Report to be read in conjunction with the Decision Notice.
Application Ref: / 3/2017/0823 /
Date Inspected: / 17th October 2017
Officer: / RH/JM
Development Description: / Installation of Bank of Ireland ATM. ATM to be installed through brickwork on the LHS of the entrance door by the RHS glazed window in an ATC.
Site Address/Location: / Whalley Post Office, 97 King Street, Whalley, BB7 9SW.
CONSULTATIONS: / Parish/Town Council
Noted - No representations have been received in respect of the proposed development.
CONSULTATIONS: / Highways/Water Authority/Other Bodies
No observations received.
CONSULTATIONS: / Additional Representations.
A letter of representation has been received objecting to the application on the following grounds:
  • Proximity of ATM to dwelling
  • Potential litter
  • Lack of privacy and security
  • Noise disturbance
  • Lack of justification for a further ATM in Whalley
  • Theft and violence

Ribble Valley Core Strategy:
Policy DMG1 – General Considerations
Policy DME2 – Landscape & Townscape Protection
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
Whalley Conservation Area Appraisal
Whalley Conservation Area Management Guidance
Relevant Planning History:
3/2017/0429 - Installation of Bank of Ireland ATM with reflective advertising collar surround. ATM to be installed through brickwork on the far left hand side of shop front(Refused July 2017).
3/2017/0431: Installation of Bank of Ireland ATM with reflective advertising collar surround (Advertisement Consent Only - Approved July 2017).
Site Description and Surrounding Area:
The application relates to a single storey property currently used as Whalley Post Office. The site is located to the west of King Street situated within Whalley Conservation Area. The property is attached to a row of terraced residential dwellings to the south.
Proposed Development for which consent is sought:
Consent is sought for the installation of a Bank of Ireland ATM at Whalley Post Office, 97 King Street, Whalley. The ATM is to be installed through brickwork to the right hand side window of the premises approx. 1.2 left of the main entrance door. It will measure 0.7m wide and have a length of 1m, raised 0.8m above the ground level. The composite panel surrounding the ATM will have a width of 0.8m and a length of 0.9m.
Impact Upon Conservation Area/Visual Amenity/External Appearance:
The application property is located within Whalley Conservation Area and is attached to a building which is considered to be a designated heritage asset, No. 97 King Street. Section 72 of The Town and Country (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, states that the Local Planning Authority should pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of a conservation area when considering the proposed development.
Policy DMG1 of the Ribble Valley Core Strategy states that ‘in determining planning applications, all development must protect and enhance heritage assets and their settings’. King Street is typified by a mix of commercial and residential properties, therefore it is not considered that the proposed ATM would result in an introduction of incongruous elements given the proposed development would be read largely in context with the other commercial properties that face onto King Street. As such, the proposed ATM would not appear out of character or an overly prominent addition in the area therefore it is considered that the proposed ATM would have a negligible impact on the character, setting and visual appearance of the Conservation Area.
Impact Upon Residential Amenity:
I am mindful that an application for the installation of an ATM has previously been submitted and refused (Appn. 3/2017/0429). In this case, two options were proposed to the Council. Option A was sited approx. 0.2m from the dividing wall on the common boundary shared with 97 King Street and the Post Office, and the second suggested that the ATM is sited 1.4m from the dividing wall. Neither of which were supported by the Council.
The proposal put forward as part of this application proposes the ATM approx. 4.3m from the boundary of adjacent dwelling 97 King Street. In my opinion the suggested siting of the ATM does not adequately satisfy previous concerns that were raised with regards to the increase in pedestrian activity to the site. At present a certain level of pedestrian activity is to be expected outside the Post Office and adjacent to the boundary of 97 King Street however this will be predominantly during the day. Given that the ATM would operate on a 24 Hr basis I am of the opinion that there would be a marked increase in the level of activity within close proximity to the residential premises and particularly in the evening and early hours at weekends, when noise disturbance would be much more apparent. Individuals or groups of people are likelyto congregate within close proximity to the front door of residential dwelling97 King Street,resulting in a significant detrimental impact upon the residential amenity of the present occupier and future occupiersby virtue of noise issues and loss of privacy contrary to DMG1 of the Core Strategy.
Therefore for the reasons as highlighted above, I consider that the amendment proposed to the siting of the ATM does not significantly address the key reasons for refusing the original application insofar as the impact associated with the use of the machine upon the amenity of neighbouring residents by virtue of noise and general disturbance.
Following involvement of Head of Planning and as well as a follow up site visit it has been decided that after discussion with other colleagues the amendment from the originally refused scheme is sufficient to overcome the initial reason for refusal. It is recognised that the proposal does have some impact but given the distance away from the front window and door of the adjoining property and the sporadic nature of use during unsocial hours and its main road location that it does not warrant a recommendation of refusal.
Observations/Consideration of Matters Raised/Conclusion:
RECOMMENDATION: / That planning consent be approved