
Forward RF CarrierFrequencyRange / 10 / This defines the RF Band to be used, (This defines the minimum and maximum frequencies allowed for the forward carrier frequency, in Hz). / carrierFrequencyRange
CLU1: 2077400000 Hz
CLU2: 2070954167 Hz
CLU3: 2090291667 Hz
CLU4: 2096737500 Hz
In practice the specification of a range will not be needed. Max and min frequency will be set to identical values.
Forward RF Carrier Use / 12 / How the forward carrier is to be applied i.e. remnant or suppressed / Remnant
Forward RF ModulationIndexRange / 13 / If Carrier Use is ‘remnant’, this parameter specifies the upper and lower bounds of the angle by which the RF carrier may be phase-shifted / 1000 milirad
1000 milirad
pair of [Unsigned Integer] or NULL, milliradians
Subcarrier required? / Specifies whether subcarrier is required, for TC, ranging or both / TC only, TC and ranging concurrent
The parameter subCarrierOption is not defined in SM.
Forward Ranging / Specifies the type of ranging required / sequential
1064960 Hz ranging tone
17 code length
400 milirad ranging uplink mod. index
Note: How can we deal with ranging systems that are not governed by a CCSDS standard?
The parameter rangingOption is not defined in SM.
Forward RF SubcarrierFrequencyRange / 14 / The minimum and maximum frequencies allowed for the forward subcarrier frequency, in Hz / 16000 Hz
16000 Hz
pair of [Unsigned Integer], Hz
Forward RF Subcarrier Waveform Options / 15 / Whether the waveforms on the forward subcarrier are sine or square / sine
set of [Enum]
ForwardSymbolRateRange / 16 / The minimum and maximum values for the symbol rates on the forward symbol stream / 2000000 milliSymbols/second
2000000 milliSymbols/second
pair of [Unsigned Integer], millisymbols per second
Forward Symbol Rate coherent with Subcarrier? / Specifies whether the forward symbol rate is coherent with the subcarrier / True
The parameter symbolRateCoherent is not defined in SM.
Forward EIRP / 17 / The minimum and maximum required values for the forward EIRP / 108.5 dBm
108.5 dBm
[Integer], dBm
Forward RF Polarization Options / 18 / Specifies the polarization options available on the forward link / rcp
set of [Enum]
Forward PCM Format Options / 19 / Specifies the set of PCM waveforms that may be modulated onto the forward RF carrier or subcarrier / NRZ-L
set of [Enum]
Forward TC CMM-2 / 20 / Specifies the length of the acquisition sequence used in Telecommand Carrier Modulation Mode 2 / 0 bits
[Unsigned Integer]
Note: The acquisition sequence is inserted by the MCS into the CLTU. Therefore the provider does not need to generate an acquisition sequence.
PLOP in Effect / 21 / Specifies the Physical layer Operations Procedure to be used on the modulation channel. / plop-1
Note: DSN refers to PLOP-1 in combination with an acquisition sequence length of zero as ‘PLOP-None’.
Minimum Idle Sequence Length / 22 / If PLOP in Effect is PLOP-1, this parameter specifies the length of the Idle Sequence to be used in CMM-4. / NULL
[Unsigned Integer] or NULL
Forward Bit Lock Confirmation Required? / 23 / Specifies whether the CLCW will be used to confirm bit lock on the spacecraft. / clcwNotUsed
RF Availability Confirmation Required? / 24 / Specifies whether the CLCW will be used to determine the status of the receiver on the spacecraft. / clcwNotUsed
Reporting Channel Identifier
(if CLCW is used) / 25 / Specifies the set of Master Channel IDs on the return signal that include the Virtual Channels that include the CLCWs that are needed by the provider to confirm bit lock. / NULL
[channeled] or NULL
Maximum CLTU Length / 26 / Specifies the maximum length of the CLTU that will be sent from the user to the provider. / 4092
[Unsigned Integer], octets
CLTU Minimum Delay Time / 27 / Specifies the minimum delay allowed in the CLTU TRANSFER-DATA operation. This time determines the minimum idle sequence length. / 10000 µs