American commission’s demand of removing laws related to Qadianis is idiotic: Worldwide Khatm e Nabuwat Movement

That demand is equivalent to interfering in internal matters of the country. Qadianis are the rebels of the constitution. We will not bear American interference.

Qadianis are looting the rights of Muslims by not recognizing themselves non Muslims: Qari Jamil Ur Rehman and Sayed Zia Ul Hassan

Lahore (Special Reporter) Leaders of Worldwide Khatm e Nabuwat Movement strongly condemned an American commission’s demand of removing laws related to Qadianis by terming it as idiotic. They said that Qadianiat is weakening the roots of Islam. Qadiani lobby is defaming Islam and Pakistan. They were declared non Muslims as a result of great struggle. (Daily Ausaf 26th December, 2016)

Struggle will be continued for Khatm e Nabuwat. United Nations must stop killings in Myanmar and Halab: Scholars

Silence on Muslim nations is shameful: Maulana Khalil

Government must take back its decision of transferring educational institutes to Qadianis: Shabbir Usmani

Chiniot (Correspondent) Maulana Khalil, Faizullah, Khalid Mehmood, Salman Usmani, Miraj Qureshi, Ahsan Rizwan, Hanif Mughal and other scholars urged world powers to play their roles to end killings during annual Aftab Nabuwat conference at Jamia Usmania, Chenab Nagar. Khalil criticized double standards of UNO and world powers. He urged them to get rid of this biased attitude. Shabbier said that the future of hundreds of students and teachers looks dark after government’s decision of transferring educational institutes to Qadianis. Decision of renaming department of Physics of Quiad Azam University, Islamabad after Dr Abdul Salam is an act of treason against the constitution. Promotion of unity is desperately required to defeat the enemies of Pakistan. Operation similar to the Karachi operation must be launched in Chenab Nagar in order to break the network of terrorists. Protection of Pakistan is a part our lives and beliefs. Khalil said that we prefer religious politics over western. Observance of Sunnat ensures success in this life and hereafter. Faiz Ullah said that Pakistan was founded on the principals of Islam so there is no room for secularism in it. At last, Islam will prevail. ISIS and other enemies are promoting sectarianism in the country. We support government and Pak Army. Salman Usmani said that we will keep on unveiling the frauds of Qadianis. Islam will last forever. Qureshi said that God sent Holy Prophet (PBUH) as blessings for entire universe.

(DailyNawai Waqt 25th December, 2016)

Suspects of Chakwal tragedy must be arrested: Dr Abdul Qawi

Beasts that killed participant of Milad procession deserve dreadful punishment.

Faisalabad (Bureau Report) President of Ahl e Sunnat Pakistan, Dr Abdul Qawi, district leader, SAjid Azhar Yousafi and acting General Secretary, Muhammad Khizar Iqbal Hashmi and convener, Mian Muhammad Ahmad said in their addresses to party workers that administration’s support to Qadianis is worsening law and order situation. If government does not arrest Qadiani killers, we will launch nationwide protest. Killers of Muslim man have been living freely for many days. They urged administration of Dawalmial to remove cases against innocent Muslims. (Daily Ausaf 23rd December, 2016)

America must abstain itself from interfering in internal matters of Pakistan: Scholars

We cannot bear UCICIRF’s demands of removing anti Qadiani articlesL ALLAH Wasaya, Ismail Shuja Abadi, Jamil Ur Rehman, Aleem Uddin Shakir, Abdul Naeem and others

Lahore (Special Reporter) Leaders of Worldwide Khatm e Nabuwat Movement said in their addresses that none of Pakistani citizens bears American interference in internal matters of Pakistan. American commission’s demand is against the autonomy and the constitution. No one can dear to remove any article of the law of blasphemy in the presence of Muslims.(Daily Ausaf 25th December, 2016)

Qadianis must be made abide by the constitution at any cost: Abdul Ghafoor Rehmani

UNO’s silence over the incident of killings in Halab is shameful.

