1 John 1:3 “We declare to you what we have seen and heard so that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.”

Through Gift-Based Ministry and Functional Structures we work to develop Empowering Leaders in all areas of our parish life. This Ministry accounts for 15% of our annual dollar investment in ministries or approximately $116,000 plus countless clergy and volunteer hours.

This investment provides for:

·  Alongsiders Prayer Ministry for Shut-ins

·  Clergy and lay visits in hospital, long term care or at home

·  Caregiver Support teams

·  Health and Healing Committee

·  Circle of Hope Christian Cancer Support Group

·  Spiritual help and guidance, pastoral and grief counselling

·  Parish Nurse education, counselling and visiting ministry

·  Informative Lunch and Learn Events

·  Drivers to assist people to get to church

·  Ensuring a safe church by Sexual Misconduct Policy Training and Police and Reference checks for all high risk ministry positions

·  Administrative and property support for all these activities


This Booklet tells the continuing story of St. Peter’s and how we invest our resources of time, talent, treasure, tissue and terrain to worship God and share in God’s mission to the world.


St. Peter’s has five major areas of ministry:

Worship Pastoral Care Outreach Education Fellowship

Your donations to St. Peter’s affect positively the lives and hopes of others through one or more areas of our ministries.

Our expenditures include wages, benefits, diocesan support, property costs, etc., but rather than thinking of these as expenditures, we think of them as investments in ministry.

Using a pie chart, we’ve allocated all of our “investments” to our five areas of ministry, and calculated our planned ministry investments for 2015.

Here are our investments in ministry expressed as a pie chart:

Sources of Treasure (Income)

We rely primarily on the offerings of parishioners. This is supplemented by outside groups who use our space; a Diocesan Grant in 2014/15 of $59,000; interest from the Sheppard and other Trust Funds; the parish portion of the Our Faith Our Hope Campaign proceeds; and sundry other sources.

Where does our Treasure Go?

The pie chart below indicates the basic expenses of St. Peter’s.


Ephesians 4: 12–15 “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.”

In ongoing programs and short courses, primarily in Holistic Small Groups, we provide opportunities for Growing Disciples of all ages. This accounts for 8% of our annual dollar investment in ministries, or about $62,000 plus countless clergy and volunteer hours.

This investment provides for:

·  Bibles and Bagels Youth Bible study

·  Sunday Morning Nursery Care for our Littlest Ones

·  Professionally lead Sunday Christian Education for grades K to 5

·  Quality educational materials and supplies for children and adults

·  Up to date materials for our Parish Library

·  Vacation Bible Camp

·  Deanery-Based Adult Christian education programs and events

·  Bible Study and Meditation groups

·  Baptism, marriage and confirmation preparation

·  Natural Church Development Survey and follow up

·  Advent Conference

·  St. Peter’s Pre-School

·  Christian Conferences outside the Parish

·  Administrative and property support for all these activities


2 Corinthians 9:11, 12 “You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God.”

We Reach Out to those outside our congregation in many ways. This Ministry accounts for 15% of our total annual dollar investment in ministries, or about $116,000 plus countless clergy and volunteer hours.

This investment provides for:

·  AIDS Orphan Feeding and Education program in Mzuzu, Malawi

·  Rector’s Discretionary Fund, Crisis Fund; Women Helping Women Diocesan Allotment: through this we support the work of the wider Anglican Church of Canada and the Council of the North

·  Support for Northumberland Foodbank

·  Eyeglass, Hearing Aid and Postage Stamp Collection

·  Hosting Soupertime Soup Luncheons and Summer Sandwich Program

·  Leadership Role in Neighbourlink

·  Support for FaithWorks ministries & partners such as Primates World Relief & Development Fund Pikangikum Living Water Project

·  Christmas gifts to needy local families

·  Administrative and property support for all these activities


1 Peter 4:9, 10 “Be hospitable to one another without complaining. Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.”

Hospitality offers an opportunity to reach out to individuals with Needs Oriented Evangelism and to build Loving Relationships. It accounts for approximately 24% of our annual dollar investment in ministries or about $194,000 plus countless clergy and volunteer hours.

This investment provides for:

·  Greeters’ and Sidespersons’ ministry, support and training

·  Coffee hour after the Sunday service

·  Visits to welcome new members

·  Friends at 10

·  Fellowship Time after mid-week services

·  Tuesday meeting of Parents of Young Children

·  Mary Martha, Naomi and Men’s Fellowship groups

·  Women of Faith breakfasts and speakers

·  Connections Ministry to keep in touch with one another

·  Parish events such as: Pancake Supper, BBQ, Dinners, Book Sale, fall bazaar, etc.

·  Maintaining our web site, Facebook page and group, and Twitter accounts

·  Keynotes newsletter and Keymail weekly announcements

·  Administrative and property support for all these activities


Psalm 100:2 “Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing.”

Discipling Christians who are Passionate about their Spirituality and offering Inspiring Worship are our first priorities and largest single investment. It accounts for 34% of our annual dollar investment in ministries, or about $266.000 plus countless clergy and volunteer hours.

This investment provides for:

·  Three worship services each Sunday

·  Production of weekly bulletins

·  Musical leadership for weekly and special services

·  Support and Leadership for our 3 choirs

·  Innovative interactive worship at Worshipdowntown

·  Hosting Remembrance Day Service and Scout Service

·  Special services in Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter

·  Jazz Vespers, Animal Blessing and other occasional services

·  Baptisms, weddings, funerals and mid-week Eucharist

·  Readers, Intercessors, Prayer team, Anointers, Chalice Administrators, Lay Communion Ministers, Sidespeople, Greeters support and training

·  Monthly Communion Services at 7 Seniors Residences

·  Altar Servers and Altar Guild, support and training

·  Administrative and property support for all these activities


Proportionate to what? Proportionate to the accumulated wealth of one’s family? Proportionate to one’s income and the demands upon it, which vary from family to family? Proportionate to one’s sense of security and the degree of anxiety with which one lives? Proportionate to the keenness of our awareness of those who suffer? Proportionate to our sense of justice and of God’s ownership of all wealth? Proportionate to ours sense of stewardship for those who follow after us? And so on, and so forth. The answer, of course, is in proportion to all of these things.

Elizabeth O’Connor in Devotional Classics, pg. 276.


*  Communion services in the church building: 254

*  Long term care and retirement residence communion services: 96

*  Sandwiches served at ‘Soupertime’ lunch program: 1046

*  AIDS orphans fed: 250 children under 18/wk

*  Choir rehearsals (all three choirs): 109

*  Jars of jam sold at the bazaar: 200

*  Average weekly attendance: 222

*  Pancakes flipped on Shrove Tuesday: 700 pancakes &

400 delicious sausages

*  New households joined: 17

*  Christmas families helped: 30

*  Cups of coffee: countless!