The Catcher in the Rye Layered Curriculum Project – due 10-3-11

Name ______Points earned______

Total Possible points: 115

Layer C: Choose at least three activities from this layer.

______1. Write ten new vocabulary words, definition, a sentence, and a symbol or drawing to help you remember the words. (10 points)

______2. Find and identify at least five symbols and write a few sentences on each describing their symbolic meanings – e.g. red hat, ducks, museum, etc.

______3. The author, Salinger, gives detailed descriptions of each of the characters in the book. Choose three characters and write three paragraphs or three short poems about these characters. ( 15 points)

_____4. Draw a cartoon, sketch or comic strip about one of your favorite scenes in the book. (15 points)

_____5. Draw a portrait of a character from the book. The portrait may be a head shot, or a full-body representation. Be as accurate as possible based on the description in the book. Use watercolors, charcoal, crayons, or colored pencils. (15 points)

_____6. Draw a poster advertising the movie or to convince your friends to read the book. (15 points)

_____7. Create a collage of the story using pictures from the Internet, magazines, drawings, etc. that depicts the story. Create three identifiable scenes from the story. (15)

_____8. Write an alternative ending to a chapter in the story. (20 points)

_____9. Write a newspaper article about one of the events in the story. (20 points)

_____10. Write an event in the story from another character’s perspective. Include the thoughts the character might have had while the event was taking place. (20 points)

_____11. Choose one of the following areas to research in the 1950’s time period: Entertainment, politics, technology, fashion. Write a one-page paper about your research. Use proper citation. (20 points)

_____12. Design a new cover (both back and front) for the novel. ( 20 points)

_____13. Write a letter from Phoebe to Holden after he has been committed to the sanitarium. Use the correct form for a friendly letter. (15 points)

Layer B: Choose at least two activities before moving to layer A .

_____1. Pick out twelve significant events in the book. Make a timeline of the events and write a two-sentence explanation of why they are significant. (20 points)

_____2. Write an interview between a main character and a newspaper reporter. (15 pts.)

_____3. Design an award for one of the main characters. Write a brief speech (one to two paragraphs) outlining why that person qualified for the award. (15 points)

_____4. Write a eulogy or obituary for one of the main characters. Include highlights of that person’s life. You may add details for the younger characters in the book. (15 pts.)

_____5. Create a mobile depicting scenes from the book. Use construction paper, actual items, or pictures. (15 points)

_____6. Write a detailed character analysis of a person from the story. Discuss three traits of the character. Give examples from the book to support your analysis. Use at least three quotes or examples. (20 points)

_____7. Write a song or a “Where I’m From” poem about one of the characters. (15)

_____8. Create a power point presentation about the book. Include quotes, events, and characters in your presentation. (20 points)

_____9. As you read each untitled chapter, create a name for each chapter that reflects the main theme of each chapter. (25 points)

Layer A: Choose one Critical Thinking Activity. Write a well-developed five-paragraph essay for the question you choose. (25 pts)

_____1. Think about Holden's vision of the nature of childhood and adulthood. Are the two realms as separate as Holden believes them to be? Where does he fit in?

_____2. The novel is structured around Holden's encounters and interactions with other people. Does any pattern seem to emerge, or does anything change in his interactions as the novel progresses? How do Holden's encounters with adults, children, women, and his peers evolve as the novel progresses?

_____3. Holden often behaves like a prophet or a saint, pointing out the phoniness and wickedness in the world around him. Is Holden as perfect as he wants to be? Are there instances where he is phony and full of hypocrisy? What do these moments reveal about his character and his psychological problems?

_____4. The Situation: Your school is considering banning The Catcher in the Rye next year from its curriculum. The novel is a required text for all students, and complaints have started coming in recently from several parents about the language and sexual situations described in the novel. Currently, your English class is reading the novel, and your teacher has asked you to write a letter to the administration telling whether or not you support the book being banned and why. Your teacher has instructed that you not write a purely emotional response, but that you get information to back up your case. You locate articles and statistics on the internet and prepare to write your letter.

Your Task: Write a 5-paragraph essay in the form of a letter to the school's administrative staff. You must try to persuade the administration to either remove or keep The Catcher in the Rye in its English curriculum. Use a Business Form for your letter.

·  Keep all of your work in your English Folder. Submit this Assignment Sheet with the activities that you completed in each layer checked highlighted. I will assign points after reviewing your work. All work that can be placed in your folder should be submitted in the folder. Use the MLA Heading on all printed material.