ACT Schools Animal Ethics Committee (SAEC)

Appendix 6Application Form D

Application to use an animal in teaching that is not on the approved list or is in Category 4 or 5

For the following activities using animals, written approval from the ACT SAEC is required, prior to commencement of the activity. They are:

• when students carry out Category 4 or 5 activities

• when teachers demonstrate Category 5 activities

• when either teachers or students carry out an activity not listed in Table 3, Description of activities, (pp.14–16)

• when teachers apply for a licence to keep, possess, breed, buy, sell or dispose of native animals from the Department of Territory and Municipal Services.

The teacher needs to describe clearly how the activity is to be carried out and the level of supervision of students so that the ACT SAEC can obtain a clear picture of what is proposed to happen to individual animals. The information you supply on the form should focus on what is happening to the animals and what is being done to ensure their wellbeing. The ACT SAEC requires that the person teaching the students has an appropriate level of knowledge about, and skill in, carrying out the requested activity.

Where approval is being sought for students to carry out an activity, it is essential to explain why the student needs to be the one carrying out the activity. Animal husbandry grounds alone will not be sufficient. For example, the justification for students to carry out lamb marking is not because it needs to be done for animal husbandry reasons (a teacher or other expert could do it). An educational justification for students to carry out lamb marking could be that it allows them to meet a competency standard or achieve a specific teaching outcome.

Associated with this educational justification is that the teacher has applied the principles of the 3Rs in the planning of the requested activity. (See p. 21)

The incorporation of the 3Rs is reflected in the preparation of the students for carrying out the activity, decisions related to the source, number, species and ages of animals to be used and consideration of the potential impact of the activity on the animal and how the impact may be ameliorated.

It is advisable that when an approval is to be sought for students to use an animal for a research project which involves a Category 4 or 5 or non-approved activity, the teacher and student should complete the application form together as a valuable learning and teaching method.

Teachers are reminded that the application must be applied for well in advance and approval received prior to carrying out the proposed activity.


ACT Schools Animal Ethics Committee (SAEC)

Appendix 6Application Form D

Application to use an animal in teaching that is not on the approved list or is in Categories 4 or 5

A separate application form is needed for each activity. If additional space is required please attach.

1. (a) Does your school hold a current Animal Research Authority for Category 1–3 activities? (please tick)


(b) Do you hold a current Animal Research Authority for Category 4 or 5 activities?

(please tick)


2. School name


School address


3. School telephone no. Fax:


4. Name of within-school Animal Welfare Liaison Officer


5. Name of teacher supervising the activity


6. (a) Briefly describe the activity for which you are seeking approval. Please include a description of your method.

(b) Is the approval for a Category 4 or 5 activity? (please tick)

Category 4Category 5

Note: If you are seeking approval for a Category 5 activity, please ensure that whoever is doing the actual teaching has a current ACT SAEC certification to demonstrate the procedure. Refer to Appendix 7

7. Please indicate whether the teacher will be the instructor carrying out the activity or if an instructor who is not a classroom teacher will be carrying out the activity while the teacher supervises.

The teacher is the instructor YesNo

Describe the qualifications and/or experience of the person for this activity.



8. Describe the preparation or training of students PRIOR to the actual activity for which approval is sought (your answer could include examples of skill-building with equipment, using alternatives to simulate the task and risk assessment for animals and students).







9. (a) What outcomes or competencies will students achieve by carrying out this activity?




(b) Why do students need to use animals, rather than alternatives, to achieve these outcomes or competencies? (See p11).




10. Where will the activity be carried out? (Include address)


11. Using the table below, describe what potential impact your activity will have on animal wellbeing and how you will ameliorate the impact.

Impact / Amelioration of impact

Animals in schools:

12. What responses have you planned in the event that complications arise from the activity that adversely affect the animal (e.g. illness, infection, injury)?





13. Please provide the following information about the animals to be used in this activity:

(a) Species of the animal(s) ______

(b) Age of the animal(s) to be used ______

(c) Number of animal(s) to be used ______

(d) Gender of the animal(s) ______

(e) Source of the animal(s) ______

(f) History of the animal’s prior exposure to humans ______




14. (a) Have these animals been used for any other Category 4 or 5 or non-approved activities?


(b) If yes, please provide brief details.





15. (a) Where will the animals for this activity be housed?



(b) Describe the type of animal housing to be provided.



(c) If animals are to be penned or caged describe their numbers and allocated space per animal.



16. What will the animals be fed, and how often will they be fed?



4 pages

17. Please provide the following information about the organisation of the activity:

(a) Maximum number of students to be supervised by the teacher at one time for the activity


(b) Number of students carrying out the activity at the one time


(c) Minimum and maximum number of animals to be used by each student


(d) Details of supervision by teacher




(e) After-activity monitoring of animals




18. What will happen to the animals at the end of the activity?




We declare that the information provided above is accurate and describes the proposed activity. As the supervising teacher I accept responsibility for the care of the animals to be used and I declare that the activity will be carried out as detailed in the application form.

Signature of Principal / Date / AWLO Signature / Date
Signature of Teacher / Date

Please forward this form at least 12 weeks in advance to:-

Manager Educational Services

Association of Independent Schools of the ACT

PO Box 225

Deakin West ACT 2600

Fax: 6162 0837
