Students’ Union Representative Council
November 29, 2009
Students’ Union Council Chambers
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Opening Remarks of the Chair of Council
4. Review of Minutes from Last Meeting
5. Business Arising
6. Constituency Reports
7. Executive reports
- President, Mr. Sandy MacIntosh
- VP Executive, Ms. Sheryl MacAulay
- VP Finance, Mr. Pat McAloon
- VP Activities and Events, Mr. Aaron Flynn
- VP Communications, Ms. Sarah Furey
- VP Student Relations, Ms. Alex Gosselin
- VP Union Services, Ms. Alexa Minichiello
- VP Campus Police, Mr. Rory Campbell
8. Review of Strategic Plan
9. Faculty Representative’s Remarks
10. Student’s Union Administrator’s Remarks
11. Report of Committees
- Standing Committees
12. New Business
- Campus Police Manual (Dave)
- Policy Manual (Sandy)
- Donations Request (Ashley)
13. Closing Remarks of the Chair of Council
14. Adjournment
Executive Report
November 29th, 2009
Sandy MacIntosh – President
StFX Students’ Union
“The Inn does not point to the road; the road points to the Inn. And all roads point at last to an ultimate Inn…and when we drink again it shall be from the great flagons at the tavern at the end of the world.”
-G.K. Chesterton
X-Ring planning is basically all done. The ceremony is set to go with a rehearsal this Wednesday for those involved and the ceremony itself on Thursday. The X-Ring Committee has also been in communication with members of Senate to have the Academic Calendar recognize December 3rd as a day with no classes. I would like to also like to take this opportunity to congratulate all those members of Council and the Executive who are receiving their rings!
Alexa and I were away at CASA Annual General Meeting last week in Halifax. We spent our time reviewing our governance structure and how to make our governance officers (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer)more effective in the organization. The final plenary meeting started at 9am on Friday and lasted until 7pm. I feel some of this was very productive; however some of the meeting was not. This is a challenging aspect to overcome. When you have upwards of 25 "Student Politicians" sitting around a table they all want to make sure their two cents are heard, even if the point was spoken already. I think the topics and the things that got done were all good in the end but I would hope this becomes more efficient in the future.
We also worked on a Strategic Plan for CASA. We outlined a vision, values and goals for the future in this through group discussion. We had someone who knew the organization and who helps develop strategic plans come in to assist us with this and guide us through the process.
This was also the first CASA conference which was entirely bilingual. Translators were available to those who required them the whole week.
Teaching has been going well so far. The time of year is definitely the right time because of the winding down semester. There are fewer meetings but I am scheduling the meetings to accommodate students, administration as well as my teaching responsibilities.
Best of luck to everyone on their finals and happy holidays! One more semester to go and it's going to be even better than the first!
“Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience. Nothing ever worth doing is easy.”
From the Office of the Vice President Executive
Sheryl MacAulay
Council Report
Thursday, November 26th 2009
Senate Update
Highlights from the 3rd Regular Senate Meeting:
Report from the Committee for Students with Disabilities
- Presented a comprehensive three year accessibility plan
- StFX is one of the first schools in the country to offer CART in the classroom, a microphone/visual aide system which allows hearing impaired students to take part in classroom discussion
Report from Dean of Arts- Senate Approved:
- New course approvals from Celtic Studies, History and Political Studies
- approved that an Honors in Development Studies with Subsidiary Subject by offered
- A Certificate of Proficiency in French
Report from Dean of Science – Senate Approved:
- Three new course offerings in the Human Kinetics Department
Report from Ad-hoc Committee on Student Evaluations
- Committee determined the structure of the evaluation was ineffective
- Professors do not receive feedback in a timely manner to make improvements
- Evaluations are not distributed at a time where students will take it seriously – primarily at the end of the term
- A new structure was created which should allow students to evaluate professors more effectively. If you are interested in seeing this model, please stop by my office.
Committee of the Whole: Student Life Forum
- The Student Senators discussed two of their three main issues for the Student Life forum at the last meeting
1) Study Space on Campus
Lack of communication of times when building is open: Mary MacGillivray made a commitment to post paper copies on buildings on campus so students understand the hours of operation of the space.
Suggestion that space can be open in Nicholson hall during peak study times if monitored correctly by security
University Admin highlighted the move of the computers in the library is temporary for this year. There is a lack of space on campus with the construction of the new SwartzBusinessSchool.
