8 October 2015 Committee Meeting Minutes, Pack 130 Geneva

Present:ChristerMalmberg, Christy Broome, Michael Lucey, Bernie Sheehan, Andrei Iatsenia, Theresa Turco, John Moore, KiraKruglikova, StehpanieReisgies

Absent: Ellen Eagan, Michael Kane, Kristin Kane, CarminTurco, Rachel Forman, PhilRodrigue

Pinewood Derby

  • A “track testing” date has been scheduled for 2 November at John’s house. John will be in touch with the details. All those in charge of running the Pinewood Derby this year are encouraged to participate or send an informed representative (Webelos I dens).
  • Michael and Kirstin Kane haveoffered to be the coordinators of this event.
  • Stephanie will share the contact information she has regarding recycling PET and glass bottles at this event.
  • The committee agreed to spend more money on bio-degradable plates and cups for the barbecue. We also agreed that it costs money to save the planet.
  • Christy will order patches.
  • Theresa will double check with Kristin Kane that the cafeteria and use of the toilets are reserved for the day (22 November).
  • The 5 November committee meeting will be focused on preparing for the Pinewood Derby.

Blue & Gold Dinner

  • Theresa will invite the Thullens. It will be determined later who they will dine with.
  • Christy will order patches.
  • The committee briefly discussed the idea of catering the event but decided in the end to keep the Canadian style, pot-luck dinner as it is. Feeding the Boy Scout volunteers will be decided at a later meeting, possibly catering their meals as a treat for them.
  • The committee agreedthat we need to do a better job of feeding our guests (Thullens, Charity representative, Boy Scouts).
  • Stephanie will share the contact information she has regarding recycling PET and glass bottles at this event.
  • Stephanie has confirmed the reservation for the hall in Eysins, 21March.
  • The committee agreed to spend more money on bio-degradable plates and cups for the desserts and coffee. We also agreed that it costs money to save the planet.
  • More details about the B&G dinner will be discussed and decided at a committee meeting closer to the event.

Kandersteg Weekend

  • John has confirmed the Pack’s reservation for 24-25 January. This is not the same weekend as the Boy Scout Klondike Weekend.
  • The Committee has decided to set up a Kandersteg Weekend information table at the Pinewood Derby to encourage families to sign up for the event.
  • Michael will begin to announce the Kandersteg weekend at Pack meetings.
  • John will prepare the e-survey for registration and send it out to the Pack soon.
  • Andrei has offered to coordinate the event (with Ellen and Theresa).
  • More details about the Kandersteg Weekend will be discussed and decided at a committee meeting closer to the event.

Hocket Night

  • Hockey night will replace the Pack meeting scheduled for 12 December.
  • Ticket reservations will be on sale at the October and November Pack meetings only.
  • The game will start at 19:45 but scouts and their families are encouraged to get to their seats by 19:30, in costume if they so choose (not in uniform).
  • The Pack will purchase a chocolate thingie for the children to crack open and eat (as is the tradition on the night of the Escalade).

Scout Sunday

  • John will confirm the date for Scout Sunday with Emmanuel Church in Geneva. Start time will be 10am.
  • John will invite Troop 130 and the Geneva Girl Scout Troop.
  • Theresa will invite the Thullens.
  • Michael and Christer will describe and promote Scout Sunday at the Pack meetings.
  • Christy will order patches for the event.

Other Business

  • Michael and Theresa have outlined another fabulous Pack meeting for Friday evening. Christy will supply some prizes from our stock.
  • John or Theresa will email Phil Rodrigue to ensure that Troop 130 have our important dates on their calendar (Blue and Gold dinner, Arrow of Light)
  • Pack 130 Geneva now shows up on a google search. Thank you CarminTurco.
  • The annual re-charting is a work in progress. We are on target for completing it on time.
  • There are only 2 leaders who need to complete their Child Protection training. Michael will chase them down. Christy will order official “trained” badges for adult leaders who have completed all of their rank training. The Committee hopes to have all the adult leaders in uniform in time for the uniform inspection in January.
  • The Committee continues to encourage the use of Scouttrack. Kira will put the dues information onto Scouttrack.
  • The Committee went through the list of extra patches and SWAG in our supply and determined how and when to use most them this season. Thank you Christy for your thorough inventory.
  • It was briefly discussed that the Committee approach Rachel Forman to ask if she would take on the Patch Coordinator role. Later, it was determined that Theresa would create a contest document and email it to parents, inviting their scouts to create badges for 5 events (Hike, Hockey, Kandersteg, Bike Rally & Campout). The Committee will collect entries at Pack meetings, vote on best designs and order patches for the Pack. SWAG will be awarded to winners.
  • Theresa will make final revisions to the Participation Schedule and upload it onto the website before Friday.
  • The Committee agreed to supply the pocket knives for scouts earning their Whittling Chip in May
  • Our finances are in good shape. Thank you Kira for your excellent record keeping.
  • Michael has offered to work on the Excellence in Scouting award for our Pack. If we are awarded, the Committee has agreed to make a small event of it to highlight how much the adult volunteers do for our Pack 

The next committee meeting is scheduled for 5 November at Kira’s home.