Africa RISING Write-shop: SG Resort; Arusha: 21-24th July 2014
Opening remarks:
The Babati Research Team PI, Dr M. Bekunda,thanked all participants for responding to the invitation and underlined the essence of the write-shop; develop papers/manuscripts for publication; papers that integrate useful information from different work packages. He raised two concerns:
Quality of reports:While we receive scheduled reports, they usually are not adequately presented in scientific forms. Secondly, scientists do not usually take off time from their daily routines to attend to the scientific writing. This was reason why the write-shop was proposed and should in future be specifically budgeted for.
Under utilization of approved funds: Some of the WPs are not spending as per work-plan. Both the AR hosting institution and the donor express concerns when funds are not utilized as planned for.
Write-shop procedure:
Participants debated on how best to proceed with the write-shop. They agreed to adopt the ‘‘deliverable approach” where each WPreview available data, propose working titles, draft the manuscript and have “peer-reviewed” by the write-shop colleagues within the write-shop period. Daily sharing of the progress was practiced as this would allow for cross referencing where and/or sharing of common data. On the last day, timelines for each manuscript were discussed and these were to be committed in writing to the PI by the end of the week. The commitment should include author(s), working title, date for submission of draft to the PI and anticipated date for submission to journal (not later than 3rd week of August). Institutional procedures were also recognized.
Need for Improvements on Data Sharing
In the course of developing papers/manuscripts, the write-shop participants felt the need to establish a central data repository where one can readily access information generated by different work packages within the Babati Project to inform manuscript development and even project planning, notwithstanding the forthcoming PMMT Training. Dr Fred Kizito kindly offered to manage the repository. Members committed themselves to submitting their research data to him.
List of Write-shop participants: 21st -24th July 2014
Ser.No / Name / Work Package / Institution / Email address1 / Dr. V. Afari-sefa / 6 / AVRDC – Arusha /
2 / S.D.Lyimo / 1 / SARI /
3 / Dr.J.Kihara / 1 / CIAT-Nairobi /
4 / Mark Lwakatare / 4 / IITA –DSM /
5 / Nyangi Chacha / 4 / IITA –DSM /
6 / Suzan N. Gachanja / 2 / CIMMYT-Nairobi /
7 / B.Lukuyu / 3 / ILRI – Nairobi /
8 / Fred Kizito / 7 / CIAT –Nairobi /
9 / Gloriana Ndibalema / Communication / IITA -Arusha /
10 / Prof. M.Bekunda / Chief scientist and PI, Babati Team / IITA- Arusha /
11 / F.S.Ngulu / Coordination -Babati / IITA –Arusha /
Table 1: Prospective papers, status and timeline for submission
WP / Name Scientist / Title of paper/manuscript / Status / Submission dateWP6 / Victor / Does diversity contribute to dietary diversification? Evidence of vegetable integration into maize based farming systems in Tanzania / Paper developed; reviewed during write-shop and is to be subjected to the AVRDC review process / Mid-August
WP 1 / J.Kihara / Performance of maize and pigeon peas with different P sources under varied small holder farmer conditions in Babati / Paper write up in progress / 3rd week August
WP7 / F.Kizito / Assessing the dynamics of land use change, productivity and degradation of landscapes of Northern Tanzania; the case of Babati district / (i) Preparation at initial stage. Have data on landscape use but missing information on soil erosion.
(ii) Advised to consult WUR report for potential useful information on HH typologies / 3rd week August
WP4 / C.Nyangi / 1.Occurrence of aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination of pre-harvest maize and bean in Babati district, Tanzania
2. The influence of storage practices on aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination in maize and beans in Babati district
3. Assessment of market, processed and feed samples for aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination in Babati district / Papers polished, reviewed during write-shop and are to be passed on to supervisors. They are constituent to the MSc Thesis
WP3 / B.Lukuyu / Paper: Title not yet developed
Training Leaflets on:
1. Storage
2. Processing
3. Utilization / Still working on raw data
NB: The data are not based on experimental work; they are more of characterization. P I uncertain where to send manuscript forpublication. Mateete promised to send him list of potential journals likely to accept the manuscripts. / Draft should be out by next week
WP2 / S. N. Gachanja / Integrated approaches to manage Maize Lethal Necrosis disease in Tanzania (Awareness and management leaflet) / Reviewing literature / 3rd week August