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PATH:Engine MechanicalEngine Mechanical ComponentsCylinder HeadRemoval & Installation3.8L Engine / Print
3.8L Engine
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
  2. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  3. Relieve the fuel system pressure.
  4. Drain the cooling system.
  5. Remove or disconnect the following:
  6. Intake manifold
  7. Exhaust manifold
  8. Valve covers
  9. Ignition wires and ignition coil/module assembly
  10. Alternator front mounting bracket and alternator
  11. Air conditioning bracket-to-cylinder head bolt
  12. Power steering pump
  13. Accessory drive belt tensioner
  14. Supercharger belt tensioner, if equipped
  15. Fuel pipe heat shield
  16. Rocker arm assemblies, note their original position
  17. Pushrods and guide plate
  18. Cylinder head bolts
  19. Cylinder head

To install:

  1. Place the new cylinder head gasket on the engine block dowels with the note THIS SIDE UP facing the cylinder head and the arrow facing the front of the engine. Position the cylinder head on the engine block.

The head gasket is identified by either a L or a R stamped on it next to the arrow.
This engine uses special torque-to-yield head bolts. The procedure must be followed carefully and new bolts must be used whenever the head is removed. Total bolt torque should not exceed 60 ft. lbs. (81 Nm).
Cylinder head bolt torque sequence—3.8L engine
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  1. Install new cylinder head bolts and torque them in sequence as follows:
  2. Step 1: 37 ft. lbs. (50 Nm).
  3. Step 2: Plus 120 degrees.
  1. Install or connect the following:
  2. Pushrods and guide plate
  3. Rocker arm assemblies into their original location

Apply a thread lock compound to the rocker arm pedestal bolts before assembly.
  • Valve covers
  • Fuel pipe heat shield
  • Accessory drive belt tensioner
  • Supercharger belt tensioner (VIN 1 engine)
  • Power steering pump
  • Air conditioning compressor bracket bolt. Torque it to 52 ft. lbs. (70 Nm).
  • Alternator front mounting bracket, and alternator
  • Ignition coil/module assembly and spark plug wires
  • Exhaust manifold. Torque the bolts to 22 ft. lbs. (30 Nm).
  • Intake manifold
  • Negative battery cable
  1. Refill and bleed the cooling system.
  2. Start the engine and check for leaks and proper operation.

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PATH:Engine MechanicalEngine Mechanical ComponentsAccessory Drive BeltsRemoval & Installation3.8L Engine / Print
3.8L Engine
  1. Rotate the tensionercounterclockwise to remove the drive belt.
  2. Remove the accessory drive beltfrom the engine.

Accessory drive belt routing —3.8L (VIN K) engine
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Accessory drive belt routing —3.8L (VIN 1) engine
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To install:

  1. Position the accessory drive beltto the pulleys.
  2. Rotate the tensionerclockwise to install the drive belt.

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PATH:Engine MechanicalEngine Mechanical ComponentsExhaust ManifoldRemoval & Installation3.8L EngineFront Manifold / Print
Front Manifold
NC8 refers to vehicles with California Ultra Low Emission Vehicle package.
Exploded view of the left exhaust manifold mounting
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  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
  2. Remove or disconnect the following:
  3. Negative battery cable
  4. Spark plug wires
  5. Engine oil dipstick and tube
  6. Left side lift bracket, if necessary
  7. 2 bolts attaching the left exhaust manifold to the crossover pipe
  8. Exhaust manifold

To install:

  1. Install or connect the following:
  2. Exhaust manifold with a new gasket. Torque the studs and bolts gradually and evenly to 22 ft. lbs. (30 Nm).
  3. 2 bolts attaching the left exhaust manifold to the crossover pipe. Torque the bolts to 15 ft. lbs. (20 Nm).
  4. Left side lift bracket, if removed
  5. Engine oil dipstick and tube. Torque the bolts to 15 ft. lbs. (20 Nm).
  6. Spark plug wires
  7. Negative battery cable
  1. Run the engine and check for exhaust leaks.

