The undersigned (“Offeror” or “Contractor”) herein submits to The BOARD OF EDUCATION, FORSYTH COUNTY, GEORGIA, (the “Board”) the following Proposal for the construction by Contractor of the Brandywine Elementary School to be located at 175 Martin Drive, Alpharetta, GA 30004 (the “Project”). This Proposal is submitted in response to the Board’s Resolution authorized on the 21st day of August 2014.

This Proposal is for the full and complete construction of the Project in conformity with all requirements of the Contract Documents as defined in the Request For Proposals. The submission of this Proposal is in full and complete compliance with the Request for Proposals and Instructions to Offerors, both of which are incorporated herein by reference. The submission of this Proposal constitutes the Contractor’s agreement with all provisions, representations and acknowledgments contained herein and all provisions, representations and acknowledgments contained in, or required by, the Request for Proposals and Instructions to Offerors.


Section A-1. BASE PROPOSAL (20 points)

The Contractor proposes to fully and completely construct the project in conformity with all requirements of the Contract Documents and furnish all necessary labor, material and equipment for such construction, and, furthermore, to fully, completely, and strictly perform all obligations of the Contractor as set forth in the Contract Documents, for the lump sum Contract Price of ______($______).

ADD ALTERNATES: Click here to enter text.

Offeror hereby acknowledges receipt of Addenda 1 through _____ (fill in blank)



Sworn to and subscribed before me this ___ day of ______, 2____.

Notary Public: ______My commission expires: __/__/__.



The Contractor is to include the following work in its base Proposal:

·  Remove 1,000 CY of unsuitable material in mass and dispose of on site

·  Replace 1,000 CY of unsuitable material in mass with on site borrowed structural fill, including proper compaction

·  Remove 500 CY of unsuitable material in trenches and dispose of on site

·  Replace 500 CY of unsuitable material in trenches with on site borrowed structural fill, including proper compaction

  • Remove 500 CY of mass rock and dispose of on site
  • Replace 500 CY of mass rock with structural fill, on site borrow, including proper compaction.
  • Remove 200 CY of trench rock and dispose of on site
  • Replace 200 CY trench rock excavation with on site borrowed structural fill, including proper compaction
  • 1,000 LF of Sd1-C Silt Fence
  • 3,000 SY of Mb Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM)
  • 500 LF of Dn1 18” Flexible Plastic Pipe Down Drain
  • 250 tons of Cd-S Stone (Rip-Rap) Check Dam
  • 300 LF of Di-Earthen Diversion Berm
  • 15 each Temporary Inlet Sediment Trap (Sd2)

The Contractor is solely responsible for establishing the value of the work included in Section A-2 and for including all costs, allowances, overhead, and profit for this work in its base Proposal. The Contractor acknowledges that the total compensation for performing the work in Section A-2 is included in its base Proposal.

The Contractor further agrees that in the event the actual quantities vary from the allowance quantities shown in Section A-2 (and included in the base Proposal) the Contract shall be adjusted as indicated in Section A-3 and Section A-4, below.


The Contractor agrees that the Contract shall be adjusted for the difference between the allowances in the base Proposal, as defined in Section A-2, and the actual quantities of materials encountered and used. The adjustment shall be in the form of a change order to the Contract to increase or decrease the Contract amount for the net adjustment between the allowance quantity and the actual quantity.

The Contractor further agrees that the following unit prices, which include all overhead and profit, are to be used for the adjustment both additive and deductive in adjusting the final net cost for the allowances.

·  Remove unsuitable material in mass and dispose of on site $ 4.40/CY

·  Replace unsuitable material in mass with on site borrowed structural fill, including proper compaction $ 3.30/CY

·  Remove unsuitable material in trenches and dispose of on site $ 4.40/CY

·  Replace unsuitable material in trenches with on site borrowed fill, including proper compaction $ 6.00/CY

·  Removal of mass rock; on site disposal $ 16.50/CY

·  Replacement of mass rock with structural fill, on site borrow, including proper compaction $ 3.30/CY

·  Remove trench rock and dispose of on site $ 33.00/CY

·  Replace trench rock excavation with on site structural fill, including proper compaction $ 13.20/CY

