
Examine and illustrate size, shape, and structure of organisms found in an environment such as pond water.

Name ______

What is a Microbe? Worksheet

1. Microbe fossils date back more than…

a. 5.5 billion years.c. 3.5 billion years.

b. 4.5 billion years.d. 2.5 billion years

2. Without humans, microbes could not survive.

a. Trueb. False

3. Microbes do the following…

a. digest our food.c. help plants grow.

b. decompose garbage.d. all of the above.

4. Without microbes, the Earth we know would not exist.

a. Trueb. False

5. Microbes live in…

a. the soil.e. air.

b. water.f. in animals.

c. in plants.g. in rocks.

d. in people.h. all of the above.

6. When you lick your teeth, how many microbes are you licking?

a. Hundredsc. Tens of thousands

b. Thousandsd. Millions

7. The largest bacteria found can be seen without the help of a microscope.

a. Trueb. False

Match the bacteria with what it does.

_____ 8. Escherichia coli (E. coli)
_____ 9. E. coli O157:H7
_____ 10. Lactobacillus bulgaricus
_____ 11. Streptococcus pneumoniae
_____ 12. Streptomyces griseus / A. Causes severe foodborne sickness.
B. Makes the antibiotic streptomycin.
C. Causes strep throat, meningitis, and pneumonia.
D. Lives in the gut, where it helps digest food and produces Vitamin K.
E. Helps turn milk into cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products.

13. Fungi make their food from sunlight as plants do.

a. Trueb. False

14. We use Saccharomyces cerevisiaeto make foods like bread. What is it called?

a. Fermentationc. Decomposition

b. Yeastd. Mildew

15. Phytophthora infestanscaused this.

a. The Black Deathc. Great Plague of Marseille

b. Plague of Athensd. Great Irish Potato Famine

16. Fungi and bacteria are the planets major… (There are two answers to this question.)

a. decomposers.c. molders.

b. recyclers.d. reusers.

17. This is how fungi move.

a. Using ciliac. Using pseudopods

b. Using flagellad. Fungi can’t move on their own

18. Fungi can be found…

a. in rising bread.c. on old food in the refrigerator.

b. on the forest floor.d. all of the above.

19. How many fungi are found in a teaspoon of top soil?

a. 1,200c. 120,000

b. 12,000d. 1,200,000

20. Fungi absorb easily dissolved nutrients through their cell walls.

a. Trueb. False

21. Lichens team up with these to grow in places neither could grow.

a. Algaec. Other fungi

b. Bacteriad. Protozoans

Match the fungi with what it does.

_____ 22. Armillaria ostoyae
_____ 23. Trichophyton rubrum
_____ 24. Aspergillus flavus
_____ 25. Penicillium notatum
_____ 26. Tolypocladium inflatum / A. Causes athlete’s foot.
B. The mold that launched the development of antibiotics and gave us penicillin.
C. Called the “humongous fungus” and covers 2,200 acres (3.2 square miles) in Oregon’s Malheur National Forest.
D. Gives us cyclosporine, the first drug to prevent organ rejection in transplant patients.
E. Produces a poison called aflatoxin on peanuts and other crops that can make people who eat these foods sick.

27. All higher marine life forms depend either directly or indirectly on microscopic algae.

a. Trueb. False

28. Most algae are…

a. consumers.c. omnivores.

b. producers

29. Protozoa means…

a. first animals.c. small animals.

b. animalcules.d. all of the above.

30. Ciliates move using…

a. cilia.c. pseudopods.

b. flagella.d. ciliates can’t move.

Identify what each protozoan uses to move.

_____31. Amoeba
_____32. Euglena
_____33. Paramecium / A. Cilia
B. Flagellum (flagella)
C. Pseudopods

34. The majority of protozoa cause us harm.

a. Trueb. False

35. Plasmodium causes which disease?

a. Cryptosporidiac. Giardia

b. Malariad. Dysentery

What is a Microbe? - Key

1. Microbe fossils date back more than…

c. 3.5 billion years.

2. Without humans, microbes could not survive.

b. False (2 choices)

3. Microbes do the following…

d. all of the above

4. Without microbes, the Earth we know would not exist.

a. True (2 choices)

5. Microbes live in…

h. all of the above (8 choices)

6. When you lick your teeth, how many microbes are you licking?

b. Thousands

7. The largest bacteria found can be seen without the help of a microscope.

a. True (2 choices)

#8-#12 has 5 choices

8. Escherichia coli (E. coli) D

9. E. coli O157:H7 A

10. Lactobacillus bulgaricus E

11. Streptococcus pneumoniae C

12. Streptomyces griseus B

13. Fungi make their food from sunlight as plants do.

b. False (2 choices)

14. We use Saccharomyces cerevisiaeto make foods like bread. What is it called?

b. Yeast

15. Phytophthora infestanscaused this.

d. Great Irish Potato Famine

16. Fungi and bacteria are the planets major… (There are two answers to this question.)

a. decomposers & b. recyclers

17. This is how fungi move.

d. Fungi can’t move on their own

18. Fungi can be found…

d. all of the above.

19. How many fungi are found in a teaspoon of top soil?

c. 120,000

20. Fungi absorb easily dissolved nutrients through their cell walls.

a. True (2 choices)

21. Lichens team up with these to grow in places neither could grow.

a. Algae

Questions #22-#26 have five choices

22. Armillaria ostoyae C

23. Trichophyton rubrumA

24. Aspergillus flavus E

25. Penicillium notatum B

26. Tolypocladium inflatum D

27. All higher marine life forms depend either directly or indirectly on microscopic algae.

a. True (2 choices)

28. Most algae are…

b. producers (3 choices)

29. Protozoa means…

a. first animals.

30. Ciliates move using…

a. cilia

#31-#33 has 3 choices

31. Amoeba C

32. Euglena B

33. Paramecium A

34. The majority of protozoa cause us harm.

b. False (2 choices)

35. Plasmodium causes which disease?

b. Malaria

Scoring Guide

35 – 4

28-34 – 3

22-27 – 2.5

15-21 – 2

9-15 – 1.5

5-8 – 1

1-4 – .5

0 – 0

1. c
2. b (2 choices)
3. d
4. a (2 choices)
5. h (8 choices)
6. b
7. a (2 choices)
#8-#12 have 5 choices
8. D
9. A
10. E
11. C
12. B
13. b (2 choices)
14. b
15. d
16. a & b
17. d
18. D
19. c
20. a (2 choices) / 21. a
Questions #22-#26 have 5 choices
22. C
23. A
24. E
25. B
26. D
27. a (2 choices)
28. b (3 choices)
29. A
30. a
#31-#33 have 3 choices
31. C
32. B
33. A
34. b (2 choices)
35. b