Math 11 – Room 94 – Miss Waysack

Voicemail:(330) 954-2364


*fastest method of communication is through e-mail

Welcome to Math 11! This year, we will be covering a variety of Algebra topics in order to further your knowledge and education in mathematics. Some of these topics include, but are not limited to: Linear Functions, Systems of Equations/Inequalities, Matrices, Quadratic Functions, Polynomials, Radical Functions, Exponential/Logarithmic Functions, and Trigonometry.Technology will be integrated into many lessons in the form of a Smartboard, graphing calculators, computer programs, and other available resources. The ability to communicate mathematics clearly will be emphasized, and you will be expected to show your work and explain your thought processes. A deep understanding of the material will be necessary in order to earn a high grade. There is no textbook for this class. Instead,a variety of sources (notes, handouts, worksheets, etc.) will be used to aid in your learning.

Calculators: You are required to have at least a scientific calculator (I recommend the TI-30x) for both in-class use and on homework assignments. Calculators will be allowed on tests and quizzes.

I will do periodic calculator checks in class and you will lose points if you do not have your calculator that day.

Miss Waysack’s Rules and Expectations

1)Come prepared for class. You are expected to be on time and in your seat when the bell rings. You should have all necessary materials for class (pencil, paper, notebook, calculator). The opener will be up for you to begin working on. If homework was assigned for the previous night, have it out and ready to be checked.

2)Raise your hand to speak. If you have a question, comment, or answer, raise your hand or you will not be called upon.

3)Do your own work. Honesty is important to me and I would like to see your best effort. Cheating will result in zero credit for the assignment, a call home, and possible office intervention.

You are also expected to follow the rules listed in the AuroraHigh School handbook at all times.

It is my hope that you will avoid any behavior that will distract you from reaching the learning objectives in class each day. I plan to follow through with the consequences I have set forth below in order to ensure that our classroom runs smoothly.

1) Warning

2) Classroom detentions (after school – 20 minutes)

3) Detention and a call home

4) Office intervention and a call home

Failure to show up for detentions result in an immediate office referral.

Severe Behavior: Insubordination or any behavior that threatens the safety of any person in the classroom will result in immediate removal from class and office intervention.

Hall Passes

Each quarter, you will receive 3 hall passes with your name on them. These are to be used if you need to leave to get a drink, to use the restroom, or to go to your locker. If you are late, you may exchange a hall pass in order to avoid a detention. Once your passes run out, they are gone until next quarter. This is a strict policy of mine so make sure to plan ahead and do not waste your passes!


It is my responsibility as your teacher to help you to become the best math student you can be. I believe that every student has the ability to succeed in my class and as long as you give me 100% effort, I will do everything that I can to make that possible. One of the ways we can work towards your success is extra help. If you would like to come in for extra help, I will be available after school. I encourage you to make an appointment with me so I can be sure to set aside time to work with you (especially if you can only come in before school). I will do my best to accommodate any of my students’ needs.

You may also e-mail me at anytime. My e-mail address is . I check my e-mail several times a day, so this is often the best way to contact me.

Missing Class

I am well aware that most of you will miss some class time during the year due to an illness, field trip, etc. It is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed, and get the notes and assignments that you need.

  • You have one week to turn in any late or missed work
  • If missing assignments are not completed within a week, a zero will be given
  • Tests/Quizzes are announced ahead of time, so you will still be expected to take them even if you are absent the day before
  • If you were absent for a test or quiz, we need to set up a time for you to make it up


I implement a weighted grading system for this class.

Tests/Quizzes (70%) – will count towards a majority of your grade in this class. You are responsible for preparing completely for all tests or quizzes. I can help you with this process, but I cannot study for you. I will frequently provide study guides and we can schedule time after school to review if needed.

Homework (20%) - Homework will be assigned each night (including weekends) in order for you to practice what you learned in class. Homework assignments for the week will be posted on SchoolPointe.

It is very important that you show your work on assignments. Homework will be checkedas follows:

5 points – all problems are attempted, all work is shown, and demonstrates understanding

4 points – most problems are attempted/work is shown and demonstrates understanding

3 points – some work is missing or the assignment is slightly incomplete

2 points – most work is missing and assignment shows little understanding

1 point – very little attempt at the assignment, no work is shown

0 points – the student did not do the assignment

It is your responsibility as a student in my class to complete your homework on time. Any late work that is turned in within a week can receive partial credit (3 pts max). Beyond that, it will not be accepted.

Participation: Openers/Classwork/Notes (10%)–Every student is expected to participate in class. Each day will start with an opener, which I will check for points. I will collect some openers and grade them for correctness as well. Students are required to take notes in class, which will be checked at the end of class again for points. If a student refuses to take notes, he or she will lose points and consequences will follow.

My suggestion is that students maintain a notebook for the duration of the school year, a binder with a notebook and folder inside will work great. At times, I will also collect work done in class which will count towards your participation grade.

What you should include in your notebook daily:

  • Opener
  • Notes
  • Homework

Grading Scale

A90 – 100

B80 – 89

C70 – 79

D 60 – 69

F59 and below

I will update the online grade book on a weekly basis.

Parents and students are also encouraged to visit the school webpage at Here they will find access to grades and to SchoolPointe, where daily assignments are posted.

How to Access SchoolPointe

1)Go to the Aurora City Schools web page

2)Find Aurora High School’s page on the left hand side

3)Find “Teacher Web Pages” located again on the left hand side of the page

4)Locate my page under “Waysack, Crystal”

5)Be sure to select “Math 11” from the left hand side of the page

I look forward to getting to know you and making this an exciting and productive school year! 

Miss Waysack

Math 11 - Classroom Policies

I, ______have read the welcome letter and syllabus and understand its policies. My parent/guardian has also has also seen this syllabus and is aware of my daily expectations in class. They agree to contact you if they have any questions that need clarified.

Student signature ______Date ______

Parent signature ______Date ______

Please put a * next to your preferred method of contact.

Home Phone: ______

Cell Phone(s): ______

E-mail Address: ______