·  Sd1-C Silt Fence $ 2.65/LF

·  Mb Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM) $ 1.50/SY

·  18” Flexible Plastic Pipe Down Drain $ 12.00/LF

·  Cd-S Stone (Rip-Rap) Check Dam $ 22.00/ton

·  Di Earthen Diversion Berm $ 2.00/LF

·  Temporary Inlet Sediment Trap (Sd2) $ 150.00/ea


The Contractor further agrees that the following unit prices, which include all overhead and profit, are to be used for the adjustment both additive and deductive in adjusting the final net cost for work not included in the allowances or base bid.

l  Remove unsuitable material in mass and dispose off-site $ 12.10/CY

l  Replace unsuitable material in mass with borrowed off-site

structural fill including proper compaction $ 13.20/CY

l  Remove unsuitable material in trench and dispose off-site $ 12.10/CY

l  Replace unsuitable material in trench with borrowed off-site

structural fill including proper compaction $ 13.20/CY

l  Remove mass rock and dispose off-site $ 27.50/CY

l  Replace mass rock with borrowed off-site structural fill

including proper compaction $ 13.20/CY

l  Remove trench rock and dispose off-site $ 55.00/CY

l  Replace trench rock with off-site structural fill including

proper compaction $ 3.30/CY

l  Ds1 mulching $ 2.70/SF

l  Ds2 Temporary Seeding $ 0.05/SF

l  Ds3 Permanent Seeding $ 0.15/SF

l  Co Construction Exit $ 2,750.00/ea.

In the event that any actually provided or installed quantity set forth in Section A, above, increases by 100%, the Board and the Contractor will renegotiate such prices so as to arrive at a fair and equitable price for such actual and increased quantities, which renegotiated price shall be reflected in a written change order signed by the Board and the Contractor.



(This affidavit to be executed in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 36-91-21(e))

STATE OF ______

COUNTY OF ______

COMES NOW, ______(“Offeror”),

[name of Offeror]

appearing by and through ______, it’s ______[insert name of individual with [title]

authority to bind Offeror]

(averring both individually and in his or her representative capacity on behalf of Offeror) (the “Individual And Representative Affiant” ______

[in these blanks insert the names of all those required to give the oath

under O.C.G.A. § 36-91-21(e)]







(collectively, the “Individual Affiants”), and each of the Individual And Representative Affiant and the Individual

Affiants, after first being duly sworn, deposes and says that:

1. He, she or it, as applicable, has not directly or indirectly violated subsection (d) of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated Section 36-91-21, which subsection provides as follows:

(d) Whenever a public works construction contract for any governmental entity subject to the requirements of this chapter is to be let out by competitive sealed bid or proposal, no person, by himself or herself or otherwise, shall prevent or attempt to prevent competition in such bidding or proposals by any means whatever. No person who desires to procure such work for himself or herself or for another shall prevent or endeavor to prevent anyone from making a bid or proposal therefor by any means whatever, nor shall such person so desiring the work cause or induce another to withdraw a bid or proposal for the work.

2. If the Offeror is a partnership, then the Individual And Representative Affiant, together with the Individual Affiants, constitute all of the partners and any officer, agent or other person who may haverepresented or acted for them in bidding or proposing for or procuring the contract for the Forsyth County Board of Education, Project No. ______for ______(the “Project”).

3. If the Offeror is a corporation or other entity, then the Individual And Representative Affiant, together with the Individual Affiants, constitute all officers, agents, or other persons who may have acted for or represented the corporation or other entity in bidding for or procuring the contract for the Project.

Further, the Individual And Representative Affiant and the Individual Affiants sayeth not.

This ______day of ______, 2____


[insert name of Offeror]

and ______

[insert name of Individual And Representative Affiant]

By: ______, both individually and on behalf of Offeror as its



[insert title]

Individual Affiants’ signatures and names:


Name: Name:


Name: Name:


Name: Name:


Name: Name:


Name: Name:


Name: Name:

Sworn to and subscribed before me this ___ day of ______, 2____.

Notary Public: ______My commission expires: __/__/__.


Section A-1. Through A-5 respectfully submitted:

Firm Name: ______


Address: ______




Phone: ______


By: ______

Authorized Signature (Please Sign in Blue Ink)


Typed/Printed Name Title

Sworn and subscribed to before me this ______day of ______, 20__.

______Commission Expires:______




Section B. OFFEROR OVERVIEW (15 Points):

(Complete form intact, all information provided on this form only. No attachments will be evaluated for Section B except for “B.6.A,” “B.6.B,” “B.7.A” and “B.14”)

1.  State the Offeror’s legal name and describe its ownership structure and brief history.

Click here to enter text.

