AP US History

Review by Presidential Administration

What were the details and the significance of each major event?

1. George Washington1789-1797

Sec. of State: Jefferson

“ “ Treasury: Hamilton

Major events:Judiciary Act of 1789

Tariff Act of 1789

Citizen Genet Episode 1793

Whiskey Rebellion 1794

Jay Treaty w/ England 1795

Pinckney Treaty w/ Spain 1795

Treaty of Greenville 1795

Farewell Address 1796

First Bank of the US (strict vs. broad construction)

2. John Adams1797-1801


VP: Jefferson – Explain how a Republican opposition candidate became VP.

Major events:XYZ Affair 1797

Quasi War 1798

Alien and Sedition Acts 1798

Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions (states’ rights & nullification)

Judiciary Act of 1801 (“midnight appointments”)

3. Thomas Jefferson1801-1809


VP – Aaron Burr

Sec. of State: Madison

Major events:Marbury vs. Madison 1803

Louisiana Purchase 1803

Twelfth Amendment 1804

Embargo Act of 1807

Non-Intercourse Act 1809

4. James Madison1809-1817


VP – Clinton

Sec. of State: Monroe

Major events:Macon’s Bill NO. 2

Pan-Indian Resistance Movement

Battle of Tippecanoe 1811

War Hawks

Burning of Washington, DC

Hartford Convention 1814

Treaty of Ghent 1814

Battle of New Orleans 1815

Second Bank of the US 1816

Tariff of 1816

5. James Monroe1817-1825


VP – Tompkins

Sec. of State – John Q. Adams

Major events:McCulloch vs. Maryland 1819

Dartmouth College vs. Woodward 1819

Gibbons vs. Ogden 1824

Trans-Continental Treaty (Adams-Onis Treaty) of 1819

Panic of 1819 (causes and outcomes)

Missouri Compromise 1820

Monroe Doctrine 1823

Election of 1824 (candidates, outcome, etc)

6. John Quincy Adams1825-1829

National Republican

VP: Calhoun

Sec. of State: Clay

Major events:New York’s Erie Canal 1825

Tariff of Abominations 1828

Calhoun’s South Carolina Exposition and Protest 1828

7. Andrew Jackson1829-1837


VP: Calhoun; Van Buren

Major events:“Jacksonian Democracy”

Second Great Awakening

Spoils system

Indian Removal Act 1830

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia 1831

Worcester vs. Georgia 1832

Nullification Crisis

Bank War

Specie Circular of 1836

8. Martin Van Buren1837-1841


VP: Johnson

Major events:Panic of 1837 (causes and outcomes)

Gag rule

Rise of Whig Party

Election of 1840 (candidates, characteristics, outcome)

9. William Henry Harrison “Tippecanoe”1841


VP – Tyler “His Accidency”

Sec. of State: Daniel Webster

Major events:His death and the political problems it caused

10. John Tyler1841-1845

Anti-Jackson Democrat that ran as VP on Harrison’s Whig ticket

Sec. of State: Webster

Major events:Webster Ashburton Treaty 1842

Tyler’s vetoes of Clay’s “American System”

Definition: Amer. System included nat’l bank, tariff, & federally funded

internal improvements, like roads, etc)

Election of 1844 (party platforms, slogans, outcomes)

Joint resolution regarding Texas status 1845

11. James K. Polk1845-1849


VP: Dallas

Major events:Coining of phrase: Manifest Destiny 1845

Mexican American War

Declaration of War 1846 (events and reasons leading to declaration)

Wilmot Proviso 1846

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848 (terms)

General outcomes of the war

Founding of Douglass’ anti-slavery paper, The North Star 1847

Seneca Falls Convention 1848

12. Zachary Taylor1849-1850


VP: Fillmore

Major events:Election of 1848 (candidates, party platforms, outcomes, etc)

California application for statehood 1849/50

His death

13. Millard Fillmore1850-1853


Sec. of State: Webster

Major events:Compromise of 1850 (be specific; include component parts)

Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852

Election of 1852

14. Franklin Pierce1853-1857


VP – King

Major events:Ostend Manifesto 1854

Kansas Nebraska Act 1854

Bleeding Kansas

Election of 1856 (candidates, outcome)

15. James Buchanan1857-1861


Major events:Dred Scott Case (background, multi-part decision, court reasoning) 1857

Lincoln Douglas Debates 1858

John Brown’s Raid 1859

Election of 1860 (candidates, party platforms, outcome, etc)

Crittendon Plan 1860

16. Abraham Lincoln1861-65


VP: Johnson

Sec. of State: Seward

Major events:Fort Sumter 1861

Emancipation Proclamation 1862/1863

Suspension of habeus corpus 1861….