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PATH:Engine MechanicalEngine Mechanical ComponentsExhaust ManifoldRemoval & Installation3.8L EngineRight Side (Rear) Manifold—Models With Nc8 / Print
Right Side (Rear) Manifold—Models With Nc8
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
  2. Remove or disconnect the following:
  3. Negative battery cable
  4. Air cleaner assembly
  5. Fuel injector sight shield
  6. Heated Oxygen (HO2S) sensor electrical connection
  7. Spark plug wires
  8. Connector from the secondary AIR valve
  9. Hose from the secondary AIR valve
  10. Bolts attaching the secondary AIR tube to the exhaust manifold
  11. Secondary AIR tube and the gasket from the exhaust manifold and discard the gasket
  12. Bolt attaching the secondary AIR valve to the fuel injector sight shield bracket
  13. Secondary AIR valve from the fuel injector sight shield bracket
  14. Brake booster heat shield
  15. Crossover pipe
  16. Transaxle fluid dipstick and tube
  17. Exhaust manifold pipe
  18. Right exhaust manifold studs
  19. Fuel injector sight shield bracket retaining nuts and the bracket
  20. Right engine lift bracket retaining fasteners and the bracket
  21. Bolt attaching the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) inlet pipe to the right exhaust manifold
  22. Right exhaust manifold retaining fasteners
  23. Right exhaust manifold and the gasket from the engine and discard the gasket
  24. Exhaust crossover seal from the exhaust crossover and discard the seal

To install:

  1. Install or connect the following:
  2. New exhaust crossover seal
  3. New manifold gasket
  4. Manifold to the cylinder head and crossover pipe
  5. Manifold mounting studs. Torque the studs and bolts to 22 ft. lbs. (30 Nm), beginning at the center and working outwards.
  6. Bolt attaching the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) inlet pipe to the right exhaust manifold and tighten to 22 ft. lbs. (30 Nm)
  7. Engine lift bracket
  8. Fuel injector sight shield bracket and tighten the retainers to 22 ft. lbs. (30 Nm)
  9. Right exhaust manifold studs and tighten to 80 inch lbs. (9 Nm)
  10. HO2S sensor, if removed
  11. Exhaust manifold pipe
  12. Transmission dipstick tube
  13. Exhaust crossover to the right exhaust manifold bolts and tighten to 15 ft. lbs. (20 Nm)
  14. Brake booster heat shield
  15. Air cleaner assembly
  16. Secondary AIR valve to the fuel injector sight shield bracket and tighten the bolt to 18 ft. lbs. (25 Nm)
  17. New gasket on the secondary AIR tube
  18. Bolts attaching the secondary AIR tube to the exhaust manifold and tighten to 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm)
  19. Hose to the secondary AIR valve
  20. Connector to the secondary AIR valve
  21. Spark plug wires to the spark plugs
  22. HO2S sensor connection
  23. Fuel injector sight shield
  24. Negative battery cable
  1. Run the engine and check for exhaust leaks.

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PATH:Engine MechanicalEngine Mechanical ComponentsExhaust ManifoldRemoval & Installation3.8L EngineRight Side (Rear) Manifold—Models Without Nc8 / Print
Right Side (Rear) Manifold—Models Without Nc8
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
  2. Remove or disconnect the following:
  3. Negative battery cable
  4. Fuel injector sight shield
  5. Air cleaner assembly
  6. Spark plug wires
  7. Brake booster heat shield
  8. Crossover pipe
  9. Engine harness from the right hand engine lift hook bracket
  10. Transaxle fluid dipstick and tube
  11. Oxygen (O2S) sensor
  12. Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) feed pipe bolt from the manifold
  13. Transmission oil level tube and seal
  14. Exhaust manifold flange nuts
  15. Front exhaust pipe
  16. Engine lift bracket
  17. Exhaust manifold

To install:

  1. Install or connect the following:
  2. Manifold to the cylinder head and crossover pipe using new gaskets
  3. Manifold mounting studs. Torque the studs and bolts to 22 ft. lbs. (30 Nm), beginning at the center and working outwards.
  4. Engine lift bracket
  5. Front exhaust pipe
  6. Front exhaust pipe-to-manifold nuts. Torque the nuts to 22 ft. lbs. (30 Nm).
  7. Transmission dipstick tube seal and the tube
  8. EGR feed pipe to the manifold
  9. O2S sensor
  10. Spark plug wires to the spark plugs
  11. Engine harness to the right hand engine lift hook bracket
  12. Crossover pipe
  13. Brake booster heat shield
  14. Air cleaner assembly
  15. Fuel injector sight shield
  16. Negative battery cable
  1. Run the engine and check for exhaust leaks.

