School Organizational Team

Parent or Legal Guardian Nomination Form

As part of the reorganization of the Clark County School District, each school will form a School Organizational Team. The Team’s members will include the school principal, staff members, and parents/guardians. At the secondary level, the Team will include a student representative. Teams will also be encouraged to invite one or more interested community members to advise the Team.

Up to four parents or guardians will be elected to participate as members of the School Organizational Team, and should represent 50% of voting members of the Team. Note that members of the School Organizational Team are not employees of the Clark County School District nor are they employees of the school. They may also face potential liability for participating as a member of the Team.

Any parent or legal guardian of a child that attends the school will have an opportunity to vote in this parent election. The parent election meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 16, 2016. Voting will occur in the Multi-Purpose Room from 3:30-4:30 p.m. All voting must be completed in person. The ballots will be calculated at 4:30 and immediately announced after totaled. You are not required to remain at the election meeting until the announcement is made.

The role of the School Organizational Team:

-Assist and advice development of the plan of operation (budget and school performance plan each spring).

-Provide continued assistance and advice to the principal in carrying out the plan of operation.

-Assist in the discussion of any additional authority to be transferred to schools to carry out responsibilities.

-Assist with the selection of the next principal when there is a vacancy.

Requirements for School Organizational Team members:

-Parents and community members who are not employees of the Clark County School District will not be defended by the District if a lawsuit is filed against you because of what you say or do while participating as part of the school organizational team.

-Attend meetings at least once per month, which will be conducted outside of the school instructional time

-Attend four training sessions

-Make decisions and vote with the whole school population in mind.

-First term of the team is through September 30, 2017 (unless your child no longer attends the school)

-After first term - Serve on the team for a minimum of 1 year; members must be reelected every year, but there is currently no limit on the number of years a parent or guardian can be a team member

-Cultivate and use collaboration and consensus building abilities.

Our school will be made better each year when people become involved. Please provide your name and contact informationor that of a nominee interested in serving.

Your Name______Nominee Name______

Your Child’s Name______Nominee’s Child’s Name______

Phone # ______Nominee Phone #______

Email address______Nominee Email______

We will verify all nominees’ commitment.

Why do you want to serve in this position?

Or why do you feel this nominee is a good candidate to serve in this position?

Please write legibly. The information you provide will be reviewed by each nominee and made available to voters during the election meeting. (Please limit your response to five sentences.)







*Nomination forms must be turned into the school’s office by 4:00p.m. Thursday,November 10, 2016.

The Election Meeting is scheduled forWednesday, November 16th, from 3:30-4:30 the Multi-Purpose Room. All voting must be completed in person. The ballots will be calculated at 4:30 and immediately announced after totaled. You are not required to remain at the election meeting until the announcement is made.

Please contactthe front office at (702) 799-4646 for more information.