2) Making December 3rd, The Feast of St. Francis Xavier a Campus Holiday
This was presented to help ease the stress of the day of missing valuable information, allowing students to focus on the excitement of the day, and allow professors to plan accordingly.
Mary MacGillivray presented three options which could be discussed
- Cancel classes for the day, and have the missed day made up at the end of the term.
- Move X-Ring to the closest Saturday
- Keep it at status-quo
Student Senators spoke in favor of the first option, having the missed class at the end of the term. This way, fourth year students are not put at a disadvantage of missing valuable class time.
Committee Work
Quality of Life: I have been trying to arrange QOL meetings on behalf the old co-chairs to elect a new one. The committee is having difficulty meeting quorum and as a result has yet to elect a co-chair. As it stands, an online nomination has been put out for a student co-chair but no faculty has put their name forward.
- I will continue to organize the committee until quorum and a decision on co-chair is reached
Office Project
- drafted a Policy for Students’ Union Executive action plan if a death were to occur on campus.
- Congrats Sarah Cavan on being October’s Student Leader of the Month.
* Keep nominating your fellow students! *
Campus Trust/Health and Dental Plan
- had our fall board meeting
- The Trust presented the un-audited report of financial statements to date to Board Members
- found that overall claims were up for all Trust members for September and October
- This is due to an increase of dental claims being made
- The Campus Trust is moving towards investing more in education and marketing of what the trust does to other Students’ Unions across the country
Equity Diversity & Sub Executive
- have been meeting with Marie Brunell to ensure language in Students’ Union Equity policies use appropriate, inclusive language. We discussed having a “Cultural Inclusivity” policy
- This is something that Alia Hack – Equity Advocate is looking to draft in the new year
- Students’ Union Executive are in the midst of drafting a response to the incident on the Bus to the AUS Football Championships in Halifax
Announcements & Upcoming Events
- Assisted Justin Fox, Director of Recruitment for the University in hosting Guidance Councillors from Toronto. I attended a social Friday, November 20th and a dinner Saturday, November 21st. Other Students’ Union employees and members took part, all had a great time!
- Coady Farewell Social – Friday December 4th
- RENT is open – check out StFX students perform at the Antigonish Theatre. Tickets are $8 for students.
November Executive Report
From the office of the Vice President Finance
- Flynn is the cost saving hero of the semester. His ability to reduce cost on recent events and negotiate contracts leading to sponsored events has kept cost low for the first semester.
- Christmas Ball was a huge success and X-ring is projected to be as well leading to high profits from these events that will be used for entertainment in second semester.
House Presidents
- New HP’s have to get new debit cards
- Had meetings this week with finance reps to discuss house spending and to provide them with an update on their current cash position.
- House spending is going very well and is consistent with projected levels at this time
Clothing Store
- Very popular with students as they now feel that they have input into what is sold at the store.
- Popular new clothing items have arrived for Christmas (Please visit for more details)
- Increased sales as compared to last year
In Office
- Working on training plans for next year
- Working with the inn budget to find areas of cost savings
- Working out final financial details before Bloomfield deal comes into effect.
- Working with Sarah Furey on website budget and contract details for the website
- Honorariums should be ready for next Thursday Dec 3rd, 2009. I will be sending and email to inform everyone of this but if you could please let your sub executives and other union members know I would appreciate it. You can pick your check up form Linda pending you have submitted for council report.
VP Activities & Events – Aaron Flynn
November 29th , 2009 Executive Report
- The TD Canada Trust Concert went off very well! Although there were many student issues regarding the event, I feel it was still viewed in an overall positive light by the student body.
- X – Mas ball was a huge success! With over 1300+ in attendance the event profited $10,000 in revenue after expenses. This will give my office a lager budget to allocate to bigger events for second semester. This event also brought out numerous volunteers to help with the setup of the large scale event. Thanks again to every one who came out on Saturday morning. Rory and myself worked out a new security plan for the door after the large line that was causing problems during X Mas ball. We both feel that this will not be an issue for X Ring.
- X Ring is just around the corner I’m busy with preparations for the big day! I would appreciate any one willing to help with this event as I will be receiving my X Ring on the day of the party so my time will be limited.
- Sandy, Sarah, and I have been working hard with the INN to change the atmosphere of the bar. The official Golden X Inn Re-Launch Party will be taking place on FRIDAY JANUARY 8th, 2009! This event is going to be HUGE, and will feature none other that JOEL PLASKETT who will be playing live on stage and hosting this unforgettable event.