Chiniot (Special Correspondent) President of Jamiat Ahl e Hadees, Chiniot, Abdul Ghafoor said in his interview to journalists that those who consider Qadianis as their brothers, do not receive income tax from them, do not make them abide by the constitution and have soft corner for them are poison for Pakistan. We prefer religious politics over western. Future of hundreds of Muslim teachers and students look dark after government’s decision of transferring nationalized educational institutes to Qadianis. They urged Punjab government to take back its decision. All Muslim schools of thoughts have a same destination. They invited Qadianis to accept Islam by leaving Qadianiat in order to be successful on doomsday. (Daily Pakistan 26th December, 2016)

Human Rights Commission of Pakistan expressed its concerns over illegitimate attitude with Qadianis.

Lahore (INP) Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has demanded an unbiased investigation of the incidents of Rabwa and Chakwal in its official statement. (Daily Jung, 15th December, 2016)

Devotion to Holy Prophet (PBUH) is an only way of competing against vicious forces: Ashfaq Bajwa

Enemies of Islam got effective message with the organization of various events in Rabi Ul Awal.

Faisalabad (Special Correspondent) District in charge of Sirat e Mustaqeem Movement, Mufti Ashfaq Bajwa said in his address at Central Ajmery Mosque, Sir Sayyed Town that firing on the participants of the Eid Milad procession is a proof of ruler’s negligence. Qadianis must be made abide by the constitution. Qadianis who are involved in terrorism must be punished on urgent basis. Mosque that has towers must be opened for Muslims of Dharmial. Cases registered against Muslims must be withdrawn. Celebration of Milad is an act of fortunate people. We will not step back from scarifying anything for the protection of the honor of Holy Prophet (PBUH). (Daily Nawai Waqt, 15th December, 2016)

Qadianis are establishing their centers in Chenab Nagar to promote terrorism.

Chenab Nagar must be sealed to end terrorism: Maulana Rafiq Wajhwi and Abdul Waris

Chiniot (Correspondent) Secretary of communication of Worldwide Khatm e Nabuwat Movement, Rafique Wajhwi and the president of JUI Chiniot, Abdul Waris expressed their concerns over the expected conspiracy of Qadianis regarding CTD raid during their press conferences. Qadianiat is dangerous for the integrity and security of the country. Official of CTD recovered hate literature from Zia Ul Islam Press and offices of Tehrik e Jadid. Recovery of such material is a proof of unconstitutional activities of Qadianis. They strive to change the direction of issue through their influence. They have established missionary houses in Chenab Nagar under the cover of NGOs to propagate false religion. They killed newly turned Muslim, Ahmad Yousaf just because of his faith in 2011. In order to change the direction of that case, they killed Abdul Quddos Qadiani and the son of deceased. They registered a case against 2 police officials and the plaintiff. However, court has ordered to release said officials after 5 years.

(Daily Nawai Waqt, 15th December, 2016)

Pakistan came into being as a result of the blessings of Milad e Mustafa and the faith of Khatm e Nabuwat: Ashfaq Bajwa

Terrorism of Qadianis on the occasion of Eid Milad Nabi (PBUH) is a point of concern for the rulers.

Faisalabad (Special Correspondent) Labaik Ya Rasool Ullah (PBUH) organized a protesting rally from district council to Kachahri chowk. District in charge, Mufti Ashfaq Bajwa said in his address that Muslims have been arrested to please foreign forces. But, no action has been taken against the killers and deniers of Khatm e Nabuwat. Police did not register FIR from the heirs of martyr Muhammad Naeem Shaifique. Bajwa made it clear that Muslims will not allow Qadianis to break the law. They will not step back from scarifying their lives for the protection of Khatm e Nabuwat. Bajwa urged government to arrest and punish killers on urgent basis. (Daily Nawai Waqt, 17th December, 2016)

Sindh government must encourage new Muslims by taking back its decision: Worldwide Khatm e Nabuwat Movement

Leaders urged to dismiss Qadianis including RPO Shiekhupura, Malik Khuda Buksh, deputy attorney general, Amir Rehman and DPO Khushab.

