Summer 2017

Angelina College

Health Careers I

VNSG 1219 Professional Development

General Syllabus


A. Course Description: Study of the importance of professional growth. Topics include the role of licensed

vocational nurse in the multi-disciplinary health care team, professional organizations, and

continuing education. Thirty-two classroom hours. Prerequisites: VNSG 1226, 1306,

1331, 1362, and 1429. Co-requisites: VNSG 1238, 1307, 1432, and 1363. Special fee


B. Intended Audience: Freshmen working toward a VN certificate.

C. Instructor: Amber Murphy, MSN, RNC-OB

Office Location: HCI 114

Office Hours: By appointment

Phone: 936-633-3225

E-mail Address:


A. Core Objectives Required for this Course

1. Critical Thinking: to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information

2. Communication: to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication

3. Empirical and Quantitative Skills: to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions

4. Teamwork: to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal

5. Social Responsibility: to include the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making

6. Personal Responsibility: to include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities

B. Course Learning Outcomes for all Sections

(as determined by the instructor)


A. Assessments for the Core Objectives:

1. Critical Thinking: Exams and quizzes

2. Communication: Discussion board postings/assignments

3. Empirical and Quantitative Skills: N/A

4. Teamwork: N/A

5. Social Responsibility: Resume/Cover letter assignment

6. Personal Responsibility: N/A

B. Assessments for Course Learning Outcomes

Module / Objectives
Module 1: Ethics / 1. Apply the ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, veracity, fidelity, and justice to a practical situation.
2. Distinguish between moral and practical dilemmas.
Module 2:Cultural Considerations / 1. Apply the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Standards to develop a more culturally sensitive practice.
2. Discuss methods for providing culturally sensitive care.
DECs Objectives:
Member of the Profession
3a) Practice nursing in a caring, nonjudgmental, nondiscriminatory manner.
3b) Provide culturally sensitive health care to patients and their families.
Module 3: Building a Professional Resume / 1. Create a professional resume.
2. Create a cover letter using appropriate formatting and language.
3. Discuss equal employment rules and questions that potential employers may not ask during a job interview.
4. Discuss how to follow-up after a job interview.
5. Discuss appropriate ways to terminate employment.
Module 4: Legal Issues / 1. Decribe the Texas Board of Nursing rules that apply to vocational nursing practice including continuing education requirements, peer review, safe harbor, scope of practice, delegation versus assignment, care planning, and recommendations for the new nurse.
2. Describe the function of the Texas Board of Nursing.
DECs Objectives:
Member of the Profession
A. 1) Function within a directed scope of practice of the vocational nurse with appropriate supervision.
B. 2a) Provide nursing care within the parameters of vocational nursing knowledge, scope of practice, education, experience, and ethical/legal standards of care.
6c) Use nursing judgment to anticipate and prevent patient harm, including invoking Safe Harbor.
C. 5) Practice within the vocational nursing role and scope of practice.
D. 2) Participate in nursing continuing competency activities to maintain licensure.
Provider of Patient-Centered Care
E. 12a) Demonstrate accountability by providing nursing interventions safely and effectively using a directed scope of practice.
H. 4) Assign patient care activities taking patient safety into consideration according to Texas Board of Nursing rules (217.11).
Patient Safety Advocate
A. 2) Practice according to Texas Nurse Practice Act and Texas Board of Nursing rules.
6) Participate in peer review.
E. 2) Understand Safe Harbor rules and implement when appropriate.
F. 1) Accept only those assignments that fall within individual scope of practice based on experience and educational preparation.
2) When making assignments, ensure clear communication regarding other caregivers' levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities.
3) When assigning nursing care, retain accountability and supervise personnel based on Texas Board of Nursing rules according to the setting to ensure patient safety.
Member of the Health Care Team
F. 2a) Assign and monitor tasks of unlicensed and licensed personnel in compliance with Texas Board of Nursing rules.
2b) Reassess adequacy of care provided.
3b) Provide feedback on competency levels of team members.
G. 3a) Oversee and monitor patient care provided by unlicensed assistive personnel and vocational licensed personnel as assigned.
3b) Base assignments on individual team member competencies.
Module 5: Evidence-Based Practice / 1. Apply evidence from current nursing rearch to nursing practice issues.
2. Distinguish between primary and secondary sources.
3. Find peer reviewed scholarly articles using the library's electronic database.
DECs Objectives:
Member of the Profession
B. 5b) Follow established evidence-based clinical guidelines.
Provider of Patient-Centered Care
A. 4) Apply relevant, current nursing practice journal articles to practice and clinical decisions.
E. 12b) Provide nursing interventions safely and effectively using established evidence-based practice guidelines.
Member of the Health Care Team
E. 1a) Identify, collect, process, and manage data in the delivery of patient care and in support of nursing practice and education.
1b) Use recognized, credible sources of information, including internet sites.
1c) Access, review, and use electronic data to support decision making.
Module 6: Roles of the Nurse / 1. Describe the following roles of the nurse: leader, employee, patient advocate, member of the healthcare team.
2. Discuss different types of harrassment that may occur in the workplace.
DECs Objectives:
Member of the Profession
A. 3b) and B 6b) Questions orders, policies, and procedures that may not be in the patient's best interest.
B. 7) Use communication techniques to maintain professional boundaries in the nurse/patient relationship.
8) Comply with professional appearance requirements according to organizational standards and policies.
C. 2) Work collegially with members of the interdisciplinary health care team.
3) Participate in activities individually or in groups through organizations that promote a positive image of the vocational nursing role.
4) Recognize roles of vocational nursing organizations, regulatory agencies, and organizational committees.
Provider of Patient-Centered Care
G. 5) Use management skills to assign to licensed and unlicensed personnel.
Patient Safety Advocate
A. 3) Seek assistance if practice requires behaviors or judgments outside of individual knowledge and expertise.
Member of the Health Care Team
A. 3) Act as an advocate for patient's basic needs, including following established procedures for reporting and solving institutional care problems and chain of command.
Module 7: Lifelong Learning / Overall Objective: Discuss the nurse as a lifelong learner.
Other Objectives:
1. Create a long-term educational goal for yourself.
2. Discuss options for nursing education including educational routes and/or certifications.
DECs Objectives:
Member of the Profession
D. 1) Participate in educational activities to maintain/improve competency, knowledge, and skills.
5) Demonstrate commitment to the value of lifelong learning.

