Scope of work

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Appointment of a panel of two suitably qualified Electrical service provider (Grade 6EB CIDB registration) to perform electrical maintenance on PRASA infrastructure on an ‘AS & When’ required basis for South Gauteng region for a period of 36 months.

Describe what needs to be done

  • Appoint Electrical contractor to maintain a stable infrastructure by attending to faults within 24 hours.
  • The following is some of the work the service provider will be expected to execute.
  1. Repair main electric cable supply
  2. Platform & high mast light failures
  3. Bridges & subways light failures
  4. Waiting room lights, heaters and electric plugs
  5. Office lights, plugs, heaters, fans, geysers etc.
  6. Wiring faults such as loose connections, burnt wires, poor earthing etc.
  7. Distribution boards and cable supplies to stations and buildings.
  8. New applications to local municipalities for new electric connections for stations and tenants.
  9. Provide certificate of compliance (COC)
  10. Recommend Vandal proof for electrical fittings and new methods of installation.
  11. Recommend the use of solar lighting technologies and other innovative solutions

Stage 1: Compliance Requirements

Bidders shall comply with the following requirements and failure to comply may lead to disqualification: [List of project specific compliance requirements].

  1. Valid Tax Clearance Certificate (must be valid on closing date of submission of the proposal);
  2. Valid BBBEE Certificate from a SANAS accredited rating agency
  3. Completed and signed Bid Forms of PRASA with all the annexures thereto;
  4. Certificate for Attendance of Compulsory Briefing Session;
  5. Valid Company Registration Documents;
  6. Letter of Good Standing (i.e. COID);
  7. Contents of Register of Directors as issued by CIPC;
  8. Joint Venture or Consortium Agreement (whichever is applicable);
  9. Proof of UIF registration;
  10. Proof of Bank Account (i.e. cancelled cheque or letter issued by the bank);
  11. Copies of Directors’ ID documents;
  12. Company Letter Head
  13. CSD Registration.
  14. 6EB CIDB Grading

Stage 2: Technical / Functionality Requirements

NOTE: The Technical or Functionality criteria must be guided by the project scope of works and area of focus.

Scoring of Functionality:

Bidders that meet the stipulated compliance requirements will be further evaluated on functionality. The minimum score for functionality is 70% and bidders who score below this minimum will not be considered for further evaluation in terms of price and B-BBEE.

Stage 3: Pricing and BBBEE

Only Bidders who have achieved the 70% minimum threshold for Technical / Functional evaluation will be evaluated for the Price and B-BBE components.

Pricing Evaluation:

A maximum of 80/20 points is allocated for price. The evaluation for price will be done based on the following formula:

??=80[1− Pt−PminPmin ]


Ps = Points scored for price of tender under consideration

Pt = Rand value of tender under consideration

Pmin = Rand value of lowest acceptable tender

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