Lahore (Special Reporter) Meeting of central body of Worldwide Khatm e Nabuwat Movement held under the supervision of Sahibzda Aziz Ahmad. Many religious scholars including ALLAH Wasaya, Ismail Shuja Abadi, Akram Tufani, Qazi Ahsan, Mufti Rashid Madni and Shahah Uddin Popalzai also participated. They strongly condemned the bill passed by the members of Sindh assembly. They said that the future of hundreds of Muslim teachers and students looks dark with the decision of transferring nationalized institutes to Qadianis. They urged government to take back its decisions of transferring institutes to Qadianis and renaming the department of Quiad Azam University after Qadiani Dr Abdul Salam. They announced to unveil joint future plan regarding these issues during a meeting of the representative of all school of thoughts in Islamabad. (Daily Ausaf, 15th December, 2016)

Qadianis are dangerous for the integrity and security of the country: Rafiq Wajhwi

Recovery of hate literature from Zia Ul Islam press and office of Tehrik e Jadid is a clear indication of their involvement in unconstitutional activities.

Qadianis have established missionary houses in Chenab Nagar to propagate their false teachings under the cover of NGO.

Chiniot (District Reporter) Secretary of communication of Worldwide Khatm e Nabuwat Movement, Rafique Wajhwi and the president of JUI Chiniot, Abdul Waris expressed their concerns over the expected conspiracy of Qadianis regarding CTD raid during their press conferences. They killed newly turned Muslim, Ahmad Yousaf just because of his faith in 2011. In order to change the direction of that case, they killed Abdul Quddos Qadiani and the son of deceased. They registered a case against 2 police officials and the plaintiff. However, court has ordered to release said officials after 5 years. .

(Daily Ausaf, 15th December, 2016)

Labaik Ya Rasool Ullah (PBUH) organized rallies in a protest of Chakwal incident. Many resolutions were also passed.

Illegal occupation of the mosque in Dwalmial and firing has proved that the centers of Qadianis are the base of terrorism. Ata Ul Muhamen Bukhari and Abdul Latif Khalid

Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Multan, Peshawar, Quetta (Special Reporters) Majlis e Ahrar, Khatm e Nabuwat Movement, Pakistan Shariat Council, Pasban Khatm e Nabuwat Movement, Labaik Ya Rasool Ullah (PBUH) movement, JUI and other religious parties celebrated day of appeal for the protection of Khatm e Nabuwat Movement. Participants demanded government to take back its decisions of transferring institutes to Qadianis, renaming the department of Quiad Azam University after Qadiani Dr Abdul Salam and launching indiscriminate operation against Qadianis who are involved in terrorism. Scholars made it clear that they will not bear any support to Qadianis in the country that was established on the name of Islam. Dr Asif Ashraf Jalai led a rally from a press club to Punjab assembly. He said that terrorism from Qadianis is point of concern for the rulers. They demanded immediate arrest of the killer of Mohammad Naeef Shafique. .

(Daily Ausaf, 17th December, 2016)

Qadianiat is prevailing due to the negligence of government: Sahibzada Hamid Raza

Suspects of Chakwal incident must be helped reaching to their logical end.

If our demands are not accepted, we will launch nationwide protest: Qari Khawar

Sialkot (Bureau Report) Scholars said in their addresses outside Sialkot press club that Qadianiat is strengthening its roots due to negligence of government. Qadianid did not attack Milad procession in the past. Peaceful processions are organized in every corner of the country. In fact, Qadiani leadership wants to ban processions with these incidents of firing. Government and Qadianis must forget the ban. (Daily Ausaf, 17th December, 2016)

Sunni movement organized the day of the protection of the honor of Holy Prophet (PBUH) in a protest of Chakwal incident.