That’s all I have for now if you have any questions feel free to contact me at any time! Good luck on exams!
"I’m gonna cross my T's…Dot my i’s….and everything will work out fine!
- Joel Plaskett -
Vice President of Communications
Sarah Furey
Council Report November 26th, 2009
“No fun November, remember.” Stephanie Babcock
- TD Pump it Up: 3 days of TD and the UTours Diamond brothers.
- Ticket Give Away
- Damage Control
- Concert Preparation
- Concert
- TheU.ca
- The web development team, myself, Dan Enman and Ben Burns analyzed the progression of the site and decided we were unhappy with the progression of the site.
- After speaking with our contractors, Sercada, their development team decided to walk away from the project.
- As opposed to starting over from scratch The U development team decided to analyze the site once again to determine what we could use.
- I approached Mr. Robert Proctor, Manager Customer Service and Support, TSG, to seek advice. Robert orchestrated a mediation meeting with all players from The U as well as from Sercada.
- Mediation is difficult but after the meeting both parties left feeling like we were back on the same page.
- Sercada will continue to develop theu.ca
- TheU.ca is planned to launch in the first week of the new semester 2010
- The current design is not satisfactory to TheU.ca development team. We are currently receiving quotes from
- RedCow
- James Smeeton – Highland Multi-media
- Sarah Furey
- I am considering constructing a design myself in order to ensure we get exactly what we want. The problem lies in time restraint.
- TheU.ca Production Server
- Met with TSG’s Robert Proctor and Aaron MacDonald as well as TheU development team: Dan Eman, Ben Burns, Sarah Furey
- It is feasible to host TheU.ca locally at StFX. TheU will rent server space from TSG for a dollar figure in the range of $1000/year (not confirmed)
- Lead Web Developer, Dan Enman is in communication with TSG’s Aaron MacDonald to determine the configuration of the server.
- Election Software
- The Chair’s Office has expressed concern for security of the system
- TheU development team understands the security concern because this is an election system
- A meeting with TheU development team and the chair’s office is in place for Friday, November 27th at 2pm.
- X-Talk
- Upgraded to vBulletin
- Launching with website
- Academic Computing Committee
- I saw value in having the VP Communications sit on this committee and after a little work from myself and VP Sheryl McAulay, the VP Comm fills a seat on this university committee.
- The only motion passed at my first meeting was to allow professors to take their laptops with them on sabbatical.
- Students with Disability Committee
- We didn’t make it through the entire meeting agenda because we fell short on time
- We did discuss how collect accurate contact information of students in order o contact them in important situations
- Christmas Ball
- Promotions successful
- Posters, signs, facebook group and invitation give away with candy canes and hot chocolate in front of the library
- X-Ring
- Chris Baxter, Marketing Manger is doing a stellar job as usual. Right now he’s working on creating a backdrop for students to take pictures at the X-Ring after party.
- The Inn Marketing Team
- Edmudon Gurza is hired as the newest member of the team
- There is some confusion within the team about what their roles are and who their manager is especially with reference to The Inn’s change in management.
- I have spoke with the team to keep excited about working for the team and also extended my services. Anytime they have an issue or want to chat they know where to find me.
- I act as someone of a mediator between the team and the manager, Chris MacSween.
- The Inn
- Working with Flynner to create a new look and feel for The Inn after we take ownership. Flynn is looking into lighting and we are talking with Chris MacSween and John Beaton on improving the atmosphere.
- Working on development of a new Golden X Inn logo
- Looking to contract our professional work
Council Report
VP Student Relations, Alex Gosselin
Hello Everyone,
The Student Relations Office is going well for the final stretch of the semester. There are a few things happening and a few more events before the end of the year. I have been super busy lately with school work and this job… But one on one meetings with the House Presidents and Vice Presidents are going well and as per usual nad all regular meetings are up and running.
Last On Campus Affairs
The last On Campus Affairs meeting of the semester took place on the 24th of November. Sam Mason, the Environmental Representative came in and announced the results for the environmental challenge. The winning house was MacKinnon Hall by 1% over Cameron Hall. So 1000 dollars will be awarded between Chillis and MacNeil as a result of their superb effort to maintain a sustainable house.
We also talked about the year-end reports and the deadline for all charity money to be in as well as event sheets. I should have all required documents by next week and should have a better idea of House Points at that time.