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PATH:Engine MechanicalEngine Mechanical ComponentsIntake ManifoldRemoval & Installation3.8L EngineVIN 1 Engine / Print
VIN 1 Engine
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
  2. Relieve the fuel system pressure.
  3. Drain the cooling system.
  4. Remove or disconnect the following:
  5. Negative battery cable
  6. Supercharger
  7. Thermostat housing
  8. Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) tube at the intake manifold
  9. Engine Control Temperature (ECT) sensor
  10. Intake manifold

To install:

  1. Install or connect the following:
  2. Intake manifold with new gaskets. Torque the bolts, working from the center out, to 11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm).
  3. ECT sensor connector
  4. EGR tube to the intake manifold
  5. Thermostat housing
  6. Supercharger
  7. Negative battery cable
  1. Refill and bleed the cooling system.
  2. Run the engine and check for leaks and proper engine operation.

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PATH:Engine MechanicalEngine Mechanical ComponentsIntake ManifoldRemoval & Installation3.8L EngineVIN K Engine / Print
VIN K Engine
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
  2. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  3. Drain the cooling system.
  4. Relieve the fuel system pressure.
  5. Remove or disconnect the following:
  6. Fuel injector sight shield
  7. Air inlet duct
  8. Spark plug wires from the right side
  9. Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor
  10. Vacuum lines from the intake manifold
  11. Fuel lines
  12. Fuel injector electrical connectors
  13. Fuel regulator vacuum line
  14. Fuel rail from the intake manifold
  15. Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) heat shield
  16. Throttle cable bracket from the cylinder head mounting bracket and the throttle body cables
  17. Throttle body support bracket
  18. Upper intake plenum and gasket
  19. Thermostat housing
  20. Electrical connector from the Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor
  21. Drive belt tensioner assembly
  22. EGR valve outlet pipe
  23. Lower intake manifold

Exploded view of the intake manifold and related components—3.8L (VIN K) engine
Click to Enlarge

To install:

Upper intake manifold torque sequence—3.8L (VIN K) engine
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Lower intake manifold torque sequence—3.8L (VIN K) engine
Click to Enlarge
  1. Install or connect the following:
  2. Intake manifold using new manifold gaskets. Torque the bolts in sequence to 11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm); then, re-torque to 11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm).
  3. EGR valve outlet pipe
  4. Drive belt tensioner assembly. Torque the tensioner bolts to 37 ft. lbs. (50 Nm).
  5. Electrical connector to the ECT sensor
  6. Thermostat housing
  7. Upper intake plenum. Torque the intake plenum bolts to 88 inch. lbs. (10 Nm).
  8. Throttle body support bracket
  9. Throttle cable bracket to the cylinder head mounting bracket and the cables to the throttle body lever
  10. EGR heat shield
  11. Fuel rail. Torque the fuel rail bolts to 88 inch. lbs. (10 Nm).
  12. Fuel lines
  13. Fuel regulator vacuum line
  14. Fuel injector electrical connectors
  15. Vacuum lines to the intake manifold
  16. MAP sensor
  17. Spark plug wires
  18. Fuel injector sight shield and air inlet duct
  19. Negative battery cable
  1. Refill and bleed the cooling system.
  2. Run the engine and check for leaks and proper engine operation.

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PATH:Engine MechanicalEngine Mechanical ComponentsValve CoversRemoval & Installation3.8L EngineLeft Side / Print
Left Side
  1. Remove the fuel injector sight shield.
  2. Disconnect the left spark plug wire harness and position aside.
  3. Remove the left valve rocker arm cover bolts.

If the valve rocker arm cover adheres to the cylinder head, remove the valve rocker arm cover by bumping the end of the valve rocker arm cover with palm of hand or with a soft rubber mallet.
  1. Remove the left valve rocker arm cover.
  2. Remove the left valve rocker arm cover gasket.
  3. Clean the sealing surface on the cylinder head.
  4. Clean the valve rocker arm cover bolts of all thread locking adhesive.
  5. Clean and inspect the valve rocker arm cover.

To install:

  1. Install the new valve rocker arm cover gasket. Make sure that valve rocker arm cover gasket is seated properly in the valve rocker arm cover groove.
  2. Install the left valve rocker arm cover to the cylinder head.
  3. Apply thread lock compound, to the valve rocker arm cover bolt threads.
  4. Install the left valve rocker arm cover bolts and tighten to 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm).
  5. Connect the left spark plug wire harness.
  6. Install the fuel injector sight shield.

