Rally Sport Region – Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday April 2, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Pat Jeski at Carlyle Grill in Ann Arbor at 7:30PM.

Board Members Present:

Pat Jeski: President / Present
Owen Balduf: Advertising / Absent
Jack Dunlap / Present
Dan Gaulin: Track Registrar / Absent
Tom Krueger / Present
Peter Maehling: Vice President / Absent
Ulf Maier / Present
Rick Mammel / Present
Mike O’Rear: Editor / Present

Members & Visitor Present:

Bill and Dorothea Coleman, Stewart Free – Events Committee, Matt Huber, James Lang, Burghard Linn – Treasurer, Christian Maloof – DE Chair, Rick and Lynda Mammel, and Jennifer McNalley.

Meeting Minutes: March minutes were reviewed and approved.

Treasurer's report: Burghard Linn presented the March Financial report. The report was approved. Burghard will file the club’s 2008 tax return by May 15, the due date. REMINDER: The Treasurer’s Report is available to any RSR Club member. E-Mail your request to Burghard Linn ().

Insurance: Matt Huber will ask for an insurance waiver for the RM Motorsports event if the event will include an organized drive to lunch.

Goody Store Report: Jim Christopher absent. No report.

Advertising Report: Owen Balduf absent. No report.

Membership: In Glenn Trapp’s absence there was no report.

Track report: Christian Maloof has purchased the video projector and screen for use at future DE events. While Jennifer McNalley is continuing to refine the on-line DE enrollment procedures, persons interested in RSR DE events can now enroll on-line.

Newsletter: The April Bahn Stormer was mailed on April 2.

Web site:Valerie Roedenbeck absent. No report.

Events Committee: The recent Lingenfelter Tour was a great success with as many as 90 RSR people attending. The club will join with the Southeast Michigan Region – PCA in hosting a Swap Meet at Porsche of Farmington Hills on April 11. President Jeski led a discussion on National PCA subsidies available for multi-region sponsored events.

Members present were encouraged to participate in the Event Committee and Charity Committee Surveys included in the April issue of the Bahn Stormer and hopefully soon to appear on the website.

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 pm. Minutes taken by: Mike O’Rear.