Orwigsburg Fire Department

Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Policy Number: ______

Policy Dated: __June 6, 2002__

This policy describes Orwigsburg Fire Department’s guidelines with regard to Internet access and disclosure of electronic email messages sent or received by Orwigsburg Fire Department members with use of the Orwigsburg Fire Department computer systems in station and in the field.

Orwigsburg Fire Department respects the individual privacy of its members. However, member’s privacy does not extend to the members station-related conduct or to the use of Orwigsburg Fire Department’s -provided equipment or supplies. You should be aware that the following guidelines might affect your privacy in the station.

As a condition of providing Internet access to its members, Orwigsburg Fire Department places certain restrictions on station use of the Internet. Orwigsburg Fire Department encourages member use of the Internet:

·  To communicate with fellow members and friends regarding matters within a members assigned duties;

·  To acquire information related to, or designed to facilitate the performance of regular assigned duties

·  To facilitate performance of any task or project in a manner approved by a Line Officer or MIS Administrator of the Company.

·  To acquire personal information as long as the information being obtained is in accordance to this policy.

Compliance With Applicable Laws And Licenses

Members must comply with all software licenses, copyrights, and all other laws governing intellectual property and online activity.

Please be advised that your use of the Internet access, provided by Orwigsburg Fire Department, expressly prohibits the following:

·  Distribution of destructive programs (i.e., viruses and/or self-replicating code)

·  Hateful, harassing, or other anti-social behavior

·  Intentional damage or interference with others (for example, hacking and distributing viruses)

·  Making publicly accessible obscene files

·  Solicitation

·  Commercial usage of non-company business

·  Dissemination or printing of copyrighted materials (including articles and software) in violation of copyright laws.

·  Sending, receiving, printing or otherwise disseminating proprietary data, trade secrets or other confidential information of Orwigsburg Fire Department in violation of company policy or proprietary agreements.

·  Offensive or harassing statements or language including disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious or political beliefs.

·  Sending or soliciting sexually oriented messages or images.

·  Operating a business, usurping business opportunities or soliciting money for personal gain

·  Sending chain letters, gambling or engaging in any other activity in violation of the law

Violation of Orwigsburg Fire Department 's Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Violation of Orwigsburg Fire Department’s Internet Acceptable Use Policy may include disciplinary action. The measure of discipline will correspond to the gravity of the offense as weighed by its potential effect on Orwigsburg Fire Department and fellow members and community. See Discipline Policy below. When you connect to the Internet using an Orwigsburg Fire Department computer, it should be for Orwigsburg Fire Department business related activity or of no unacceptable activity as stated above in the Applicable Laws and Licenses section.

Companies Right to Access Information

Access to your personal email accounts and files is being provided by Orwigsburg Fire Department to facilitate business and personal communications. Although each member has an individual username and password to access their account, it is part of the Orwigsburg Fire Department and may be subject to periodic unannounced inspections. All system passwords and encryption keys must be available to Orwigsburg Fire Department Line Officers or MIS Administrator upon request.

Personal Use of E-Mail

Because Orwigsburg Fire Department provides the access to member’s email accounts via the Internet, you should use it for official Orwigsburg Fire Department business but personal use is not restricted. However, all email that contains any of the Applicable Laws and Licenses as stated above will be in effect and if observed will be subject to disciplinary action.

Password Security and Integrity

Members are prohibited from the unauthorized use of passwords of other members to gain access to the computer. When finished with the computer, each user must log off of the Internet and sign out of the system to ensure no one else uses his or her login credentials. If you fail to do so, you may be held responsible for any inappropriate material that is found under your profile.

Virus Detection

All material downloaded from the Internet or from another computer MUST be scanned for viruses and other destructive programs before being placed onto the Orwigsburg Fire Department 's computer system. Norton Antivirus was loaded on the system to help protect our system from downloaded files or emails that may contain viruses.

Waiver Of Privacy

Orwigsburg Fire Department has the right, but not the duty, to monitor any and all aspects of its computer system, including, but not limited to, monitoring sites members visit on the Internet, reviewing material downloaded or uploaded by members, and reviewing e-mail activity sent and received by members. Members waive any and all rights to privacy in anything they create, store, send, or receive on the computer or the Internet.


This Policy may be amended or revised from time-to-time. Members will be provided with notice of all amendments and revisions to this Policy.


I, the undersigned, have read and acknowledge the Acceptable Internet Use Policy drawn up on this day 6th, June 2002 and will be responsible for abiding by all rules and procedures stated in the policy. If, I or another person in my presence is abusing or is offended by any material that is presented to them on the computers in the station or field, It shall be reported to the appropriate individuals by verbal or written form within 24 hours. See attached Internet Incident Form, which will be provided and placed near the computers in the day room, fill out form and place in office in one of the bins. If the incident is not reported, and improper material is found in your profile on the station computers, your account will be locked.

Members Name (printed): ______

Members Signature: ______

Date Signed: ______

Discipline Policy

An offense is any item list above in the Internet Acceptable Use policy that is not followed or is deemed inappropriate for the use of the computer or Internet system in the station or field.

First Offense: User will be locked out and terminated from using the computer systems.

As listed above, this depends on the severity of the incident and material found under the individual’s profile. If incident is severe enough, we will warrant a police investigation into the specific incident.

Internet Incident Form

Name: ______

Date: ______

Time: ______

Incident – Please explain in detail, what you were doing, where you were at on the Internet and the outcome. Also list the website or sites that came up on the screen that prompted this incident.


Please place finished form in my mailbox after completing, I will look into the issue and get back to you at my earliest convenience, Thank You