SCANS Skills Assessments

Required Reading

Oral Presentation

Critical Thinking Assignments

Computer Skills

Workplace Competencies: Administer medications

Prepare written care maps, care plans, & windows

Interpret physician orders

Communicate with clients

Communicate with interdisciplinary health team.

Teach clients about medications administered

Use the computer in the work setting


Methodologies utilized in this course may include lecture, audio and/or online technique, Blackboard discussion assignments, written assignments as assigned by instructor, computer assignments, and online chats. Computerized clinical and theory enhancers and other CAI.'s may also be utilized. Discussion Board assignments / postings may be used in Assessments. Online student resources (student activities) are available @


A. Required Textbooks and Recommended Readings, Materials and Equipment

*Dahlkemper (2012). Anderson’s Nursing leadership, management, and professional practice for the LPN/LVN. (5th Ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.


Course Policies – This course conforms to the policies of Angelina College as stated in the Angelina College Handbook.

1. Academic Assistance– If you have a disability (as cited in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) that may affect your participation in this class, you should see Sellestine Hunt Associate Dean of Student Services, Student Center, Room 200. At a post-secondary institution, you must self-identify as a person with a disability; Ms. Hunt will assist you with the necessary information to do so. To report any complaints of discrimination related to disability, you should contact Mr. Steve Hudman, Dean of Student Affairs, in Student Center, Room 101,(936) 633-5292or by .

2. Attendance – Attendance is required as per Angelina College Policy and will be recorded every day. Any student with three (3) consecutive absences of four (4) cumulative absences may be dropped from the class. Records will be turned in to the academic dean at the end of the semester. Do not assume that non-attendance in class will always result in an instructor drop. You must officially drop a class or risk receiving an F. This is official Angelina College Policy.

3. Additional Policies Established by the Instructor


See course calendar.


A.  Grading Criteria

Testing via Blackboard (online) or Scantron.

No late submissions will be accepted.

B.  Determination of Grade

Grading Scale: Grade Distribution

A = 90-100 Discussions 2.5% each x 4 = 10%

B = 80-89 Assignments 10% each x 4 = 40%

C = 75-79 Quizzes 5% each x 3 = 15%

F = < 75 Mid-Term Exam 15%

Final Exam 20%

The instructor may modify the provisions of the syllabus to meet individual class needs by informing the class in advance as to the changes being made.

Appendix I


·  Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Book

A Safety Data Sheet is a document that contains information on the chemical make-up, use, storage, handling, emergency procedures and potential health effects related to a hazardous material. The SDS contains much more information about the material than the label on the container. SDS’s are prepared and written by the manufacturer of the material.

The SDS sheets are accessible at all times & are kept in the following location(s):

Health Careers I:

A.  EMS Lab: Room 105

B.  Surgical Tech Lab: Room 203

C.  Vocational Nursing Lab: Room 200

D.  Associates Nursing Lab: Room 203

·  Plan & Procedures Book (Includes the following)

These reference items are accessible at all times & are kept in the following location(s):

Health Careers I: In the main office, on the wall next to the printer.

1.  Plans

·  Universal Waste Plan

·  Hazardous Waste Plan

·  Chemical Waste Plan

·  Exposure Control Plan

2.  Procedures

·  Battery Disposal

·  Lamp Disposal

·  Pesticide Disposal

·  Mercury Containing Equipment Disposal

·  Paint & Paint Related Waste Disposal

·  Electronic Waste Disposal

·  Medical Waste Disposal

·  Chemical Waste Disposal

·  Spill Cleanup

Revised: 4/12/13