Homestead Act 1862

New York Draft Riot 1863

Lincoln’s Assassination April 14, 1865

17. Andrew Johnson1865-1869


Sec. of State: Seward

Major events:13th amendment 1865

Passage of Black Codes in many southern states

Civil Rights Act of 1866

Military Reconstruction Acts 1867

Tenure of Office Act 1867

Impeachment trial

14th amendment 1868

18. Ulysses S. Grant1869-1877


Major events:15th amendment 1870

Completion of transcontinental railroad (Union Pacific & Central Pacific) 1869

Tammany Hall corruption (Boss Tweed)

Depression of 1873

Slaughterhouse cases 1873

United States vs. Cruikshank 1876

19. Rutherford B. Hayes1877-1881


VP – Wheeler

Major events:Election of 1876 and Compromise of 1877

Great Uprising 1877

Bland Allison Act 1878

20. James Garfield1881 (March 4-Sept. 19)


VP: Arthur

Major events:His assassination

21. Chester Arthur1881-1885


Major events:Chinese Exclusion Act 1882

Pendleton Civil Service Act 1883

22. Grover Cleveland1885-1889


Major events:Haymarket Square Riot 1886

Wabash v. Illinois 1886

Dawes Act 1887

Interstate Commerce Act 1887

23. Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893


Major events:Sherman Anti-trust Act 1890

McKinley Tariff Act 1890

Sherman Silver Purchase Act 1890

Omaha Platform (Populist Party) 1892

Homestead Strike 1892

24. Grover Cleveland1893-1897


Major events:Panic of 1893

Pullman Strike 1894

Hawaiian takeover 1893

Venezuelan Boundary Dispute 1895

25. William McKinley1897-1901


VP – Hobart & Theodore Roosevelt

Sec. of State: Hay

Major events:Explosion of USS Maine 1898

De Lome Letter

Teller Amendment

Platt Amendment

Treaty of Paris 1898

Annexation of Philippines

Open Door Policy 1899

Boxer Rebellion 1900

McKinley’s assassination 1901

26. Theodore Roosevelt1901-1909


Sec. of State: Hay; Root

Major events:Panama Canal (1902-1914)

Roosevelt Corollary 1904

Gentleman’s Agreement with Japan 1907-08

Muckrakers, Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food & Drug Act 1906

Coal strike 1902


Conservation of wilderness

27. William H. Taft1909-1913


Major events:Mann Elkins Act 1910

“Dollar diplomacy”

16th amendment 1913

Ballinger-Pinchot controversy

Election of 1912 (candidates, party platforms, outcome, etc)

28. Woodrow Wilson1913-1921


Sec. of State: Bryan & Lansing

Major events:“New Freedom” in election of 1912

Underwood-Simmons Tariff 1913

17th-19th amendments

Federal Reserve Act 1913

Federal Trade Commission 1914

Clayton Anti-trust Act 1914

Troops to Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Mexico, etc

Lusitania 1915

Fourteen Points 1917

Treaty of Versailles 1919

29. Warren Harding1921-23


VP – Coolidge

Sec. of Treasury: Mellon

Major events:Teapot Dome Scandal

Washington Naval Conference 1921

Emergency Quota Act 1921

30. Calvin Coolidge1923-1929


Sec. of State: Kellogg

Major events:National Origins Act 1924

Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928

Scopes Trial 1925

31. Herbert Hoover1929-1933


Major events:Stock Market Crash 1929

Causes of the Great Depression

Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1932

Bonus Army 1932

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt1933-1945


VP: Garner, Wallace, Truman

Major events:First Hundred Days (give example of 1 act, too)

New Deal

Fireside chats

Second New Deal (give example of 1 act, too)

Executive Order 9066

Executive Order 8802

GI Bill of Rights 1944

Yalta Conference 1945

33. Harry Truman1945-1953


Major events:End of WWII (Atomic bombs)

Taft-Hartley Act 1947

Truman Doctrine 1947

Marshall Plan 1947

Berlin blockade 1948

NSC-68 1950

“Fair Deal”

Hollywood Ten 1947-50

22nd amendment 1951

34. Dwight Eisenhower1953-1961


VP: Nixon

Major events:Brown vs. Board of Education 1954

Montgomery Bus Boycott 1955-56

Federal Highway Act of 1956

Little Rock Nine 1957

Sputnik 1957

NASA 1958

35. John F. Kennedy1961-63


VP: Johnson

Major events:“New Frontier”

Limited Test Ban Treaty 1963

Cuban Missile Crisis 1963

Birmingham protests 1963

36. Lyndon Johnson1963-1969


VP – Humphrey

Major events:Civil Rights Act of 1964

Johnson’s “War on Poverty”

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 1964

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

Tet Offensive 1968

Election of 1968 (Johnson’s absence, candidates, parties, outcomes, etc)

37. Richard Nixon1969-1974


VP: Agnew; Ford

Major events:Kent State shootings 1970

Vietnamization & Nixon Doctrine

SALT 1972


Pentagon Papers

Roe vs. Wade 1973

Resignation on August 8, 1974

38. Gerald Ford1974-77


First (and only) “appointed” president

Major events:Pardons Nixon


Fall of Saigon, April 1975

39. Jimmy Carter1977-1981


Major events:Three Mile Island incident 1979

Camp David Agreement 1979

Iran Hostage Crisis 1979-81

40. Ronald Reagan1981-1989


VP – Bush

Major events:Economic Recovery and Tax Act 1981

Strategic Defense Initiative 1983

Iran-Contra Affair