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PATH:Engine MechanicalEngine Mechanical ComponentsValve CoversRemoval & Installation3.8L EngineRight Side / Print
Right Side
  1. Remove the fuel injector sight shield.
  2. Disconnect the right spark plug wire harness and position aside.
  3. Remove the drive belt tensioner.
  4. Disconnect the vacuum brake booster hose from the vacuum connections and position aside.
  5. Remove the 2nuts attaching the fuel injector sight shield bracket to the right exhaust manifold studs.
  6. Remove the fuel injector sight shield bracket.
  7. Remove the right valve rocker arm cover bolts.

If the valve rocker arm cover adheres to the cylinder head, remove the valve rocker arm cover by bumping the end of the valve rocker arm cover with the palm of your hand or a soft rubber mallet.
  1. Remove the right valve rocker arm cover.
  2. Remove the right valve rocker arm cover gasket.
  3. Clean the sealing surface on the cylinder head.
  4. Clean the valve rocker arm cover bolts of all threadlocker adhesive.
  5. Clean and inspect the valve rocker arm cover.

To install:

  1. Install the new valve rocker arm cover gasket. Make sure that the valve rocker arm cover gasket is seated properly in the valve rocker arm cover groove.
  2. Install the right valve rocker arm cover to the cylinder head.
  3. Apply thread lock compound, to the valve rocker arm cover bolt threads.
  4. Install the right valve rocker arm cover bolts and tighten to 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm).
  5. Install the 2nuts attaching the fuel injector sight shield bracket to the right exhaust manifold studs and tighten to 22 ft. lbs. (30 Nm).
  6. Install the drive belt tensioner.
  7. Connect the vacuum brake booster hose to the vacuum connections.
  8. Connect the right spark plug wire harness.
  9. Install the fuel injector sight shield.

PATH:Engine MechanicalEngine Mechanical ComponentsRocker ArmsRemoval & Installation3.8L Engines / Print
3.8L Engines
When removing valvetrain components, it is very important that they are marked for installation reference, so that they can be reinstalled in their original location.
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
  2. Remove or disconnect the following:
  3. Negative battery cable
  4. Spark plug wires
  5. Rocker arm cover(s)
  6. Rocker arm pedestal bolts and assemblies
  7. Pushrods

To install:

  1. Lubricate the pushrod tips and put them in their proper locations.
  2. Lubricate the rocker arms and pedestals and install them. Be sure the pushrod tips are properly seated in the rocker arms.
  3. Apply thread locking compound to the rocker arm pedestal bolt threads. Torque the bolts to 11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm) plus an additional 90 degree turn.
  4. Apply suitable thread locking compound to the rocker arm cover bolts.
  5. Install or connect the following:
  6. Rocker arm cover using a new gasket. Torque the bolts to 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm).
  7. Spark plug wires
  8. Accessory drive belt
  9. Supercharger belt, if equipped
  10. Negative battery cable
  1. Run the engine and check for leaks and proper engine operation.

Exploded view of the rocker arms and related components mounting—3.8L engines
Click to Enlarge

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PATH:Engine MechanicalEngine Mechanical ComponentsSuperchargerRemoval & Installation / Print

Removal & Installation

A small amount of oil seepage through the front seal is normal. This seepage is caused by minute traces of oil escaping around the seal due to normal pressure build up in the oil cavity within the supercharger. A build up of dust can stick to the thin oil film, which causes the oil seepage to appear worse than it really is. The supercharger should not be replaced for this seepage. However, if supercharger oil is visually dripping from the supercharger front seal, the supercharger will need to be replaced. The supercharger oil level should be checked every 30,000 miles or every 36 months.
Exploded view of the supercharger and related components—3.8L (VIN 1) engine
Click to Enlarge
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
  2. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  3. Relieve the fuel system pressure.
  4. Drain the cooling system.
  5. Remove or disconnect the following:
  6. Supercharger belt
  7. Engine cover
  8. Air duct from the throttle body
  9. Right side spark plug wires from the ignition module
  10. Alternator brace with purge solenoid
  11. Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) wiring harness and shield, if necessary
  12. Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor bracket
  13. Fuel lines
  14. Fuel injector connectors
  15. Fuel rail with injectors
  16. Booster bypass solenoid
  17. Regulator valve and harness bolt
  18. Boost control solenoid
  19. Throttle body bolts and the assembly
  20. Supercharger bolts and the assembly

To install: