Qualcomm Webservice

Integration Setup Manual

Author: Darren La

Version 1.0

Last Modified: 12/4/08

Table of Contents

1.0 Integration Overview 3

2.0 Qualcomm Webportal Setup 4

2.1 Macros and Dictionary Entries 4

2.2 Setting up Dictionary Entries 4

2.3 Setting up Macros 10

2.4 Subscriber and Subscriber Queue 15

2.5 Setting up Subscriber and Subscribing to Messages 15

2.6 Creating New User for Integration 16

3.0 TDPS System Setup 17

3.1 Configuring System Settings 17

3.2 Enabling Qualcomm Poller Scheduled Thread 17

1.0 Integration Overview

Data from the Qualcomm devices will be sent to the Qualcomm server. A subscriber queue set up per customer account in the Qualcomm server holds the messages of the events that are subscribed to for the integration. The TDPS server periodically polls the Qualcomm server via webservice calls to retrieve the messages from the subscriber queue. The messages retrieved will be converted to server commands and are passed to the proper components in the TDPS system for processing.

Outgoing data from the TDPS system will be sent to the Qualcomm server via webservice calls also. The Qualcomm server will convert the data to freeform text messages and then forward the messages to the appropriate devices.


2.0 Qualcomm Webportal Setup

For the integration to function properly, certain setup procedures are required to be completed on the Qualcomm Webportal. The Qualcomm webportal can be found at this address: https://www.myqualcomm.com.

2.1 Macros and Dictionary Entries

Dictionary entries are fields in macros, and macros are pre-defined messages in the Qualcomm system. Nine macros are required to be created to map to a set of the server commands in the TDPS system. The drivers send these macros for the purpose of informing the dispatchers of their activity or to request information regarding their job.

Set Load – Sets a load to indicate that the driver has started the specified job.

Status Change – Changes the status of the current load the driver is working on.

Fuel Stop – Indicates that the driver is on a fuel stop and relays information regarding the price and gallons of the fuel stop back to the dispatcher.

Load Status Change – Changes the status for the specified load.

Request Next Load – Requests the next load.

Request Pickup Information – Requests the pickup information of a load

Request Delivery Information – Requests the delivery information of a load.

Request Load Information – Requests the load information.

Request Current Load – Request the current load number.

2.2 Setting up Dictionary Entries

Follow these steps to create the dictionary entries in the Qualcomm server:

1)  Navigate to the dictionary setup page. Setup > Set Up Dictionary Entries

2)  Select “Custom” from the Dictionary Type dropdown.

3)  Select “Create Custom Entry.”

4)  Create the following dictionary entries. These entries will be used later when macros are created.


Delivery Information Dictionary Entry

Gallons Dictionary Entry


Load Information Dictionary Entry

Load Number Dictionary Entry


Odometer Dictionary Entry

Pickup Information Dictionary Entry


Price per Gallon Dictionary Entry

Status List Dictionary Entry


Insert the following text to the Item List field. The text specifies the list of statuses that driver can select from during a status change. Refer to the DispatchStatusList table to make sure the status IDs in the text below match with what is in the database.

3 - Dispatched, 4 - Out for pickup, 5 - At pickup, 6 - Out for delivery, 7 - At destination, 8 - Complete, 11 - Fuel stop, 14 - In sleeper, 15 - Standby, 16 - En route, 17 - Off duty, 18 - On duty, 19 – Suspended


2.3 Setting up Macros

Follow these steps to create the macros in the Qualcomm server:

1)  Navigate to the macro setup. Setup > Set Up Macros

2)  Select “Return” from the Macro Type dropdown.

3)  Select “Create Macro.”

4)  The dictionary entries created in the previous section are located in the Insert a Field selection box.

Set Load Macro


Status Change Macro

Fuel Stop Macro


Load Status Change Macro

Request Next Load Macro


Request Pickup Information Macro

Request Delivery Information Macro


Request Load Information Macro

Request Current Status

2.4 Subscriber and Subscriber Queue

A subscriber queue holds messages that the TDPS server will retrieve for the integration. To create the queue, a subscriber is needed to be set up and a list of events is needed to be subscribed to. In this integration, the TDPS system is only interested in macro messages and free form text messages sent by the drivers and GPS position messages of the devices.

2.5 Setting up Subscriber and Subscribing to Messages

Follow these steps to set up the subscriber:

1)  Navigate to the subscriber setup page. Administration > Integration.

2)  Select “Create Subscriber.”

3)  Enter “DSISubscriber” in the Name field.

4)  Subscribe to the events below. The macros will not appear until they are created in the Qualcomm system.

Return Messages from Owned Vehicles


Position Feeds

2.6 Creating New User for Integration

Instead of using the main user account information for the integration, a new user is recommended to be created. Having a separate user for the integration prevents the case of the integration failing due to the main account getting locked.

Follow the steps below to create a new user:

1)  Navigate to the user creation page: Administration > Set Up Users

2)  Select “Create User.”

3)  Fill in the appropriate user information.


3.0 TDPS System Setup

Setup is also required on the TDPS system side prior to using the integration. System settings configuration is done on the Dispatch program. Enabling the devices for the integration and activating the Qualcomm Poller Scheduled Thread are done through the database.

3.1 Configuring System Settings

Follow these steps to configure the system settings:

1)  Navigate to the Qualcomm Import System setting menu.

2)  Fill in the information for the following system settings.

QualcommWebServiceCompanyName – The company name of the customer. This value should be the same as the company login name for the Qualcomm webportal.

QualcommWebServiceUserName – The login user name to access the webservice. This value should be username of the user account created in section 2.6.

QualcommWebServicePassword – The login password to access the webservice. This value should be the password of the user account created in section 2.6.

QualcommWebserviceSubscriberID – The subscriber ID to access the subscriber queue. This value should be the id of the subscriber created in section 2.5. See below for the location of the id on the Qualcomm webportal page.

QualcommWebServiceBlockCount – Indicates the number of messages to retrieve per webservice call. The default value of 100 should be ok.

QualcommWebServiceTransactionID – Indicates the ID of the last successful transaction message. This value should not be modified.

3.2 Enabling Qualcomm Poller Scheduled Thread

Follow these steps to enable the device and scheduled thread:

1)  In the ScheduledThreadsDelegates table, look up the delegate id for the “Qualcomm Webservice Poller” thread.

2)  In the ScheduledThreads table, enabled the thread with the delegate id found in step 1. Set the interval to 15 minutes if it is not that value.