Negligence of government and local administration is the main reason for the incident. Killers of Naeem Shaifique must be arrested: Resolution

Faisalabad (Special Correspondent) Various resolutions were passed during protection of the honor of Holy Prophet (PBUH) day in more than 100 thousand mosques of the country. Scholars said that Qadianis along with other minorities get complete protection. Killer of Naeem Shaifique must be brought to justice. Qadianis who have occupied the mosque must be ordered to free it. Whenever religious issue arises, few people are in favor of amending article 295c. These kinds of talks are equivalent to hurting the feelings of Muslims.

.(Daily Nawai Waqt, 17th December, 2016)

Renaming the hall of university after Dr Abdul Salam is a condemnable act: Rab Nawaz

Chiniot (Jung Correspondent) Chairman of all Pakistan Khatm e Nabuwat lawyer forum, Malik Rab Nawaz has strongly condemned Prime Minister’s decision of renaming Physics department of Quiad Azam university after Qadiani, Dr Abdul Salam. He raised the question regarding the factors involved in this decision. Dr Abdul Salam left the country when Qadianis were declared pagans. He unveiled atomic secrets of Pakistan. (Daily Jung, 14th December, 2016)

Government must not take the pressure of America: Zahid Qasmi

Faisalabad (Special Correspondent) Secretary General of Worldwide Khatm e Nabuwat Movment and the member of Islami Nazrayati Council, Sahibzada Zahid Mehmood Qasmi submitted resolution during his Friday Sermon at Central Mosque, Faisalabad. He urged government to promote all official who took part in a raid to recover hate material from the offices of Qadianis. He also demanded legal action against all culprits. (Daily Jung, 17th December, 2016)

Situation can be worst if educational institutes are transferred to Qadianis: Participants of Ahrar Khatm e Nabuwat conference

Qadianis! You must follow the safe path. You must come under the feet of Holy Prophet (PBUH) by getting rid of the deceit of Mirza Qadiani: Ata Ul Muhamen Bukhari, Mufti Muhammad Zahid, Kafail Bukhari, Dr Shahid, Mehmood Kashmiri, Abdul Latif Khalid Chemman, Muhammad Mughera and others

Chenab Nagar (Special Correspondent) Annual Ahrar Khatm e Nabuwat conference organized by Majlis Ahrar e Islam and Worldwide Khatm e Nabuwat Movment at historical Central Ahrar mosque of Chenab Nagar ended with the prayers for the solidarity of Islam and country. Khawaja Aziz Ahmad presided over the concluding session wherein many religious scholars addressed the participants. Bukhari said that we prefer religious politics over western. We have the honor of being heirs of all martyrs of Khatm e Nabuwat from Yamama war till 1984. Sacrifices of the martyrs of Khatm e Nabuwat protected the country from being transferred into Qadiani state. Qadianis will come to know about the truth if they study the publications of their leader. He prayed God to make Muslims protector of Khatm e Nabuwat so that they can continue peaceful struggle for the protection of Khatm e Nabuwat. Abdul Khaliq said that Qadianis are deceiving others so it is our right to protect Muslims from their temptations. Qadianiat is nothing except the backbone of the opposition of Islam. All enemies of Islam are utilizing them. Kufail Bukhari said that Islam is everlasting religion. Cheema said that Hefa is burning as a result of the conspiracies of Qadianis. Late Dr Abdul Salam declared Pakistan as accursed and unveiled atomic secrets to America. Decision of renaming the department of university after him is equivalent to supporting enemies. Participants raised Khatm e Nabuwat and Pakistan slogans during a rally organized at the end of conference. They held the red flags of Ahrar. Leaders invited Qadianis to accept Islam when rally reached in front of Aiwan e Mehmood. They praised officials of CTD for raiding and recovering hate literature from the offices of Qadianis in Chenab Nagar. Bukhari urged government to not give clearance to Qadianis to attend their annual conference in India.

(Daily Ausaf, 14th December, 2016)

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