There are a few events coming up in the next couple weeks:
-Last Class Bash (MSB)
-Lance and Leather Pants Theme Party (MacIsaac)
-Apples Banana’s Oranges Theme Party (Chillis)
-Festivus Celebration (Plessis)
- Trivia Night (OC)
Other than that, all events and activities should be wrapping up for the semester.
VP Student Relations Survey
I asked all House Presidents and VP’s to fill in a survey/performance review about how I am doing in my position. The feedback is generally positive, other than the fact that I am not the fastest at answering e-mails.
Guest Policy Meeting
The guest policy meeting will be happening next week and will involve 4 House President Representatives, myself, and one Councilor. I have typed up a list of research that my department has done. We will be going to the meeting with the intention of outlining the positives and addressing the issues and working towards a consensus.
Diversity Training
Although, not directly affiliated with my position, I did Positive Space Training for some Campus Police and sensitivity training with another student for MacIsaac. They were both positive events and it was great to see students take an interest in making StFX a more equitable place.
VP Union Services Executive Report, Alexa Minichiello
November 24th 2009
“Education is the silver bullet. Education is everything. We don't need little changes; we need gigantic, monumental changes. Schools should be palaces. The competition for the best teachers should be fierce. They should be making six-figure salaries. Schools should be incredibly expensive for government and absolutely free of charge to its citizens, just like national defense. That's my position. I just haven't figured out how to do it yet.”
- Sam Seaborne: The West Wing
Last week, Sandy and I both attended the CASA AGM in Halifax. It was a great week and I want to take some time to highlight some of the initiatives and plans set forth at the conference.
Voting Structure:
- After a heavy debate on the voting structure- it was not defeated… but postponed- if you can believe it. Changing the voting structure constitutes as a constitutional change and according to CASA bylaws all constitutional changes need to have seven days notice. Because the General Assembly was not given this seven days notice- we could not legally have the vote.
- That being said, the vote is rescheduled for early December and all 20 members of CASA will need to get on the phone, open plenary (which is just like our council) and have another vote.
- With that in mind, the voting structure may still not pass which would be a problem for the organization (in my opinion)
- Also interesting factoid: had the vote not been postponed… it would have been tied with one abstention.
- The voting structure (supramajority) that the small schools voted down was actually the voting structure that helped it not pass. There was a clear majority in favor of the changes to the voting structure but because it needs the supramajority vote it did not pass as is. So really- the supramajority you voted in favour of protects small schools rather than disenfranchises them.
Governance Structure
- We also had a lengthy discussion on the governance structure of our organization.
- Right now the 20-member general assembly acts as the ‘Board’ and members are looking to have this changed. A board would be elected each year to represent the GA between conferences.
- There are contentions on the make up of the board. Some believe the board should have one member from each ‘region’ on it while others think the best members regardless of region should be elected. Final proposals will be created and given to members before Lobbycon in March. At this time, I’ll bring the options to you as well.
Strat Plan:
- As a membership we spent the first day and a half working with a consultant on a new three-year strat plan.
- This was a really exceptional experience. As a membership we discussed core values and our core purpose, which we’ve never really had before.
- We also looked to formulate a ‘bhag’ (big hairy audacious goal) which CASA should attempt to work towards in the next 10 years. As a member on the strat plan committee, we will be taking this information back and using it to help compile a three-year strat plans for the membership.
CASA Policy:
- There has been a lack of commitment to the Policy Committee over the past four months and as a membership we discussed revising some of our policy commitments.
- The Policy committee is the CASA committee that researches and creates new CASA policy so we can use it when lobbying the Federal government.
- The four new policy commitments for the rest of the year are:
o Child care
o International Students
o Early Outreach
o Aboriginial/ Metis/ Inuit Students
• If any of you are interested in getting involved- you can do so! Just let me know!
- the past two weeks have been very busy for the environment office. Last Tuesday morning Sam and other Wellness Reps passed out fair trade coffee and unions to StFX students and staff.
- This was an attempt to alert students to the need for reusable containers and fair trade coffee.
- A two week residence challenge just ended. The winner won $1000 to put towards a green energy intiaitve second term. This year MacKinnon Hall won- by lowering their energy usage in that residence the most during that two week period.
- the Photo Studio opened its doors to a group of X-project kids from the community to learn how to use it. We received really great feed back and we hope to have them in again next semester.
- the line is open all exam period.
- Promotion is occurring next week for X-helpline. Keep your eyes open for it.