Braille Note Tutorial By Katie Beaver Module Four The spelling checker: The

spelling checker has a 65,000 word dictionary It compares every word in your

document to the words in the dictionary If the word in your document is not in

its dictionary, it flags that word as a possible error You can add new words to

the dictionary Skip just this occurrence of the word Ignore the word throughout

the whole document Add the word to the dictionary Correct the word Review

suggestions Hear the flagged word spoken again Hear the flagged word spelled

Read the sentence that contains the word Read the paragraph that contains the

word Lesson 8 - Using the Spelling Checker: Create a new document in the General

folder and type a few paragraphs. (If you are a very good speller, you might

want to make some spelling mistakes on purpose.) Type the ch sign (dots 1,6)

with the space Spelling Checker Menu: The Braille Note will say "spelling

checker menu" At this point, you can use the space to explore the options or

Press Enter on Document Check The first flagged word will be pronounced and you

will be asked to select an option. Spelling Checker Options: At this point,

there are 6 actions you can take to correct the word. Space with the letter H

(dots 1,2,5) will speak these options. The options are: Ignore, Skip, Add,

Correct, Lookup word, Suggestions Ignore all - I (dots 2,5) Skip once - dot 5,

space Add to dictionary - A (dot 1) Correct - C (dots 1,4) Lookup a word - L

(dots 1,2,3) Suggestions - S (dots 2,3,4) Reviewing the word To repeat the word,

press 2,5 space To spell the word with contractions, press 2,5, space again To

spell the word letter by letter with the contractions expanded, press 2,5, space

again Reviewing the sentence or paragraph: To review the sentence where the word

occurs, press 1,4 space To review the paragraph where the word occurs, press

2,3,5,6 space Correcting a word: If the word contains a typing error and you

know how to spell it, choose C. Braille Note says, "enter replacement" Type in

the correct spelling and press Enter If the word is not in the dictionary, you

will be asked if you want to use it. Press the letter Y for yes. Reviewing the

Suggestions You can obtain a suggestions list by pressing S. Review the list by

using space and backspace or the Advance and Back thumb keys. To replace the

word with a word in the list, press Enter. Then press A for all or F for first.

To exit the suggestions list without making a selection, press space with the

letter E (dots 1,5) Spelling the Suggestion: Keep in mind that you can use the

refreshable braille display to review the spelling of the suggested words. If

you want to hear the spelling of a suggestion, you can press space O (dots

1,3,5) then the letter S (dots 2,3,5) Adding a Word If the flagged word is a

proper name, you may want to add it to the dictionary to save you time in the

future Press the letter A for "add" Lesson 9 Searching for Text: The Search

Command (space with the letter F (dots 1,2,4) allows you to find a string of

text within a document. "A string of text" refers to a sequence of characters

which may be a part of a word, a whole word, or a phrase. If you are not already

at the Main Menu, go there now. Choose Word Processor Choose Open a document

When prompted to "press enter for general," press enter Choose the file named

"Demonstration Document" With your cursor at the top of the document, press

space with the letter F (dots 1,2,4) Braille Note says, "search forward or back"

Press F for forward Braille Notes says, "find?" Type in the word factory Press

enter If the text is found, the cursor jumps to the first occurrence of the text

you typed. Braille Note says, "found, factory" Read the current sentence by

pressing space with dots 1,4 Search for the next occurrence of the word

"factory" by pressing space with F, type F for forward Braille Note remembers

the last text string entered and says, "Press enter for "factory" If the text is

found, the cursor jumps to the next occurrence of the text you typed. Braille

Note says, "found, factory" Search for next occurrence An easier way to search

for the next occurrence is by using the space with the letter N Go to the top of

the document Search for factory Read the current sentence Press space with N

(dots 1,3,4,5) Read the current sentence Menu Shortcuts: From within a menu, you

can press the first letter of the item you want instead of using the spacebar

and the enter key. For example, pressing the letter W at the Main Menu jumps you

directly to the Keyword Menu of the word processor From within a list, you can

press the first letter of the document to get to it quicker For example, to open

a file when asked for file name to open, press the space to get the list, then

press the first letter of the file name. Printing a File: Some notes about

printers: The printer must be designed for use with a PC, not a Macintosh

computer Not every inkjet printer is compatible. HP 600s and 800s are. You need

a parallel printer cable. Printing a File With both devices off, connect the

parallel printer cable to the back of the printer and to the back of the Braille

Note Make sure the printer has paper. Turn both devices on. From Main Menu,

choose Word Processor (W) From Keyword Menu, choose Print (P) At the prompt,

"print or setup printer?" Press enter. At the prompt, "folder name? Press enter

for ..." press enter if the name is correct. If not, press space. Continue to

press the space (or type the first letter of the folder) until you hear the

folder you want. Then press enter. At the prompt, "document to print? Press

enter for..." press enter if correct, (or space if not. When you hear the

correct name press enter.) The Braille Note will respond, "Printer ready?" If

you want to print the entire file, simply press enter. Printing specific pages:

It may be necessary to find out what page your Braille Note cursor is on in

order to print specific pages. The command to announce the current page is space

with wh (dots 1,5,6) To print only specific pages type N at the Printer Ready

prompt. The Braille Note will respond, "Start page number? Currently 1." Using

the number sign first, type in the page number you want to start with, then

press enter The Braille Note will respond, "Finish page number? Currently last

page." Type in the page number you want to end with, then press enter. Printing

multiple copies: The Braille Note will respond, "Number of copies? Currently 1."

Type in the number of copies you want, or press enter to keep it at 1. The

Braille Note will respond, "Printer ready?" Press enter. Erasing a File: So far

in this tutorial, all the files you have created and used are located on the

drive named "flash disk" and stored in a folder named "general." Later on, you

will learn to use the external disk drive and you will create and use other

folders. It is a good idea to erase files that you no longer need Go to the Main

Menu Space to File Manager and press Enter (or press F) Space to Erase File and

press Enter (or press E) Braille Note says "press enter for Flash Disk" - press

Enter Braille Note says "folder name? Press enter for General" press Enter

Braille Note says "file name" - press space to get to the file name list Press

space until you hear the name of the file you want to erase (or press the first

letter of the filename) Press Enter Braille Note says "erase filename sure?"

Press the letter Y for yes This returns you to the File Manager menu where you

can continue to erase more files if you need to.