2.  State the address of Offeror’s headquarters and branch office designated for the project, and provide telephone and fax numbers.

Click here to enter text.

3.  How many years has Offeror been in business under the name stated above? Click here to enter text.

4.  List the number of permanent employees by professional discipline and provide a list of Offeror’s officers. If a branch office will be utilized, indicate employee breakdown for that office, only.

Click here to enter text.

5.  List Offeror’s total annual billings for the past 5 years, including separately Design-Bid-Build work.

Click here to enter text.

6.  Provide the name of Offeror’s bonding company and the name and telephone number of Offeror’s local agent.

Bonding Company:______

Local Agent:______

Phone #:______

A.  Provide a letter from the surety stating (1) Offeror’s current total bonding capacity dollar value, (2) Offeror’s per project bonding capacity dollar value, (3) Offeror’s currently committed bonding capacity dollar value, (4) Offeror’s currently unused and available bonding capacity dollar value and (5) the surety’s willingness to bond the contract for the Project.

Click here to enter text.

B.  State the A.M. Best Company rating for Offeror’s surety and its status to do business in Georgia. Also, confirm surety’s listing on the U. S. Treasury’s 570 Circular. Attach Bid Bond to this form.

Click here to enter text.

7.  Provide the name of Offeror’s insurance company and the name and telephone number of the Offeror’s local agent.

Insurance Company: ______

Local Agent: ______

Phone #: ______

A.  Provide proof of Commercial Umbrella coverage of at minimum $10,000,000.

Click here to enter text.

8.  Has Offeror ever defaulted, or been declared in default, on a contract? If so, explain, and identify the project, the Owner and the Architect.

Click here to enter text.

9.  Has Offeror been involved in litigation, mediation, or arbitration with an Owner in the last five years? If so, explain, and identify the project, the Owner, the Architect, the court (if applicable), and the outcome.

Click here to enter text.

10.  State the amount and expiration date, if any, of all of Offeror’s available unused line(s) of credit. (State the amount of all such credit in full, complete dollar amounts. For example, if Offeror’s “available unused line(s) of credit” is $100,000.00, state “$100,000.00,” not “100” or otherwise).

Click here to enter text.

11.  Furnish the following information (State all dollars in full, complete amounts. For example, if Offeror’s “Revenues (Gross)” is $100,000.00, state “$100,000.00,” not “100” or otherwise). (Complete form intact, all information provided on this form only. No attachments will be evaluated, except for “B.6.A,” “B.6.B,” “B.7.A” and “B.14” as noted.)

A. Last complete fiscal year: (fiscal year ending ______)

  1. Revenues (Gross) $______
  2. Expenditures (Gross) $______
  3. Overhead & Admin. Cost (Gross) $______
  4. Profit (Gross) $______
  5. Net Worth $______
  6. Working Capital $______

B.  Year prior to “10.A.” above: (fiscal year ending _____)

  1. Revenues (Gross) $______
  2. Expenditures (Gross) $______
  3. Overhead & Admin. Cost (Gross) $______
  4. Profit (Gross) $______
  5. Net Worth $______
  6. Working Capital $______

C.Year prior to “10.B.” above: (fiscal year ending _____)

  1. Revenues (Gross) $______
  2. Expenditures (Gross) $______
  3. Overhead & Admin. Cost (Gross) $______
  4. Profit (Gross) $______
  5. Net Worth $______
  6. Working Capital $______

12.  Furnish the following financial information for the fiscal quarter preceding the date of this Proposal (State all dollars in full, complete amounts. For example, if Offeror’s “Revenues (Gross)” is $100,000.00, state “$100,000.00”, not “100” or otherwise):

A.  Last complete quarter: (quarter year ending _____)

  1. Revenues (Gross) $______
  2. Expenditures (Gross) $______
  3. Overhead & Admin. Cost (Gross) $______
  4. Profit (Gross) $______
  5. Net Worth $______
  6. Working Capital $______

13.  Furnish the total dollar value (not including disputed amounts) of work in progress (contracted back-log of remaining work to be completed, both bonded and non-bonded) for each of the four (4) fiscal quarters preceding the date of this Proposal. (State all dollars in full, complete amounts. For example, if Offeror’s “Last complete quarter” is $100,000.00, state “$100,000.00,” not “100” or otherwise).