Standard 4: Comprehensive Programming within a Total School Community:
Recommendations for Middle School Transition
1.Send memo to 5th grade teachers requesting Reading and Math grades. The memo includes space for listing new nominations. Ask teachers to record grades or standards met at the end of 3rd Quarter. Set a deadline for return.
2.List 5th grade AIG Resource students and new nominations in alphabetical order on the grid, “Transition of 5th Graders to Middle School Advanced Programs.” A copy of this form must be given to the AIG Coordinator at the file exchange. Additionally, keep a copy for the elementary school records. Please complete separate form for each middle school.
3.Record CogAT age percentiles and any other relevant 5th grade scores on grid. (ITBS and WIAT as used in special cases). New nominations can be listed on this grid or on another copy. Screening pool: 85th %ile+. Remember: 4th grade CogAT scores are valid for 2 years.
4.Check student AIG-1 to determine if placement was in Reading, Math, or in both areas.
5. Distribute Middle School Nomination forms to 5th grade teachers, unless you wish to complete the forms. This process is for “new nominations”. Remember if an AIG Resource student was not identified in the area of math, for example, the student would now be a “new nomination” for MS math.
6.Form an aptitudetesting group, if needed. Check on students who need to be evaluated in Reading and/or Math. EOG scores will determine if ITBS administration is necessary. Remember that you can use the higher of the two as long as you are using scores from 5th grade testing.
The following scenario was presented concerning a student in transition from 5th grade AIG Resource to Middle School Programs:
Student placed in 4th grade AIG Resource using 3rd grade reading score but would not have placed in AIG using 3rd grade math score.
Question: Could we use 4th grade math score if that score is higher than 3rd grade?
Answer: No. Even though 4th grade scores may be higher than 3rd grade placement scores in the one area, please remember that this student should be considered a new nomination in that area. The 5th grade CogAT and the 5th grade EOG, IOWA, or WIAT scores in math need to be used for this nomination.
7.Begin completing EMS-7 with information you already know concerning 5th grade AIG Resource students. This is only for AIG Resource students.
8. Once EOG scores arrive, examine for any additional nominations in math and reading and conduct any follow up aptitude or achievement testing needed. Also identify AIG math students that may be eligible for math Double Acceleration in middle school. Form an Orleans Hanna test group for these students.
9. Finalize new students added to advanced programs in the M.S. Transition Spreadsheet. Meet with the AIG program team to finalize placements. Complete “6th Grade Advanced Course Placement” letters for all students tested. Send home EMS 7 for all current AIG Resource students, and the Advanced Course Placement letters for any student tested in the final report card.
For Students in Transition
(Rising 6th graders who were identified as AIG Resource at the elementary level)
Elementary AIG Teachers will complete:
EMS – 7
Elementary Nomination Form AIG-1: Should be reviewed for identification accuracy. (Elementary AIG teachers should indicate English/Language Arts and/or Math Placement in Elementary AIG)
New Label for Middle School Placement
Confidentiality w/PowerSchool #
New Nominations
(Rising 6th Graders)
Elementary AIG Teachers will complete:
Nomination Form(s): MS E/LA or Math
Teacher Recommendation Form for Math Double Acceleration Students ONLY
Consent for Evaluation
Copy of MS Placement Letter for Parents
Test Summaries may be included for reference.
New Label for Middle School Placement
Confidentiality w/ PowerSchool #
ES Section 10, Page 1